trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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I just read a quote from someone who said that Samuels looks like a long lost relative of Searcy
The JA defense has managed to find an “over the hill” expert liar for hire Richard Samuels. His website announces “have psychologist will testify anyway the client wishes” “positive results” guaranteed. This clinical psychologist trained in 1974-75 and has “kept up” with the subject by taking classes and online courses. Why do you need to get a semi- retired, partially senile, outdated psychologist from New Jersey to testify in an Arizona murder trial?? To his credit, Samuels has an avuncular manner and speaks coherently but he is somewhat of a “flake”. Also Samuels is no more an expert on memory than Attila the Hun would be expert on proper social etiquette. There is an enormous body of literature on the physiology of memory. Expert scientists conducting valid research on memory are readily available. Anyone of them would easily debunk this elementary testimony on memory loss.

This expert is merely rehashing the JA official line and providing it with some semblance of clinical respectability. The testimony is rehearsed and vetted by Nurmi &Wilmott. All in all, Samuels fits nicely with JA defense team of incompetent hacks.

I imagine Juan is licking his chops over his opportunity to cross examine this hack. There is sooo much to work with. That will be fun to watch- Juan will chew him up and spit him back out!

When you need a verified expert in the field of Sexually Violent Perpetrator commitment hearings, Psychosexual Risk Assessments for sentencing, Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Matters for Defendants and Emotional Trauama from Medical Malpractice for Defendants and Plaintiffs, Dr. Richard Samuels has the experience, education and prestige to help you support your vital arguments.
Maybe completely OT, but does anybody remember the "Mighty Mickey" ? She was tiny but she sure did inflict some injuries on her attacker. I say this only to point out that a small person with a knife can surely cause damage to a much larger person.
Didn't JA say she had no mental health treatment? If she had PTSD forealz wouldn't the jail have some health obligation to provide counseling or something? I'm not sure how jails and prisons inmate care works I just remember reading some inmate trying to get a sex change operation on state money.

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So there is court today that we'll be able to watch (no jury)?? I can't read all the pages, sorry! Could someone let me know? Thanks much in advance!!
So there is court today that we'll be able to watch (no jury)?? I can't read all the pages, sorry! Could someone let me know? Thanks much in advance!!

The evidentiary hearing is supposed to be streamed and televised. No jury is correct.
JA is a predator and you described her relationship with Travis perfectly. Also with his life history there may have been co-dependancy on his part.

Yep. His disfunctional childhood left deep wounds. His mother may have been deeply flawed, yet he loved her. Having experienced rejection or "judgment" by peers early on, he was loathe to reject Jodi, maybe incapable, even though he knew he should.
I read that the good "doctor' is no longer allowed to practice due to a serious ethics violation. I am sure Juan Martinez is aware of it ( at least i hope so); when Juan confronts the good doctor, there goes his credibility and everything he has said becomes suspect.
I am anxious for cross and the Jury's questions!

I was disgusted that he actually said he won't treat patients in Arizona because the reimbursement is too low (from insurance companies)

I got the distinct feeling he was the "never ending" student, in school, going for this "paid" membership or that...then teaching. His claim to fame is being caught up in the 70's Sex Therapy free love decade which is NOT helpful and fake therapy, just stuff to titillate a Therapist and good cocktail party stories for him to tell his friends... Seeing an occasional patient as an "expert" but he never once came across as a "doctor" the warmth, the good listener skills...I know plenty of Psychiatrists and a dear friend of mine is a Psychologist (Psychotherapy) 40 years. He is 85 years old and has a full patient load. The minute you sit with him, you just calm down (they are friends of mine, they have 2 dogs from me)

There are Therapists, and there are paid Experts that don't exude any "concern" at all. She was a "job" he got paid to do. And holy cow, 12 visits?

For her "issues" any Psychologist worth their salt would have the 12 visits done inside 3 months. Not 4 years. That is nothing. There is no way to examine her, diagnose her "properly" and render some professional opinion with such limited visits with her. He can't know her. His hourly rate to see her can't be more than $200 per hour (that's the high side) Mr Nurmi is getting paid $255 an hour from the State of Arizona. He has put a motion in to seal all his billing records from the Public. I wonder why. I calculate he has made nearly half a million or more already working her case. Given that estimate of hours, x 4 years, he could well afford $250.00 a WEEK to pay the Psych to visit once a week and give up 1 hour of his salary if he had the Defendants best interest at heart. I am sure he didn't want her examined too much because she could decide to kill again and he would lose the only Therapist that agreed to see her...

And after testifying she did GREAT on the test that tells him if she is a Liar.. She passed that in his opinion, it was all over for me LOL

Your test is flawed? wow...very flawed.

Wonder if he brought her Twizzlers?
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