trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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The DT is trying to muddy the waters and throw the fognesia out there to distract from the premeditation.

But isn't this why we have judges in place to prevent the sleight of hand antics?

Post traumatic stress disorder/disease is POST the murder of Travis.
This case is about what precipitated her actions between June 2-June 6th.

It would make no difference if Jodi was gang-banged before June 2 2008 or..... joined a circus, lopped off her breasts, sacrificed a kidney or entered into a polygamy marriage after June 6th 2008.
Who cares??????

PS I'm not yellin' at you. Just rantin' in general ;)
I've thought since early in this trial that she has an eididic memory.

"related to or marked by extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images." []
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

omg:what: how bizarre is that? Even stranger than the yoga stretch. Weirdo much? :floorlaugh::great::floorlaugh:
Thought I read that the evidentiary hearing scheduled for this morning wd/be televised.

I tried two links shown on page 1 of this thread #88
( and but no Jodi-stream.

If newer links to livestream have been provided since p. 1, I missed them. :banghead:

Anyone, please.
I second that.. I doubt there was ever an open discussion about how she planned this and got her grandpa's gun then a knife and went there.

The first meeting she may have had with an attorney, would be based on the Ninja story after her first Version 1.0 I was not in the state of Arizona...

Enter...the Attorney's. First she represented herself but had some "advisers" (at some point that was Nurmi and Willmott after going through a slew of others per the records, she changed Attorneys like undies.. if she has those)

When they came on board (no pun intended) They were presented with the Ninja story, that then morphed to the "he tried to attack, I cut him all up, shot him, and put him in his shower, and my finger hurts? it stings"

Then a great fog rolled in and I awoke in the desert.

They would then say....(as that was the time they all came on board because of a hearing that informed them they would seek the death penalty and she might want an actual attorney besides her smart self)

Some type of conversation would take place along the order of:

"if you stole your grandfathers gun, borrowed gas cans and drove to Arizona and killed him, they will get a conviction and you will probably be put to death? Jodi, that's premeditated 1st degree murder? On the other hand, if you were just trying to defend yourself, like, let's say he attacked you, you had no choice, well then, that would be self defense. So what happened, you need to tell me exactly which is it?"

"he attacked me...that's all I remember, he threw me down, well first up then down...I tried to get away, I don't know where the gun or knife came from, it's all a blur..."

"Like a fog?" Attorney said..

"yes, a fog, that's exactly what it was" Jodi exclaimed...

Ta da! A bit of role play back and forth, no overt suggestion to lie or make up a story.. Just give her a Menu with a few choices and the consequences for the various scenarios then ask her what the heck happened? and we want the truth (uh huh) There might even be hints from the Attorney's that they DON'T want to know, uh hum...any other story.. This is it, it's the truth, we all go with it. They really cannot have discussions of a totally fake story, then allow her on the stand.. This girl would rat them out, she would be on 48 hours telling the world how they told her what to say...

I agree with the means by which JA may have adopted story 3 Version C.

What I don’t quite understand is why she/DT opted for the stories that would deflect the premeditation element of her crime.
Without spending too much time I think I could conger a better story that would debunk premeditation than:

1) I ran into a closet where TA loaded vs unloaded gun was sitting patiently ready for discharge
2) When I cleaned I detected the gun location and conditions
2) TA told me secretly he had a handgun
3) TA told me it was unloaded
4) TA told me he loaded his gun
5) the gun was sometimes in a holster

Followed on by:
1) During sex we used a long rope
2) The long rope had to be cut to a certain length
3) While measuring the long rope TA taking one end walked into the bathroom
4) TA obtained a knife by which to cut the long rope to a more appropriate size
5) TA “evidently” left this knife in the bathroom – near the sink
6) TA may also have left the knife on the bed stand
7) After the crime scene clean up I had the presence of mind to procure the sex rope + any and all rope fragments that were cut by TA when he was measuring for length sex suitability
8) I wanted to remove the rope/ pieces of rope from the scene in addition to the gun +/- knife BECAUSE a)I wanted to spare TA the embarrassment of participating in rope sex b) I wanted to cover up any indication of “kinky sex” c) rope would not play into the story of a “mafia style” murder d) I wanted a souvenir of our sex act e) I thought rope might come in handy during my desert nighttime road trip f) I needed rope for a Magic Act I was preparing in Yreka g) TA before he died told me to take the rope and discard it h) Ryan Burns told me he wanted to engage in rope sex i) Not really sure why but I know I just like having bloody rope with me.
this was on fox news...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... Copy and paste the link.

omfg!!! Creepy!!!!!
The thing that bothered me the most, about this so called expert for the defense, is that this guy's experience and practice is wide and varied. He is not specialized in this particular area at all and I immediately questioned, is this the best they can do? When I seek out a therapist or Dr I look at what their specialty is. jmo

good morning all,

is that why he was reading word for word from a book? imo i felt uneasy just watching him. :moo:
I haven't read all the posts but quite a few of people who have spoken about surviving trauma, stressful and violent acts and how it effect their memory. First of to all those that have shared their stories, thank you, big hugs and great admiration from me on your survival, your strength. I am wondering though if the brain suppresses memory when you are the aggressor in the violent acts. When you are the victim it is usually a surprise event. It is frightening and what seems to be the norm is survivors thinking to themselves, this isn't happening, this can't be happening. Could this be why many have memory loss? In this case she was the perpetrator of the violence. The thinker, the planner (IMOP) so wouldn't memories be clear?

