trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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All I could see was a REAL PSYCHOPATH at work in that video. That laugh was creepy as hell.

It always blows my mind when people do weird stuff like that in an interview room. I mean, who the hell doesn't know there is a camera on you?
I hadn't seen this either.

WTF, she can't even resist going through the police station trash!

My mouth actually fell open with the trash can. She's straight bonkers, but that is BEYOND gross!!
I knew there was something off with Samuels when I saw him yesterday, even before I knew about his shady past. I got a bad vibe and he gave me the willies.... and it wasn't because he looks like Gus Searcy's twin brother.
Still thinking about that laugh on the was like watching the Exorcist again. Maybe her head is going to start spinning in court. The DT's green Leprechaun outfits the other day is really that devil vomit green.
"You should have atleast done your makeup, Jodi, gosh!" Jodi says to herself. Psycho *****. Omg.
My mouth actually fell open with the trash can. She's straight bonkers, but that is BEYOND gross!!

I was pissed that they cut away from that point, I wanted to see what she was going to do with the trash. Bet she was looking for things with her name on it, or Travis's.
I haven't read all the posts but quite a few of people who have spoken about surviving trauma, stressful and violent acts and how it effect their memory. First of to all those that have shared their stories, thank you, big hugs and great admiration from me on your survival, your strength. I am wondering though if the brain suppresses memory when you are the aggressor in the violent acts. When you are the victim it is usually a surprise event. It is frightening and what seems to be the norm is survivors thinking to themselves, this isn't happening, this can't be happening. Could this be why many have memory loss? In this case she was the perpetrator of the violence. The thinker, the planner (IMOP) so wouldn't memories be clear?

This woman's brain is wired to remember everything, details, days, dates, times. Someone who has to remember and keep lies in play, to fit every fact thrown at them has to have the best ability for memory in order to maintain those lies. That is why most liars are caught in their lies, it's difficult to manage them without the realities slipping them up. JA's only concern, as she herself has stated is how people would think of her as a horrible person, as a monster. How many times has she said that her reputation is paramount to her. She is what she protects and loves. How people feel about her, how people perceive her is what she wants to, always has wanted to control. Shooting and killing TA was horrible so she blames him, self defense she says. Butchering him with that knife is horrific, unnecessary and cruel. She will never claim that, let anyone think she is mentally capable of that so she brings in memory loss. It's the only way in her mind that people will not think her the monster that she is. She planned it in covering her tracks to get in and out of AZ and she planned to kill him in such a manner that no one would or could think one person let alone a woman was capable of. Remember she stated that in one of the interviews? How there had to be more than one person involved due to the nature of the killing. She remembers every last detail because she planned every last detail. I think if TA had said he would take her on the trip she would have gone home and not even gone to Utah. She had two plans and it all depended on how TA responded to her.

I suffer with Complex PTSD, generally this occurs when a person experiences an abusive childhood, and then experiences other major subsequent traumas/trauma. It is often mistaken for BPD.
From my own anecdotal reference point, of repeated traumas, I can tell you that I have dissociative episodes, and forget huge chunks of stuff until I am triggered. Even then it's not a complete re-living, but an emotional and physical freeze or meltdown.
On the other hand, I have a brilliant memory for highly theoretical subjects whilst completing a Phd. Go figure!
This is actually an incurable brain injury, but it can be managed.
I have been in therapy for 8 years, and my symptoms still come and go, often isolating me for weeks on end.
I don't mean to derail the thread, but thought it might be useful knowledge.
My intention is not to excuse Ms Arias.
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

This has never been shown in court. The Judge probably ruled it too prejudicial but I bet it comes in during the sentencing phase.

When she laughs it sent chills up my spine.

This woman has to be given death. She is evil to the core.

This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

Holy crap! Along with the WTF headstand, she's laughing, singing, and talking to herself!!

Love how she picks up the trash can and starts snooping through its contents. :what:

ETA ... Can u imagine how giddy she must have been having unobstructed access to Travis's personal life under the guise of cleaning his house or dog sitting? She is a dangerous evil creature who needs to be exterminated IMO.
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

i wish the jury could see that.

she is a nut,in fact thats in understatement
OMG, I saw that this morning. I couldln't believe what I was seeing, what a whackadoodle! Tonight at 10PM, Greta van Susteren will have her whole show devoted to Arias and will show the video.

so i assume the defense managed to keep this out, right? BIZARRE doesn't even cover it. wow.
OMG, I saw that this morning. I couldln't believe what I was seeing, what a whackadoodle! Tonight at 10PM, Greta van Susteren will have her whole show devoted to Arias and will show the video.

Omg, omg, play this in closing please! She is the devil, literally!
Still thinking about that laugh on the was like watching the Exorcist again. Maybe her head is going to start spinning in court. The DT's green Leprechaun outfits the other day is really that devil vomit green.

Holy cow what a freak she is. :what: Seriously, going through the trash can as well. Must have been looking for the pictures Detective Flores wouldn't show her. Shows just how snoopy she is. LOON
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