trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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Nurmi got the doctor clothing becuase his real attire consists of ...


Practically everything this man has been called out on by Juan is "IRRELEVANT TO MY REPORT" yet he won't shut up about 100 different stories and explanations that are irrelevant to this case or why he is there.
This is completely irrelevant ....

A man was murdered. In cold blood. Period.

Justice for Travis Alexander.
I thought Willie was done. She was looking at here papers....the she said "you remember we were talking about"...........argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went and got a glass of wine.

Maybe Willie thinks if she and DS repeat the same carp over and over, the jury will be brainwashed to believe it's true. Kind of like when an abductee starts to identify with their kidnapper.

Forget the wine, I need a bottle of Tequila.
BS - the PTSD criteria was always there in his mind, he just forgot to add some of the criteria to his report! So he added it later, it was NOT in his original report. is like Wilma wants to keep going till the end of the day and not give JM a shot at Samuels.

Wilma starts her questions with So.........................blah blah blah
Here's what is wrong about about RS saying that JA's fight or flight kicked in and she chose to flee through the closet because there were two doors - in her own testilying, she specifically stated she grabbed the gun and ran back to the bathroom where Travis was. WHY would she run back to where he was if it was a flight reaction and she wanted to flee???

Makes no sense.

And as far as this whole - is it rational for a photographer to put a camera in the washer question - of course it is if she wanted to try to destroy her fingerprints and dna from the camera!!!
If he couldn't tell Jodi had low self esteem until he catalogued her mannerisms, why would he send her a book to help that before he met her?
OFFS - he's now analyzing TA? He's withholding love? WTF??
Can you imagine JM getting up there and saying...Well, doc, perhaps he REALLY DIDN'T LOVE HER!!!! I think that would get Jodi's attention, but good!
I cannot believe that Wilmott is still asking questions. Does she never gauge the jury's reaction?
I think Juan needs to ask him where he thinks Jodi ran using the floor plan. He seems to think she ran from the bathroom to the closet and that the altercation took place in the hall. Juan needs to make it clear she ran in one huge, stupid circle down the hall, into the closet and back to the bathroom.
The word "criteria" is plural, Jennifer.

Please use "criterion" when speaking in the singular context.

Of course, she makes less than the psychologist, so there's that... thing i just don't understand....if they were talking about both of them getting married to other people, and he was going to Mexico with another woman he liked and she was going to Utah to visit someone she may get a thing going with....Why have sex with eachother on the 4th and take nude photos? I wonder what he might have been thinking....i know she probably still loved him..but what was his doing? If you want to get rid of someone...i would think what they did would be the last thing you would try? This whole thing confuses me .....anyone have any ideas?

Jodi moved back to CA in early April. They had only phone contact until she shows up on June 4. So no sexual contact for two months, she shows up very willing. He knows Mimi isn't going to have sex with him in Cancun the next week..he figures why not, she's here..she's naked, brought the KY :great:
I think she is killing time so JM doesn't get to get the last questions before the weekend break. She is so boring.
I went and cleaned my 'fridge and threw out all the mystery food that's been piling up over the last month.
I come back and she's STILL TALKING!!
and I've already eaten 5 days of chocolate allotment.
Maybe a dumb Q but what is misogynist???:blushing:

Someone who hates women.
All this talk of anal sex is just meant to reinforce the idea that Travis was really a pedophile who liked young boys, but had anal sex with her instead..
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