trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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I am anxious for cross and the Jury's questions!

I was disgusted that he actually said he won't treat patients in Arizona because the reimbursement is too low (from insurance companies)

I got the distinct feeling he was the "never ending" student, in school, going for this "paid" membership or that...then teaching. His claim to fame is being caught up in the 70's Sex Therapy free love decade which is NOT helpful and fake therapy, just stuff to titillate a Therapist and good cocktail party stories for him to tell his friends... Seeing an occasional patient as an "expert" but he never once came across as a "doctor" the warmth, the good listener skills...I know plenty of Psychiatrists and a dear friend of mine is a Psychologist (Psychotherapy) 40 years. He is 85 years old and has a full patient load. The minute you sit with him, you just calm down (they are friends of mine, they have 2 dogs from me)

There are Therapists, and there are paid Experts that don't exude any "concern" at all. She was a "job" he got paid to do. And holy cow, 12 visits?

For her "issues" any Psychologist worth their salt would have the 12 visits done inside 3 months. Not 4 years. That is nothing. There is no way to examine her, diagnose her "properly" and render some professional opinion with such limited visits with her. He can't know her. His hourly rate to see her can't be more than $200 per hour (that's the high side) Mr Nurmi is getting paid $255 an hour from the State of Arizona. He has put a motion in to seal all his billing records from the Public. I wonder why. I calculate he has made nearly half a million or more already working her case. Given that estimate of hours, x 4 years, he could well afford $250.00 a WEEK to pay the Psych to visit once a week and give up 1 hour of his salary if he had the Defendants best interest at heart. I am sure he didn't want her examined too much because she could decide to kill again and he would lose the only Therapist that agreed to see her...

And after testifying she did GREAT on the test that tells him if she is a Liar.. She passed that in his opinion, it was all over for me LOL

Your test is flawed? wow...very flawed.
I see a Dr. that doesn't take insurance. She still treats patients.That a cop out. Sounds like he is in this only for the money.
The reenactment I saw on HLN by Mike bothered me. He said it took him 66 seconds. But it was not done at all realistically. For one thing, he didnt have her climb up an unstable closet shelf. And when he counted out his stabbings, he did them super fast, as if there was no defense being put up. And his defensive wounds tell us different.

So I think HLN did the prosecution a disservice by doing that phony attempt at recreating the crime. JMO

Mike also forgot that Travis had to get up from a sitting position in the small shower, and tried to fight her off, and had to walk/run on the wet slippery ceramic floor tile to get to the sink and bled into the sink. When Mike was stabbing, he counted 8-9-10 so fast, I think he forgot a stab.
I thought the hearing was at 9:30 AZ (PDT) time.
About one hour from now.

I think it is in 2 hours! Yes, we should be able to watch. It is 8:38am now...

(if its at 9:30am, then 1 hour)
Schuby, good morning :) Do you know if Juan Martinez will be questioning this expert today? Thanks :)

Morning!, no, no questioning at all today. Just an evidentiary hearing.
I'm curious whether or not Juan can ask something like : Dr. Samuels while you have Your DSM 4 manual out can you please give us the criteria for psychopath ??

What I'm obsessed with today:

The tire slashing. Why not put on receipts of the tire replacements? Any way to get the records of the damage from the tire store and then correlate it with TA dating Lisa? This was an act of rage that to me, Is crucial to her state of mind.

I don't think the defense experts are going to be given much weight by the jury. Law & Order is hard to avoid if you own a TV.

Can JM turn the tables while questioning the experts? Can he transpose the "fear" and expose it as obsession?

She's a slasher...that's for sure.:moo:
I haven't read all the posts but quite a few of people who have spoken about surviving trauma, stressful and violent acts and how it effect their memory. First of to all those that have shared their stories, thank you, big hugs and great admiration from me on your survival, your strength. I am wondering though if the brain suppresses memory when you are the aggressor in the violent acts. When you are the victim it is usually a surprise event. It is frightening and what seems to be the norm is survivors thinking to themselves, this isn't happening, this can't be happening. Could this be why many have memory loss? In this case she was the perpetrator of the violence. The thinker, the planner (IMOP) so wouldn't memories be clear?

This woman's brain is wired to remember everything, details, days, dates, times. Someone who has to remember and keep lies in play, to fit every fact thrown at them has to have the best ability for memory in order to maintain those lies. That is why most liars are caught in their lies, it's difficult to manage them without the realities slipping them up. JA's only concern, as she herself has stated is how people would think of her as a horrible person, as a monster. How many times has she said that her reputation is paramount to her. She is what she protects and loves. How people feel about her, how people perceive her is what she wants to, always has wanted to control. Shooting and killing TA was horrible so she blames him, self defense she says. Butchering him with that knife is horrific, unnecessary and cruel. She will never claim that, let anyone think she is mentally capable of that so she brings in memory loss. It's the only way in her mind that people will not think her the monster that she is. She planned it in covering her tracks to get in and out of AZ and she planned to kill him in such a manner that no one would or could think one person let alone a woman was capable of. Remember she stated that in one of the interviews? How there had to be more than one person involved due to the nature of the killing. She remembers every last detail because she planned every last detail. I think if TA had said he would take her on the trip she would have gone home and not even gone to Utah. She had two plans and it all depended on how TA responded to her.
Someone mentioned upthread about Jodi's not-so-nice (not a direct quote) bedroom at her grandparents' home in Yreka. It looked like a spare room used more for storage than guests to me. Maybe they didn't have the energy(wonder how old they are?) to remove the stored stuff-or another place for it. Or maybe they didn't really want Jodi, but couldn't tell her no, so they didn't go overboard making her comfortable?

Or...maybe they are just very poor?
I feel truly sorry for them!
Okay. Thanks! I thought they were starting earlier than normal today.

I'd like to know WTH normal to this cast of characters to begin with. If they start "early" that really means that they may only be 5 minutes late.
to all the new members participating this morning...
I'd like to know WTH normal to this cast of characters to begin with. If they start "early" that really means that they may only be 5 minutes late.

You have a valid point... lol
I read that the good "doctor' is no longer allowed to practice due to a serious ethics violation. I am sure Juan Martinez is aware of it ( at least i hope so); when Juan confronts the good doctor, there goes his credibility and everything he has said becomes suspect.

I read somewhere that he was sanctioned in like 2000 or 2002.
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.
Evidentiary Hearing today at 9:30am AZ tims (PST) = (12:30pm EST, 11:30am CST, 10:30am MST)

We will get to see Juan cross exam the good ole doc!
WS'ers around the world rejoice! :great:






;) And finally ;)
, Steely Dan, jane the dood, Manzana & Minor4th

way to go we all feel the same awesome post :great::great::great:
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

WTH! I have never seen that before. She is soooo strange!
I really think an insanity plea would have been easier to defend than self-defense. :/
Thanks for "breakin' it down" for us, Tiger Balm! Love it! :seeya:
Sort of O/T but this gives you an idea of how this man makes a living.

ahhh I knew it.. wow!

Jasper’s attorney, who is funded through the depleted indigent defense budget, hired an expert psychiatrist from Phoenix who charges $250 per hour and $150 per hour, plus expenses for travel. Dr. Richard Samuels could be paid up to $8,000 for his services — the dollar figure approved by Superior Court Judge James Conlogue. Samuels is close to that limit and will probably be an expert witness at Jasper’s jury trial again at taxpayers’ expense.

By the way, reimbursement rates for a Psychologist with many Insurance companies in 2012 is $80 to $175 per hour. So i guess that's just crap to him? The word Greed comes to mind
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