Trial Catch-Phrases /Bloopers,Baezisms and just plain funny MERGED

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Can someone tell me here -- I try to follow the session threads but they don't update unless you refresh -- or is there someway else to follow it without constantly leaving the page or refreshing?
Judge: We'll go in and out like pop tarts tomorrow.
JB asking HHJP if the media will hear the motion for mistrial tomorrow (being done by phone with AF):
HHJP: Anyone who has ears! :)
Yesterday, when JB was asking his witness to ID the tobacco residue on the outside of the can, JB joked that "He must have been a bad shot."

JA yelled, "Objection, calls for speculation!"

Really, I'm no fan of JB, but JA really needs to calm down. He's started to remind me of Alan Alda's Hawkeye after he's had no sleep.

Plus, the poor court reporter has to take all this down!

When he gets hit with his clumsy's he reminds me off Don knotts in three's company.


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When Dominic Casey asked the judge if he could say that. (Sorry forgot what he said...I need Cindy's pills)
This is too funny: Apparently this is one of the defenses kidding..LOL

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Sally Karioth

"We are all little weird and life's a little weird, and when we join them up we call it love." - Sally Karioth, #CaseyAnthony Expert

HHJP: is Yuri up for recall

LDB: He us always subject to recall.

The look on Yuri's face was hysterical...
JA: So every emotion is consistent with grief, irrespective of the hypothetical, is that what you're telling us

SK: Yes

VALEE: Good Grief!!!
JB: Objection

HHJP: Overruled

*1 second later*

JB: Objection

HHJP: Overruled

Repeat as needed for duration of cross-examination

Who would want to be Kronked ? Implicated in a murder trial after trying to report part of a crime.
JB on RK son

JB your honor I am impeaching
HHJP your impeaching who?

even HHJP couldn't figure out what the hello he was doing

next was a sidebar

JB to DS: Can you please ask Dr. Karioth if she has a gas can? Oohh... oohh and also ask her how gas cans grieve... cool?

(I'm totally joking - but it would not have surprised me if they came up)

I wonder how many empty gas cans JB will receive from all over the world?
Melich is excused for day- subject to recall.

Melich said "Outstanding"
This is too funny: Apparently this is one of the defenses kidding..LOL

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Sally Karioth

"We are all little weird and life's a little weird, and when we join them up we call it love." - Sally Karioth, #CaseyAnthony Expert

I must have missed this part did she claim this quote???? I'm about 95% positive that is actually a Dr. Seuss quote from the book Happy Birthday to you.
When Casey was crying, then there was an objection and she started to laugh, then remembered...oops, I'm supposed to be crying. So she cried some more. All withing about 5 seconds. It was pretty hilarious. And I really hope the jury saw that.
ICA looked disgusted as LDB said Yuri is "always" subject to recall.

ICA looked all agreeable when grief counselor lady said bond between mother and child is still strong (or difficult to break-something like that) even after death. Looked like she was playing the *part* of a mother.

Roy Kronk's son BS (nice initials) couldn't pronounce "anonymity" even after 2 tries. He kept saying "amonimity"
Did anyone notice during the last 5 minute quickie break ... LDB and JB were chatting and appearing to just enjoy each other's company in front of the defense table. ICA had her really mean look going on at the two. :) ICA thinking JB is mine!
Jeff Ashton questioning the grief counselor woman. I transcribed her journal title because it really, really deserved it.

JA: What are the peer reviewed journals you have published in?

Grief lady: Uhhhhmmmm... South.... west... southern.. south.... east... research... journal... yeah after Katrina we wrote a grant, and....

JA: Objection - I was only going to ask for the names of the journals.

Grief lady: Well I was gonna tell you they're online journals.

JA (who knows she made this up): So it was southeast.... something?

eta: Anyone able to find the online peer reviewed Southeast Research Journal?

*think A Fish Called Wanda* "I'm Harvey Man...fred...jen...sen...den." LOL!
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