As I've pointed out too, it isn't uncommon for abuse survivors to have a visceral reaction to recounting, or being confronted with, details of their own abuse. No PTSD dx even required. It's something your body simply reacts to all on its own - probably some way of your body seeking to protect itself. When I have a similar reaction I shake, get an extremely bad, stabbing headache, become nauseous, light headed, and begin hyperventilating.
The fact that we saw no such reaction, or ANY reaction, recounting what should be horrific details of abuse is very telling to me.
Even PTSD sufferers and abuse survivors with the most flattened of emotional responses can't control their own bodies when such a reaction occurs. Not that I've seen anyway...and usually the flat emotions are in response to other areas of their life - not their own history of abuse.
Correction...I USED to suffer things when I was younger...panic attacks if I was trapped by an abuser, having no one protect me, defend me, etc. but I guess with age, I no longer have those visceral reactions. I do remember them though.