trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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By the time I get home from work I am sure it will be over so I will look here to see what I missed.
What is an Evidentiary Hearing anyway?
Personally I do not believe her fog story. I feel she remembers exactly where the knife was and each stabb and cut..but those memories she will not share as she knows it would do her in...there is no fog..I do think she believes she was completely justified in her own mind and thinks to her self that she in fact did him a favor and now he is in heaven and happy and has totally forgiven her...she just doesn't understand why all of us can't just move past this!! I wonder if she had stuck w the ninja story if she would have had a better case of reasonable doubt? I can't imagine the jury letting her off for this. I do think the smartest move for the defense in the Casey Anthony trial was Casey keeping her mouth shut !! Jmo!

BBM - I agree. she remembers everything, shes LYING..... AGAIN
By the time I get home from work I am sure it will be over so I will look here to see what I missed.
What is an Evidentiary Hearing anyway?

A hearing to determine the admissibility of evidence or testimony. Today's will be on Samuel's proposed testimony on planned vs unplanned murders and their crime scenes.
The evidentiary hearing is on the PowerPoint from psychologist.
That is what it is really all about, he traded testimony for dental work. All the BS about him bartering treatment for dental work is just that, bull@$#!.

it's sleazy.

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This may be why he halted seeing patients after 30 years and then began to work examining Inmates in Arizona and being a professional Witness.
a woman caller on HLN yesterday gave the opinion she believed TA was a pedophile because his preference was anal sex. this is the overall tone of the defense, nothing to prove..

I heard that caller and she sounded like she was 95 years old and most likely hasn't been following the trial as much as us or the jury. It was poor logic to insinuate that because someone likes anal sex they must be a pedophile.
Just an observation and it has probably been said before, but I don't understand how JA remembers every little detail of her sex life with TA and others when sex causes memory loss.
A big problem with the suggestion that JA has PTSD is that she was not seen by any health care professionals immediately after the murder.

People that are involved in critical incidents normally do not cover up their actions, flee the scene, dispose of evidence, make cover-up "normal" phone calls, and then a few hours later go hop into bed with somebody else.

There were no debriefings, no interviews, JA covered up her crime and told no one.

I am not a fan of Gus 2.0

I totally agree with your second point and totally disagree with your first point. I was just diagnosed with PTSD last year stemming from an event that occurred when I was 11. So the diagonosis may be decades following the trauma incident. Shocked the hellio out of me since I really don't consider myself to fit the stereotype (war vets, rape victims, etc). I still don't fully understand the implications and have a stack of books the shrink gave me that were identified courses of treatment.

PTSD is much like spectrum autism in that it is not as uniformly manifested from person to person, trauma to trauma. There are 6 different categories and you may exhibit all 6 or you may top the charts for just 3 or 4. You don't have to exhibit all 6. That leaves a LOT of room for variety. My effects of PTSD molded me into what the call "caretaker". Sounds charitable, but actually can be life threatening if hooked up with an abuser.

However, I've been seeing a therapist for a year and a half, two times a month and only a few months ago he zoned in on PTSD.

I am highly suspect of the docs hasty assessment of Jodi. I think he went in there on day 1 fishing for anything that could support PTSD. I think Nurmi knew EXACTLY what the docs specialty was LONG before he ever brought him in to see Jodi and in fact, very likely his only goal was to help add supporting data to a strategy he knew could win a case.

We now know from the docs testimony that Nurmi never believed the ninja story and knew the State would fry her and his whole point of hiring Dr Love was to CONVINCE Jodi (which they did after only TWO meetings according to testimony) that she needed her to help give them something better for them to work with - to give them something more sellable.

Jodi is a chameleon and an exceptionally detailed person. Artists usually are. Ive taken the "official" PTSD test which was 10 or 12 exhausting pages. Jodi took some stupid cliff notes version that was only 49 questions. Trust me, a person keen on details CAN easily lie on that test and fool the test into false readings. If you already understand a little bit about PTSD prior to taking the test then you can falsely answer based on what you know it is looking for. And if you are good with details you can remember how you answered in previous sections so when they repeat the question but word it differently, you can keep your FAKE answers consistent - thereby giving the appearance of not lying on the test.
Jodi only "attempted" suicide once. She threatened many times, was she manipulating people to get back into her control? How many times has that been used to keep a man or woman from leaving? Send the letter to the grandparents to ease her guilt about robbing them to kill a man?
Her only attempt was the razor she nicked herself and stopped because it stung too much.
This may be why he halted seeing patients after 30 years and then began to work examining Inmates in Arizona and being a professional Witness.

$$$$$$ and is he running from something? Can't wait til he gets the Juan treatment.
That's exactly what I've been thinking. It's not enough to kill Travis. She has to kill the very idea of the person Travis truly was.

Minor4th did a really good post last week about how she thought the whole purpose of this trial, in Jodi's mind, was to destroy Travis' reputation and crush his friends and family. JA is all about destruction of anybody who offends her.
Jodi only "attempted" suicide once. She threatened many times, was she manipulating people to get back into her control? How many times has that been used to keep a man or woman from leaving? Send the letter to the grandparents to ease her guilt about robbing them to kill a man?
Her only attempt was the razor she nicked herself and stopped because it stung too much.

Yeah she claims she attempted suicide because she took a razor apart. :waitasec:

I took out my kitchen aid mixer so I must have made a soufflé.
What I'm obsessed with today:

The tire slashing. Why not put on receipts of the tire replacements? Any way to get the records of the damage from the tire store and then correlate it with TA dating Lisa? This was an act of rage that to me, Is crucial to her state of mind.

