Trial date set for Sidney and Tammy Moorer? #2

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Just found that awful post. :facepalm: Must be a good friend of the Moorer family.

The comments below tell me that this person has little to brag about.

Love to the Elvis family. May they see the justice that they and Heather deserve.

I'm believing that the prosecution team doesn't mind the delay in the trial in hopes that they take this judge off the case. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes and in compliance with the gag order?
Those trolls commenting on the facebook pages are a special kind of evil! SATMAI = Sydney And Tammy Moorer Are Innocent, if that tells you anything.

On another note, I'm very curious as to why the Judge didn't recuse himself. I was invovled in a family law suit several years ago and the Judge at the time that would have heard our case was a family friend. She recused herself to avoid any conflict. Why didn't Judge Dennis do that? Another thought I have, if there's any doubt about the case, the Elvis's could have just let all of that play out and then if they lost they could have cause for a mis-trial. Hope this means they have confidence in their case. JMO
Also on the my horry news fb page there is an editorial that it's time to life the gag order. The commentator seems to feel that it is stopping LE from talking about harassment of people in relation to the case. IMO a lot of that really has nothing to do with the case per se. It has more to do with idiotic people on social media who seemed to have gone crazy jealous over the donations that the family have received and just in general starting crazy rumors. The commentator made no mention of TM and SM breaking the gag order several times, which to me is a larger issue.

Thanks! Here's the link:
“Tammy is ready to move forward with the court date. You know, it’s been two years and they’re [the Moorers] ready. I can speak for her,” Greg McCollum, Tammy Moorer’s defense attorney, said. “She’s looking forward to having the matter heard, and going to court and getting a resolution.”


“When the case is called we’ll be ready. … We’ll present the facts as they are,” Horry County Solicitor Jimmy Richardson said.

“I think in general it’s just common in man to speculate when you don’t have answers. Your mind fills in that gap and then, you know, that’s just a crap shoot. You’re guessing,” Richardson said. “I would suggest, just like the defense would say, and that’s to wait till those 12 are seated for a jury trial and withhold judgment, guilty or not guilty, until the facts are presented.”

Richardson also said that two years is not an uncommon amount of time for a murder case to wait for trial though most in Horry County go around a year and a half. “Most of the time you’re not only saying are we ready and is the defense ready, but there’s quite a few other cases out there that happened that you’ve got to go through before you can even get to this one,” he said.


“There are no new developments in the case and no hearings currently scheduled,” Lindsey Coffey, Dennis’ law clerk, said in an email Wednesday.

Read more here:
Here is a MSM article about the petition:

The petition states that the family has undergone hardship by having to travel three hours round trip to the Charleston court where Judge Dennis presides for hearings in the case, forcing them to close their business while they travel.

The petition also claims that they were denied their right to speak at the last bond modification hearing, in which the Moorers were allowed to travel outside the state for work.

Finally, the petition states that Judge Dennis was a schoolmate of Sidney Moorer’s father, and the Elvis family questions Judge Dennis’s ability to be fair and impartial on the case. The petition argues the previous judge, Judge Johns, denied the Moorers bond, but Judge Dennis granted them both bond, and modifications to their bond allowing them to live and work out of state.


Thank you for sharing this link. With all of the negativity we've encountered recently, seeing the slideshow posted with this article really brings the focus back to the Victim, Heather, and those who are in such pain without her.

I'm bringing these photos here. Mods, I hope this is OK. :rose:





So hauntingly beautiful. I can't imagine not knowing where my Daughter is. I've seen firsthand what this loss does to people (Polly and Sierra). No family deserves this. :moo:


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Wow how much her sister looks like Heather. Spooky almost.

As horrible as it is to lose one's family member, it's got to be 100x worse not being able to find the person so they can be properly laid to rest and the family doesn't have to keep wondering and looking and live with no answers year after year. While the outcome is not at all what is wanted, having a definitive answer and resolution is imperative for family & friends.
I notice that there is a petition online to remove Judge Dennis from the case. The petition cites the hardship of travelling to Charleston, not allowing the family to speak at the bond reconsideration hearing, the defendants breaking the gag order w/o punishment and also not disclosing the fact that he Judge Markley Dennis knew, and attended school with the father of Sidney Moorer ( one of the defendants ) and grew up in the same small town area. This should have been addressed earlier on so as to decide if it was a problem BEFORE any rulings were made.

