trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

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I could have sworn that the good 'doctor' testified yesterday while under cross by Juan that he didn't interview any of her family as part of his evaluation. Is he attending social functions with the family in order to suddenly find these things out??

You just know he will make some word salad response about how he didn't actually *interview* him, he got an e-mail from him, or some other such nonsense.

Samuels can lie as facile-y (not sure that what the right word is) as JA.

Two peas in a pod.
She is telling Samuels the ninja story, or the SD story. DT can not have it both ways.
JW still has the good doc on the stand, working hard on this PTSD diagnosis. DT must feel this is a lynchpin in their case.

Can't believe he is still on the stand 4 days later...

I think Samuels and DV expert is all they got.
I had a lot of complaints about Judge Perry during the CA trial but I have to give him this much- there's no way he would have let the DT write a blank check from the State to keep this farce going for so long...

I think Belvin would be a wonderful dinner guest. Just imagine all the stories he'd tell.

But as a judge running a murder trial?

Not so much...
Excuse my ignorance but what is a mitigation specialist???

A expert of sorts that assists with a penalty phase, should there be one.
One thing is certain and hope defense team is reading....

If I lived in Arizona, I would NEVER hire Wilmott or Nurmi should I need a lawyer. They are just like their client. Need I say more? Thik of the most hated lawyer in America. You get my meaning.

I haven't been watching trials that long, but was surprised and disgusted at how alike Defense Attys and their clients are. They seem to thrive on a perverted need to stick it to society..
Right on cue, here is Ms. Mit-Spec to get her max TV time.

At least her *advertiser censored* are not hanging out today.

She probably said "Why didn't you tell ME about being held at knife point when you were 13!?! That is a good mitigating factor to have in our bag of tricks."

Y'all saw her hand Arias' mom a white sheet of paper, right??

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 31. The camera was still running after court had ended. Starts 0:16 - YouTube[/ame]
FWIW Vinnie Politan showed the tape of her swallowing a pill when they first came on today and discussed it briefly- said Social Media is all over it..

JA probably thought it was Viagara! :floorlaugh:
According to Samuels it was him and Nurmi.

As if it's not obvious that Nurmi has used this "doctor" often in his sex cases. This just screams of set up and assisting with the version 3.0 when version 2.0 wasn't standing up. It all just screams of inapropriate behaviour on the part of both of them IMO.
Re "legal laws": This is perfect for Willmott. Her website says she "dedicates her entire practice to defending those charged with crimes and DUIs." Apparently that means the types of DUIs that aren't crimes.

Apparently bsk this attorney believes there are legal laws and illegal laws...I wonder what book she read to find the illegal laws. Maybe she took Illegal Laws 101 and 102.
How long will the lawyers require to go over the jury questions? Are we totally wasting our time today?

I don't know for your first question. See post 736 in this thread for your second question. TICK TOCK!!
Excuse my ignorance but what is a mitigation specialist???

They bring up all the stories about how tough a life JA had, try to make the jury feel sympathetic to mititgate the sentence - i.e., avoid the DP
I could have sworn that the good 'doctor' testified yesterday while under cross by Juan that he didn't interview any of her family as part of his evaluation. Is he attending social functions with the family in order to suddenly find these things out??

I seem to recall this as well.
Excuse my ignorance but what is a mitigation specialist???

If she is found guilty of 1st degree murder and it goes in to the"death" phase of the trial the mitigation specialist is responsible for lining up the people that will testify on JA's behalf. Death cannot be imposed unless the aggravating factors of the crime outweigh the mitigating factors. Does that make sense??
Anyone catch WHEN/date she told Dr. about he 13yr old knife point experience?

Supposedly he heard it from her brother, not from Jodi.


[ sounds like a lie she once told her brother, imo.]
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