trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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The killer did better on the stand up against JM than the Chihuahua shaking expert psychologist did. Bet he's shaking just like old Gus did.
Rewatching on HLN . . . . .I get so caught up in transcribing the gist of what is going on I don't often get to watch her reactions on the stand .. . . looking forward to this!

Did you get to the part where the female prosecutor, who I guess forgot she was on national t.v because she blurted out b***s***.
I don't know the law in AZ, but wouldn't Dr. Ham-wells be a mandated reporter? i.e., JA was suicidal and he failed to report it to the prison authorities?

He had a duty to warn if he thought she was suicidal.
I can't wait to hear from those who were in the courtroom today. I want to know the jury's reaction to all of this.
I feel bad for Samuels. I think that he was in over his head before he started. I think that he was taken with Jodi in a "man she is so sad kind of way."
I think he thought he was helping her.

But I think he was unprepared by his defense team. I think that lies completely on their shoulders not his. I think the used this man because they could not get another to say that Jodi had any mental issues..

He should not have been used in this case. It is not his specialty and he comes off, sadly , as not expert enough to be up there.

I do feel bad for him because it must be embarrassing what he is going through right now.
Good evening everyone!


Juan Martinez is tearing it up!!!


More live testimony continues now on NG!
Where do they get these TV dummies that say Juan shouldn't follow defense down the rabbit hole? JVM dummy whoever you are, shut up! We have seen the Truth only thanks to Juan.
I honestly believe the absence of NG's barrette is directly from reading here....I do think she has staffers checking all social media. TY to whoever posted about it. It was buggin me LOLOL
There goes the book deal!!! Wonder if he got an advance....
Regarding JM, I wonder if he shares any of his bombshells and what he plans to do during cross? Or does he just keep it to himself? How does he sit so calmly waiting for his cross knowing all the while what he has up his sleeve!!!
:great: What a day ! Another major blow-out for Ms. Arias and her defense team ...

:great: I cannot wait to see Mr. Martinez rip into the defense's next "so-called expert" ...



Tomorrow morning he starts grilling this dude again!!

Juan Martinez is DIS-MANTLING this man's Direct.

Also, he just got the jury to throw out that PTSD "test" that was taken at the time the defendant was in Ninja Mode and LYING.

I hope Law Students everywhere are watching this trial - JM is an Artist.


I have a feeling that this cross will be shown in law schools for years and years and years to come. JMO

What do the lawyers think?
This was a win-win for JM. Either the doctor "embellished" his notes, or JA "embellished" her story. Either way is good.

No one could bring the truth to the surface like Juan Martinez though.

No one, imo.
I wonder what state Dr. Samuels will move to now. :D

A state of mental anguish, alternate realities, derealization, intrusive memories & thoughts, accute stress, etc. that will probably result in PTSD. Oh well, maybe Jodi can re-gift him Wayne Dwyer's self help book.
Second verse same as the first...

Yeah, Samuels is so professional that he'll add stuff the client/patient didn't even say. He may have added Travis tying Jodi's ankles. That's a big deal. What kind of other bogus stuff did he write? Can you imagine what he'd write if he was your psychologist. There's no telling, is there?

Remember in the beginning the defense made a big deal about how fast Samuels had to be to write his notes. Why add stuff? He added fiction of his own!
Isn't this the same guy who is going to testify to sexual abuses, etc as well?
Is he going to be using her 2009 story as well with notes or the tale she is telling now? I bet they don't use him or shouldn't, his credibility is gone with the jury.
I shaked my head at him trying to save Jodi's butt by saying "HE" might have added stuff about the rope. WHAT kind of doctor would just invent stuff to what a patient is telling him? He looked desperate and incompetent and basically, like a liar in that moment to me.

Did you see his eyes shift over towards Jodi when he said he might had added that about the rope???? Very tell tale.
I don't know the law in AZ, but wouldn't Dr. Ham-wells be a mandated reporter? i.e., JA was suicidal and he failed to report it to the prison authorities?

If the prosecutor in his future cases are nearly as good as Juan he is going to have to explain to the juries not 1 but 2 really big screw ups.

I'm thinking the only way he is going to continue with his career is if he somehow finds another planet with human civilization and finds a way to get there too. Maybe he can barter with someone for a :ufo: .

Seriously though I see another job change in this man's future. The only thing I could see him doing is Nurmi's job. He wouldn't have to explain his past. In fact the court would not allow it. Perfect!
Why is NG pretending court is still live? Clearly ended a half hour ago! She knows her show is aired at 8pm Est and the court ends 730 Est... Lol she is often inaccurate but this is just plain wrong! Oi!

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