This petition apparently has the blessing of the E family/and or was started by them, from the looks of it. I wonder if this is the way the family feels, have they discussed this with the solicitor's office and if that is the case, will/did the solicitor ask for recusal of the judge?

Wondering why wouldn't there be a formal request from the Prosecution attorney or DA ?

It seems this should be handled formally instead of some online petition?

I also have to wonder how "lucky" the defendant got to have this case moved to the place where the judge just "luckily" knew their Dad. WTH?

Something smells rotten to me. If the DA or Prosecution is unwilling to submit a formal request to have the judge replaced then something really smells rotten.
Wondering why wouldn't there be a formal request from the Prosecution attorney or DA ?

It seems this should be handled formally instead of some online petition?

I also have to wonder how "lucky" the defendant got to have this case moved to the place where the judge just "luckily" knew their Dad. WTH?

Something smells rotten to me. If the DA or Prosecution is unwilling to submit a formal request to have the judge replaced then something really smells rotten.

BBM- I was wondering that as well.

Not sure merely attending the same school as SM's dad is grounds for recusal. The Judge is probably in his 60's. That would put him graduating school over 40 yrs. ago. How many people this age can even remember everyone they went to school with. IMO
This has to be even more heart break for the Elvis family. These 2 on the streets being able to do anything they want.
2 years of frustration of courts, rumors and hearings. They must be strong in faith. I truly feel for them and want justice for Heather.
BBM- I was wondering that as well.

Not sure merely attending the same school as SM's dad is grounds for recusal. The Judge is probably in his 60's. That would put him graduating school over 40 yrs. ago. How many people this age can even remember everyone they went to school with. IMO
I attended school in a small town and I can say that not only do I remember most of the other students but I also feel a strong bond to many.
I attended school in a small town and I can say that not only do I remember most of the other students but I also feel a strong bond to many.

Only 4000 people in Monck's Corner in 1980 census. I am also from a small town and I assure you they knew each other! This judge's behavior was so fishy. He had time to drone on & on with 'personal' stories but did not allow the victim's family to speak. Surprised it took the Elvis's this long - Websleuther's were questioning Judge Dennis's bias from the moment we 'met' him.
Partial judge or not, I think the good people of SC who are chosen for the jury will come back with the just verdict. Her own words on sm will be her undoing.
Speaking of the Judge and Sidney's father, wasn't one of the latest human remains, yet to be identified, found behind the elementary school in the same town these two grew up in?
Partial judge or not, I think the good people of SC who are chosen for the jury will come back with the just verdict. Her own words on sm will be her undoing.

The judge may not let the jury decide. In Teresa Hanna's case, the jury was ready to convict.
After nine days of testimony, Circuit Court Judge Michael Baxley granted a directed verdict in the trial, effectively dismissing all state charges against the Hanna brothers in connection with Teresa Hanna’s death.
The Solicitor's Office and the Judge really need to get a handle on these FB posts from the M camp. Especially after Richardson was called out directly! Or just lift the gag order altogether IMO.

I'm pretty sure Richardson didn't expect defendants charged with murder to be so vocal during pre-trial – risking the chance of violating the court order and going back to jail.

It's quite obvious IMO that TM is campaigning her side of the story through various channels.

As far as Judge Dennis goes, we already had a convo about him and thought the "general consensus" was that he was a bit one-sided. That the way he ran his court was a tad old-school and displays an unwavering demeanor.

Not sure that a petition is the right way to go though. Sure it will raise the public's level of awareness (and rage), but I really think the E's should have their attorney file an official motion through the court. The strongest point they have is the fact that the Judge went to the same school as WC. The courts really don't care if you have to miss work or drive 500 miles for a 10 minute court session.

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