trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #99

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Judge: can you answer yes or no?
Samuels: can you repeat the question?
Judge repeats question, samuels still doesn't answer yes or no 'brobable, could be likely'
Judge: Do you often make mistakes?
Samuels: No (no problem with yes or no there)
Just the fact that doc calls her Jodi rather than Ms Arias shows a bias towards her.
Doc's right. She was not "assertive" because she was not able to get her point accross "rationally! She was/ is AGGRESSIVE and IRRATIONAL
So she drove 4-5 hrs covered in blood.

At which point the blood, in the desert heat, would be dried on HER and her clothes, as well as any part of the CAR she came into contact with in her fognesia-- when she wasn't being careful. Right?

And dried blood would take a bit more than a few bottles of Costco water to clean off.

I call complete BS on that story.
Right handed sippy cup today with JA. Was it not left handed on the stand?
I'd love to see how the jury is reacting to these answers to their questions.
Yes calling him out on contradicting himself

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Hahaha... Love that they're cataloging his contradictions.
I tend to curse like a sailor also when someone interupts my shower by stabbing me.
LOVE this jury.

nailing him on his inconsistent testimony.
I feel the guy answers pretty honestly. From the doc's I know some can really put on a show and be firm this person was abused... blah blah

He is not doing that
I swear the next time I visit my oncologist I am going to ask why she hasn't sent me so much as a card, let alone a book? "Are you not a compassionate person?" GMAFB
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