Trial date set for Sidney and Tammy Moorer #1

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I have this big gut feeling I'll get called for this trial. Or, my wife will. I was selected only a few months after moving to Horry County, so I'm about due again.

I've only been summoned for jury duty once in my entire life and I was still living in the town where I grew up... and I was excused because I was in college at the time. I've lived in Horry County for over 10 years and I've never been called. I'm not complaining.

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I have never been summoned nor will it ever happen, I live where absolutely nothing happens big enough for a jury to be needed.
Which is a good thing I suppose.
I was summoned once and served on the jury. I didn't want to at all and it lasted 3 days but when it was over, I was glad that I did. It was very interesting.
I was summoned once and served on the jury. I didn't want to at all and it lasted 3 days but when it was over, I was glad that I did. It was very interesting.

I served on a mock jury for a fellow classmate's senior psych research project. Does that count? :)

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Its interesting to me about jury duty talk. For me, I have a lot of anxiety about it and I think it is quite common to feel anxiety about it. There is little incentive provided to people and when working a job, it is tough because you never know how long it is going to last. So it is scary to me when called and mainly worrying about missing time from work. I know employers are not supposed to hold it against you but I think some employers are not as receptive about it as they should be so it always bothered me. I've only been called once and ended up not having to go.

In years past, I even went as far as sacrificed my right to vote to try to keep from getting picked to be on a jury. Which was terrible because I always like to vote each year. I had heard in this 1 state where I lived that they used voter registration to create potential jury lists, so that was the way I avoided it. I just never registered to vote. I dont recommend that method as it was not worth losing my voting privilieges and I always was sorry I did that.

I moved around some and quit doing that because I do like to vote each year. About 5 years ago I got a card in the mail about it and then I realized that the way they word the summons to appear is not very good to make people feel comfortable. There was all kinds of wording about threatening jail time and stuff if you dont show. I was pretty offended at the wording on the jury summons. For people like me that already had anxiety about it from just what I heard, and then when you get the card and they start threatening you. Its no wonder people are afraid to serve. It was horrible to receive that card.

The bottom line was the card made it even worse and it confirmed all my previous fears about it. It literally scared me to the point where I definitely had no desire to want to go after reading the info on the card.

I think they could do a much better job of explaining to the public how it is a good civic duty and the system needs everyone for it to work. I think the whole process and the wording on those forms needs drastically changed.
I literally felt like I was getting arrested and had to show up for jail instead of just going to jury duty.
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?

I would say, "yes I think they did it--you would have to be stupid to think they didn't", and then I would give both of them a scathing look :biggrin:
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?

Not really, I can see where there is lots of circumstantial evidence that leads to they probably did it BUT I can also see gaps in the theories where it's clear they didn't do it.

So "beyond a reasonable doubt" is not proven yet to me..... maybe once hearing the evidence that the general public is not aware of I would change my mind, but right now, I sit on the fence
I am also a "devils advocate" and "anything is possible" kind of person, I rarely take sides and don't believe things I am told unless I see hard evidence.
I have an opinion based on their behavior and motive, but I'm also waiting on the evidence the state has. I have a strong feeling that they are guilty.
In years past, I even went as far as sacrificed my right to vote to try to keep from getting picked to be on a jury.
RSBM: That wouldn't work in South Carolina. Voter Registration is just ONE of three ways they find candidates for jury duty. The other two are a SC driver's license and a state issued ID card.
I have been summoned but never picked for jury duty, but every time I've applied for mock jury duty, I've been picked. Those cases always came out the way I believed they would. I've been in the people business a long time and therefore know nothing is ever for sure guessing how someone thinks. But I think the defense has their work cut out for them in jury selection for sure.
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?
Good question. I would answer it honestly, which is to say that yes, I have formed an opinion. I THINK they are guilty, but I don't KNOW that they are. My opinion is fluid, not concrete, and I would never convict anyone of any crime, let alone murder, based solely on my ill-informed opinion. I'm not sure that I could be completely unbiased, though, just due to how vile of a person TM is. I'd like to think I could, but I'm not certain.
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?

I would answer the question honestly... Absolutely 100%.

Those who are willing to defile the justice system by telling lies or speaking half-truths belong in the courtroom... but only as a defendant.

My HONEST answer would be...

Yes, based on the information made available to me at this time, I believe the Ms are guilty. However, I haven't seen every piece of evidence, I haven't heard witness or expert testimony, and I haven't heard an explanation from the Ms as to why everything about the disappearance of HE seems to point in their direction. My opinion regarding the Ms guilt may change when I have all the pieces of the puzzle. BUT let me be clear: I have a lot of knowledge about the details in this case. I've researched those details thoroughly, ad nauseam, and I've spent countless hours talking about them with my fellow sleuth friends online. So, unfortunately, I cannot say with honesty or a clear conscience that I would enter this courtroom and presume their innocence because I simply don't believe they are at this point.

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I would answer the question honestly... Absolutely 100%.

Those who are willing to defile the justice system by telling lies or speaking half-truths belong in the courtroom... but only as a defendant.

My HONEST answer would be...

Yes, based on the information made available to me at this time, I believe the Ms are guilty. However, I haven't seen every piece of evidence, I haven't heard witness or expert testimony, and I haven't heard an explanation from the Ms as to why everything about the disappearance of HE seems to point in their direction. My opinion regarding the Ms guilt may change when I have all the pieces of the puzzle. BUT let me be clear: I have a lot of knowledge about the details in this case. I've researched those details thoroughly, ad nauseam, and I've spent countless hours talking about them with my fellow sleuth friends online. So, unfortunately, I cannot say with honesty or a clear conscience that I would enter this courtroom and presume their innocence because I simply don't believe they are at this point.

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Couldn't agree with you more!
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?

I would have to answer honestly and say I will need to hear the evidence first. What concerns me is that I feel confident that TM was the catalyst for whatever happened to HE, but is there proof that she was directly involved? I'm on the fence about SM and his level of involvement. I definitely believe that TM's father was directly involved. The bottom line is that both of them are responsible for whatever happened, because if they weren't in her life HE would still be with us. But, I can't assign a level of 1st degree, 2nd degree, accomplice, etc. until the evidence is presented.
If summoned for jury duty,I'm curious how many here would answer the following question.

Have you formed an opinion about the defendants guilt?

I would answer honestly too as I do take it very seriously if ever a juror.

My answer would be
"Yes, my opinion based on what I have learned about the case so far has me thinking they both participated in her murder. I am open to listen to all the evidence and I can change my opinion if the evidence convinces me otherwise".
In reading some responses I have seen TM's father mentioned a few times. I must have missed whatever evidence or statements that were made that involved her dad. Could someone enlighten me on why some think he was involved ? I have never known that, only known that he passed while she was incarcerated.
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