trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #94

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Except there was blood in the rest of the bathroom and on the toilet

Just thought I'd share......................

I just watched the police interrogation (room) clip of JA's "headstand" for the 1st time.

Are any or all of those clips available online?

Yes, at times I do live under a rock. ;)

Why not have her take it? A watermelon could divine the right answers.

Honestly, I think he just didn't want to be bothered. Much easier and much less time consuming to do the whole thing himself in the comfort of his own office. Also makes it much easier to answer the questions they way he wanted them to come out to cooborate his lying testimony.

This guy is so totally incompetent I doubt he's ever done the real work in evaluating anyone and just says whatever the defense attorneys in any of the cases he gets paid for want him to say. He's got mistakes throughout his notes like saying a few times that Jodi told him she was tied at both hands and feet when she never said her feet were tied - he just threw that in there because it sounded good to him.

This is the biggest charlatan I've ever seen.
So, what Community College did this so-called expert get his Certificate of Completion at?

His lack of professional procedures and ethics makes me cringe, knowing all the trials he had the opportunity to influence with his "speculation".

I'm curious about the potential for retrials and court/legal decisions/verdicts that were done based in part to his testimony as an expert witness.
I swear she's doing sneaky stuff. I posted a link a couple of days ago where she was sneaking stuff out of her orange folder and today she swiped a yellow file and either sat on it or put it on the floor! They've posted a youtube of it on the Facebook TSvsJA! It's unbelievable but someone in the courtroom should really be keeping an eye on her!


And wasn't she fast about it too!
We all know that the computer examination of Travis's computer showed no *advertiser censored* or any other kind of *advertiser censored*.By her saying to the doc there was all kinds of breast pictures on his computer is another lie she is caught in ( the jury will see this).
Me thinks this guy might be selling socks out of the trunk of his car soon.

And considering that she was pushing the pedophile image of Travis, why would she choose imaginary photos of *advertiser censored*? Was she pushing the pedophile angle at the time, or did she switch to that for her third story?
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