This woman's brain is wired to remember everything, details, days, dates, times. Someone who has to remember and keep lies in play, to fit every fact thrown at them has to have the best ability for memory in order to maintain those lies. That is why most liars are caught in their lies, it's difficult to manage them without the realities slipping them up. JA's only concern, as she herself has stated is how people would think of her as a horrible person, as a monster. How many times has she said that her reputation is paramount to her. She is what she protects and loves. How people feel about her, how people perceive her is what she wants to, always has wanted to control. Shooting and killing TA was horrible so she blames him, self defense she says. Butchering him with that knife is horrific, unnecessary and cruel. She will never claim that, let anyone think she is mentally capable of that so she brings in memory loss. It's the only way in her mind that people will not think her the monster that she is. She planned it in covering her tracks to get in and out of AZ and she planned to kill him in such a manner that no one would or could think one person let alone a woman was capable of. Remember she stated that in one of the interviews? How there had to be more than one person involved due to the nature of the killing. She remembers every last detail because she planned every last detail. I think if TA had said he would take her on the trip she would have gone home and not even gone to Utah. She had two plans and it all depended on how TA responded to her.

I've never endured major trauma, BUT.....years ago I found out my BF had slept with my (alleged) best friend while I was on a weekend trip. I remember QUITE WELL, sitting in front of a house waiting for her to drive down the street and then screaming down the street in my car after her (she had seen me and never stopped her car). I went to her house, knocked on her back sliding door (OMG.....I sound like JA!!), and then went down the street to a pay phone (waay before cell phones), and called and told her if she didn't let me in to talk, I'd tell everyone at our school (it was a medical arts & business school - very small) what she had done. She let me in and we talked for awhile. I was eerily calm throughout and when I caught her lying I pounced. I did hit her a few times, not proud of myself but I was 19yrs old and deeply hurt (and angry). I'm now in my mid 40's and I remember it all. Granted, it was not a heinous murder, but "I" was the aggressor, and I have no fog (and didn't then either).
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

OMG, I saw that this morning. I couldln't believe what I was seeing, what a whackadoodle! Tonight at 10PM, Greta van Susteren will have her whole show devoted to Arias and will show the video.
a woman caller on HLN yesterday gave the opinion she believed TA was a pedophile because his preference was anal sex. this is the overall tone of the defense, nothing to prove. In fact there was nothing note worthy in ja and ta's sexual relationship, other than sensationalism for the jury. Looking up the subject last night, they were one couple of many in the same situation. one woman posted it was her and boyfriends preferrence and they often had anal 4 times a day. she asked her MD if this was normal or could cause harm and was told it was ok.

Some people have very "vanilla" sex lives. Missionary (man on top only) and its over. Anal sex is believed to be only for gay men but heterosexuals enjoy anal sex too. Some people live under rocks and believe anything anal is strictly for gays, that is not the case. Its almost like the belief that AIDS only comes from gay sex. Anal sex doesn't make you a pedophile unless you're doing it with a child. Anal sex doesn't equal gay. That caller needs to crawl out from under her rock.
I've never endured major trauma, BUT.....years ago I found out my BF had slept with my (alleged) best friend while I was on a weekend trip. I remember QUITE WELL, sitting in front of a house waiting for her to drive down the street and then screaming down the street in my car after her (she had seen me and never stopped her car). I went to her house, knocked on her back sliding door (OMG.....I sound like JA!!), and then went down the street to a pay phone (waay before cell phones), and called and told her if she didn't let me in to talk, I'd tell everyone at our school (it was a medical arts & business school - very small) what she had done. She let me in and we talked for awhile. I was eerily calm throughout and when I caught her lying I pounced. I did hit her a few times, not proud of myself but I was 19yrs old and deeply hurt (and angry). I'm now in my mid 40's and I remember it all. Granted, it was not a heinous murder, but "I" was the aggressor, and I have no fog (and didn't then either).

<Note to self> Don't cross Lulu. :rocker:
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

Is she seriously singing, laughing and doing hand stands in the interrogation room???
Some people have very "vanilla" sex lives. Missionary (man on top only) and its over. Anal sex is believed to be only for gay men but heterosexuals enjoy anal sex too. Some people live under rocks and believe anything anal is strictly for gays, that is not the case. Its almost like the belief that AIDS only comes from gay sex. Anal sex doesn't make you a pedophile unless you're doing it with a child. Anal sex doesn't equal gay. That caller needs to crawl out from under her rock.

My impression of that caller from her voice was that she was elderly.
Someone mentioned upthread about Jodi's not-so-nice (not a direct quote) bedroom at her grandparents' home in Yreka. It looked like a spare room used more for storage than guests to me. Maybe they didn't have the energy(wonder how old they are?) to remove the stored stuff-or another place for it. Or maybe they didn't really want Jodi, but couldn't tell her no, so they didn't go overboard making her comfortable?

Not quite the meaning I was getting at. I meant as in travis' wealth. I believe I remember one of travis friends saying that she wanted to be travis. She was impressed with his way of living and wanted some of that for herself ie. to be the trophy wife.
This was on Fox News...has anyone seen it?

Grrr... copy and paste the link.

Holy crap! Along with the WTF headstand, she's laughing, singing, and talking to herself!!
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