trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #104

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I wonder why HLN wouldn't consider doing an After Dark segment on did Jodi actually abuse Travis? I think they would have so much more to work with.
Beth is setting the record straight on HLN, she says the jurors are submitting more questions (she isn't sure if they will get asked or not) etc..

So disregard what the other TH's are saying. :slap:

I like to see Beth there with Jean because I know once Beth speaks the truth will be known.

(so I can toss a load of towels in the washer??)

so I can file ma nails
Hln is so annoying mike galonos has jean and this atty on there! He thinks that the expert is being bullied.

I know!!! And that's sooo laughable:floorlaugh:...Exactly the way this 'Expert Witness' is, a complete JOKE!!!
If Jodi has admitted to the murder, why oh WHY is proving she did or did not suffer from PTSD afterward even relevant?? :banghead: Or is the diagnosis irrelevant and JM is just trying to prove that the expert and DT did a sloppy job all around on preparing for this case?

I keep wishing Samuels will have a sudden outburst and check JM by reminding him that he is completely wasting the Jury's time on all this minutia. :great: None of the last two weeks will even be discussed during deliberation. I feel so sorry for these people--no doubt they will despise the justice system after this and probably need therapy for PTSD if a call for jury duty card ever shows up in their mailboxes again! I'm sure there are prosecutors who could have found justice for Travis sans all the high school court room antics.


Because it would explain this "mysterous" fog JA lives in and why she can't remember anything unless it benefits her...
I agree. That's the point I was trying to make to various people criticizing Mr. M and saying he needs to "move on". :seeya:

In instance after instance JM is able to point to examples of Jodi have the same issues before the traumatic event. He keeps hammering that the worksheets clearly indicate since the traumatic event, big difference. I'd venture to guess he is going to add up the score again without issues that occured before June 4th and the ones after June 4th which are clearly lies on the part of Ms. Arias and conclude that the PTSD issue is moot and totally based on manipulation and lies by the defendent.

That said, I do think it is time to hustle this along and get this bs Doc off the stand.

Also - I can't get past this issue of her kicking her own Mum after the woman has come to Az to help her move back to Ca. This is just plain outright abuse on her own part.
Beth is setting the record straight on HLN, she says the jurors are submitting more questions (she isn't sure if they will get asked or not) etc..

So disregard what the other TH's are saying. :slap:

So agree with you.
Beth is the only one on stupid HLN "panel of experts" (lol) ... that hasn't sold out their opinion.
Beth is the voice of reason amid a HLN ship of fools. (a sinking ship)
Hln is so annoying mike galonos has jean and this atty on there! He thinks that the expert is being bullied.

I actually heard someone on tv talking about why they are not blatantly stating that the prosecution has this in the bag. It's because of the FCA trial and the fact that they were all talking about how much the verdict was going to be guilty and how poor the defense was. The fallout was difficult when the verdict came in because people were so sure because of the media that it would be guilty and I'm sure the media received a lot of hate mail because of it. So they have to balance it out this time. JC is a classic example of someone being paid to take a side whether she believes what she's saying or not. She takes the complete opposite side on NG. At the end of the day it's just a job.

I think if you took any prisoner before they went on trial for first degree murder and they took this PDST quizz they would score as high as Jodie's score.
Sure a person will not sleep well in jail knowing what is going to come up in a few months.
The only reading they will be able to concentrate on is legal law and trying to figure out what they can throw out to a jury that might save their sorry butt.
Most people if they have never been in jail before would be a little anti social because they don't know what other people are in jail for and they thenselves are feeling the same way.
She is scared of even first degree murder because if she is convicted she will be thrown in with the real hardcore criminals and the club med she's in now will just be a memory.
Jodie probably thought she would never get caught and now she has been it's lie lie lie because
she knows she can't be charged with purjery and all she has is lies and a bs story.
I just can't see how a jury can believe anything she says espesialy after coming up with three different stories about what happend.
I'm sure if she could she would try and go with an insanity plea and drag this trial out for another three months.
What does it take nowadays to convict someone of first degree murder(shooting and stabbing someone in the court room in front of the judge and a jury and audiance).The way things are these days that would probably not be enough to convict.
The law says beyond a reasonable doubt not absolute no doubt.
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