I don't think the defense experts are going to be given much weight by the jury. Law & Order is hard to avoid if you own a TV.

Can JM turn the tables while questioning the experts? Can he transpose the "fear" and expose it as obsession?
I agree with all,of this and will add that I think Jodi was obsessively drawn to Travis in addition to his material success but also his bright light, his big personality, his popularity and goodness everyone talks about with him. His charisma. I do think on some level this is an evil meets good story. I'm not a big believer in the Devil or Hell (I personally think Hell exists right here on Earth ) but I do see the darkest evil in this woman that I've ever observed.

She didnt murder him to procure his stuff after he was gone. She enjoyed this brutal murder of him because her essential darkness wanted to extinguish his light and she delighted in that aspect of it. I can't even keep writing about this because it is even too,dark for me to stay on.

I need to,go,watch some YouTube videos of kittens now. Brb

I understand what you saying, Katie. The one place evil likes to hang out is the religious isolated (not individually), religious purity, church gatherings and religious worship.

Evil doesn't necessarily hang out at the beach, the mall, etc.

So Katie the depth of your meaning is felt and understood. Believe me.
Ahh, got it. Thank you. Did Juan even argue against him quoting an article written by someone who does not have a degree in psychology? I seriously can't wrap my brain around this being allowed. It's almost the same as allowing an article, written by a tow truck driver, about how eating Cheerios for breakfast may make one's tongue itch resulting in stress hormones being released making the person's ability to reason and "premeditate' next to impossible.

It just doesn't make sense to me. There just just doesn't seem like there is any solid foundation as to the credentials of the author, therefore rendering the article itself inadmissable. Call me crazy....


The JA defense has managed to find an “over the hill” expert liar for hire Richard Samuels. His website announces “have psychologist will testify anyway the client wishes” “positive results” guaranteed. This clinical psychologist trained in 1974-75 and has “kept up” with the subject by taking classes and online courses. Why do you need to get a semi- retired, partially senile, outdated psychologist from New Jersey to testify in an Arizona murder trial?? To his credit, Samuels has an avuncular manner and speaks coherently but he is somewhat of a “flake”. Also Samuels is no more an expert on memory than Attila the Hun would be expert on proper social etiquette. There is an enormous body of literature on the physiology of memory. Expert scientists conducting valid research on memory are readily available. Anyone of them would easily debunk this elementary testimony on memory loss.

This expert is merely rehashing the JA official line and providing it with some semblance of clinical respectability. The testimony is rehearsed and vetted by Nurmi &Wilmott. All in all, Samuels fits nicely with JA defense team of incompetent hacks.
Jodi only "attempted" suicide once. She threatened many times, was she manipulating people to get back into her control? How many times has that been used to keep a man or woman from leaving? Send the letter to the grandparents to ease her guilt about robbing them to kill a man?
Her only attempt was the razor she nicked herself and stopped because it stung too much.

Lousy, stinkin' quitter she is.
Mornin' y'all..... just checking in while waiting for court to start.

:rant: Now, about this testiphony "Dr." Samuels wants to give regarding instrumental (read that: "premeditated") vs. reactive homicide; for the life of me I don't understand why this issue needs to be argued as to its admissibility! As has been said numerous times, this is a fact for the jury to find. And IF, as according to JW, the "Dr." will not be stating his opinion as to which category this homicide falls into, then what is the &%$#*!! point of it??? Oh yeah...because the crime scene will indicate that this was not premeditated, and his testibull***** will ALLUDE to that opinion, whether stated or not!

I am not a obviously this is my opinion based on what I THINK I know. Mostly I'm just human and want Justice for Travis and while I know JA has the right to a fair trial and all that, bearing witness to the process is painful and frustrating. I cannot even imagine the gravity of it all for the family and friends who knew and loved him.

That is all. Love and peace. :curtsey::peace:
Glad you liked it, KCL. What can I say, I'm a hockey fan. There's a whole ad campaign with the tag line "Hockey Fans: They're Not Like the Rest of Us."

BTW, I wish the person who posted it on YouTube had not put "Gay" in the title, which had nothing to do with anything!
I agree with all,of this and will add that I think Jodi was obsessively drawn to Travis in addition to his material success but also his bright light, his big personality, his popularity and goodness everyone talks about with him. His charisma. I do think on some level this is an evil meets good story. I'm not a big believer in the Devil or Hell (I personally think Hell exists right here on Earth ) but I do see the darkest evil in this woman that I've ever observed.

She didnt murder him to procure his stuff after he was gone. She enjoyed this brutal murder of him because her essential darkness wanted to extinguish his light and she delighted in that aspect of it. I can't even keep writing about this because it is even too,dark for me to stay on.

I need to,go,watch some YouTube videos of kittens now. Brb
I am absolutely convinced psychopaths specifically target the world's most compassionate, kindest, trusting people deliberately. Very few would tolerate the things a psychopath puts you through.

I've said before of my own psychopath that the things he seemed to love most about me became the very things most reviled. Psychopaths and narcissists need to devalue anything they envy or admire within others.

Travis was so deeply loved, respected, and admired. He could make an entire room of strangers laugh with him. His generosity knew too few bounds. He had friends literally everywhere and even more who met him just once and yet will forever remember the immediate impression he left. He was a very magnetic, powerful personality. And psychopaths destroy everything around them.

I couldn't agree with you more, Katie...but it makes this case all the sadder for me too - what she stole away from the world. :(

(I think I need to go find kitty vids now too! :hug:)
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