trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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Blunted affect--- ummm yeah- she's a sociopath you <mod snip>! Juan will have a field day with THIS bit of information, mark my words!
Intense denial, something they did was so opposite of who they thought they were. What a crock. She went there to kill him, so no big surprise to her.

The Killer's Diagnosis proceeds using her diary journals by a guy that uses Time articles. I hardly take this serious.

JW asking silly questions, and Gus look alike answering in generalities. USELESS.

The noise in the jail bothers Jodi. :smile:
She had intrusive thoughts of their RELATIONSHIP?! I don't find that flattering to her case.
Criteria of PTSD and how that relates to Arias

A1: person experienced or was confronted with event that involved threat of death

Regarding Arias --> involved in homicide and perpetrators of violent crimes develop PTSD

A2: persons response was fear, horror

Regarding Arias --> denial and cannot deal with fact that what they did is opposite from her diaries; engages is "opposite" activity, the horror can create a psychological wall; Arias was cured after a couple of visits with psycho

A3: acting, feeling as though the event will re-occur, flashback (eg: awake, intoxicated, asleep), she will have thoughts of Travis etc.

C3: inability to recall important aspects of trauma

--> doesn't remember trauma

blah, blah, blah

I've heard enough ... all he's doing is explaining why Arias claims to have memory failure while testifying - especially when it is to her advantage to avoid testifying.

In conclusion, Jodi Arias is responsible for her PTSD.
Dr. Samuels... Do you have any expertise in Malingering? Can you define the term for the jury? Do you have experience administering tests to determine if a witness is malingering? Have you ever been called upon as an expert witness for the prosecution?
Yes! Can JM ask him that question??
Her affect is blunted ? She was really emotionless when being questioned by JM, right DR SAMUELS ?
OH MY <mod snip>!

I am shaking right now!

Is he REALLY saying she can't show emotion?

LMAO! We have seen her furious, we have seen her excited, we have seen her sullen.

WTF...Twilight Zone?
But we are not Iran, thankfully and there are people in jail who are innocent.

I will try. A defense expert is on the stand saying that our brains do not allow us to remember things when undergoing trauma or stress.He also said jodi is a pacifist and had low self-esteem but now, years after he first met her, she is much more confident.

He also stated that people who kill someone can experience PTSD and that jodi had or has it.

I can;t remember his expertise but i think it has to do with sex.

I will elaborate, counselor.

By "those jerks" I meant people of JA's ilk.

I do believe there are people in prison that are innocent but it doesn't take a trial to know which inmates would be deserving of an every 3-hour wake up call.
I think the only real reason for this "expert" is to try to convince the jury that Jodi's "fog" is actually a physically possible thing that could happen to a person not that she herself actually had this fognesia because it's so perposterous that this actually happened with Jodi that the jury might think that it's made up because of a preconceived notion that such a thing just isn't possible for anyone. Other than that, I also think they're trying to sneak in that her diagnosis as made by this "expert" makes premeditation either impossible or very rare.

None of this is going to fly. The jury knows that Jodi is a pathological liar and that psychotherapy only works when the patient WANTS to cure what is mentally or emotionally wrong with them and is TRUTHFUL with the doctor. If the patient convincingly lies to the doctor (which is not at all difficult) the doctor then CAN'T figure out their diagnosis properly. Jodi sold this guy a hill of beans to go with her story just like she has with everyone else, and I'm not seeing the jury not able to figure that out just like we all have.

Frankly, I think putting this guy on the stand hurt her more than helped her as it attempts to make it appear that her "fog" story isn't a bunch of hogwash just because it's a physically possible thing that can occur with people. That speaks to the denfense knowing that her story of this fognesia is not credible, and this is a "hail mary" pass to try to give it some credibility just because it's something that can happen to people - the possibility that it can occur is plausible. This is all screaming of desperation that they know the jury knows she's lying about this fognesia.

Allowing this dingbat to use popular magazine articles instead of credible medical studies is just nuts. It makes him and the defense look desperate and stupid and worse (for him and them) makes him look like an absolute charlatan.
Total bullsheets! This is pissing me off.
we're back to occam's razor.

yes, she COULD have PTSD and was in denial and that's why she made up her previous stories.

far more likely she's just a liar who wanted to get away with murder. this the best the defense could come up with. What a joke!!! He is not a professional in his field. is Wimott who coughs all the time,,,,,,,,, ps....this dr is buttshite,,,mmmoooo
Cross exam:
Dr. Suppose an individual were to become obsessed, jealous and angry. Suppose this person in this emotional state was residing in a home where a suspicious burglary of a .25 handgun occurred. Also lets say this individual asked an ex to loan her gasoline cans then purchased a third one. Now then this same person rented a car, disguised her appearance and then turned off her cell phone so as not to be tracked in her movements for 20 hours.
During this time her most recent boyfriend is violently murdered, she deletes photos, dsposes of evidence and fills her car with fuel she brought with her so as not to be tracked close to the crime scene. Is this person suffering from stress induced amnesia?
This is bordering on embarrassing. The jurors have just spent 18 days listening to JA.

I do not see how this helps the defense in any way whatsoever. Having mental health issues, PTSD, acute stress, etc. does not give one an excuse to calmly, deliberately plan out and then violently butcher another human being.

Most people have some form of mental issue or another at some point in their lives. This is unhelpful, even useless and annoying imv.
He!!, I'd have problems sleeping in jail, too.
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