George's heart rendering testimony and tears, during one of the many sidebars, George blows his nose and the entire kleenex stuck to his nose. He had to reach back up to retrieve it. My daughters and I thought it was funny and I feel horrible for laughing.
Thread title: "Trial Catch-Phrases /Bloops,blunders and just plain funny MERGED" (BBM)
I have not read through this thread but just wondered. Has anyone simply answered Jose Baez?
ICA looked disgusted as LDB said Yuri is "always" subject to recall.
ICA looked all agreeable when grief counselor lady said bond between mother and child is still strong (or difficult to break-something like that) even after death. Looked like she was playing the *part* of a mother.
Roy Kronk's son BS (nice initials) couldn't pronounce "anonymity" even after 2 tries. He kept saying "amonimity"
Someone needs to dump a load of quotes from the Ashton-Karioth exchange here, I (like many others) was having a hard time convincing myself she wasn't drunk. :floorlaugh:
"Judges are not potted plants" - HHJP 6-30-11
HHJP: "middle index finger"
This is too funny: Apparently this is one of the defenses kidding..LOL
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Sally Karioth
"We are all little weird and life's a little weird, and when we join them up we call it love." - Sally Karioth, #CaseyAnthony Expert