trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #99

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Collateral interviews? With the FAMILY? That you didn't CONDUCT? :facepalm:
I can't believe the state of AZ wastes this much time and tax payers money on this blatant redundancy. Based on others real observations of some of the jurors, it's been stated several of them seem bored as hell - so what's with the need for this newest barrage of 100 questions?? Asked and Answered - move on already!!
Dr. Samuels stated that a person with this condition cannot perform exaggerated planning, we know she cleaned up the crime scene which is a contradiction, this is way beyond exaggerated planning!
I think the family was told to remove ribbons....
This happened at our trial too...
The defence alleged that it could "sway" the jury's opinions of the defendant etc.
And that the trial process was supposed to be impartial...
That whole "innocent until proven guilty"....
In cases where guilt is obvious this seems unfair but we had to remove ribbons as well because apparently it was garnering sympathy for us, the victims, against the two evil murderers in our case... :/

They can hear her lies, see evidence of her bizarre behavior on video, see camera photos taken during the murder, watch her hide things under her rear end during testimony, but ribbons might sway the jury?
Wow, I think I'm going to have to take some of my LEGIT anti-anxiety meds if I keep watching this bullSSSS.
They are STILL wearing their ribbons :rocker:

Oh thank goodness! What in the heck was that tweet about then? What was the family having to remove?

Is someone trying to give us a heart attack. I haven't paid attention to a single question becuase I've been so angry.
What did he say about personality disorder? I missed that one
OMG irrational to throw camera in washing machine...oh no doesnt have anything to do with trying to COVER UP the crime
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