trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #104

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Totally shallow post: I like green nail polish but Jean C's doesn't coordinate well with her jacket.
If Jodi has admitted to the murder, why oh WHY is proving she did or did not suffer from PTSD afterward even relevant?? :banghead: Or is the diagnosis irrelevant and JM is just trying to prove that the expert and DT did a sloppy job all around on preparing for this case?

I keep wishing Samuels will have a sudden outburst and check JM by reminding him that he is completely wasting the Jury's time on all this minutia. :great: None of the last two weeks will even be discussed during deliberation. I feel so sorry for these people--no doubt they will despise the justice system after this and probably need therapy for PTSD if a call for jury duty card ever shows up in their mailboxes again! I'm sure there are prosecutors who could have found justice for Travis sans all the high school court room antics.
I found WebSleuths a couple of weeks ago and am SO GLAD! When there is a break I would much rather come here for comments than listen to the TH's on HLN. Jinka has lost me forever - sold out - IMHO. Beth is the best.
Thanks to everyone for their insight and especially our courtroom observers like PASA and KatieCoollady. I have developed a genuine fondness for some of the jurors like Poquito and others just from your descriptions. Great job guys!

:welcome6: :greetings:
that is why she gets SO close to both JW and the mit. specialist when she chats....closeness scares her

I think I have PTSD from people invading my personal space, too! I am STILL pissed at at least 3 people who crowded me in line at the store since the 1970s. I'm still flummoxed at the one who was so pushy that she actually put her stuff on the conveyer belt on TOP of my stuff. And then there was the lady who kept pushing her shopping cart into my ankles! Bump ... bump ... bump ... bump. And don't even get me STARTED about the OBNOXIOUS guy at the bookstore during the Christmas rush back in 1991!
I still think JA is a classic "Cluster B" of personality disorders. I think JM is writing all of this down so that he can discredit this expert with his own examples while at the same time setting the foundation to do the same to the DV expert...while simultaneously setting the foundation for JM's own experts. Wow...just wow...I'd never want to play a game of chess against this prosecutor, nuh uh.

Oh, what a great point! What if it turns out Samuels and the DV expert don't agree?
Jeff Jacobson says the doc has done his job for jodi and martinez needs to quit badhering the quack grrrrr
I think what Juan is going to do is after he's done questioning the doc hes going to add up A BC D E and tally up the score as it should have been by the docs answers and it won't add up to enough to be a qualifier for PDST

I agree. That's the point I was trying to make to various people criticizing Mr. M and saying he needs to "move on". :seeya:
The biggest thing Juan got out today was the fact that Jodo slapped her mother and kicked her to for no reason.
That shows that timid little Jodi is capable of instant violence even to her own mother.
That Jodi snaps with little provocation so she could snap enough to stab Travis with little or no provocation.
She is nuts no doubt about it.

attack her mother like she did. probably many more times. imo ja's family are most likely relieved she is in jail. i bet they were all afraid of ja. :moo:
I found WebSleuths a couple of weeks ago and am SO GLAD! When there is a break I would much rather come here for comments than listen to the TH's on HLN. Jinka has lost me forever - sold out - IMHO. Beth is the best.
Thanks to everyone for their insight and especially our courtroom observers like PASA and KatieCoollady. I have developed a genuine fondness for some of the jurors like Poquito and others just from your descriptions. Great job guys!

Welcome! :great:
For those who would like a little bit of Juan until lunch returns, here he is at a hearing for Robert Towery.

Sorry for just the link, I'm not sure how to embed a video so you can just hit play.

Well we know Juan is used to testimonies about an** s** and fognesia thats for sure....and I love how he points this guy is NOT the victim here. Very eleoquent and well-versed...and it goes fast when you don't have hostile liars trying to spin BS every 5 secs

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It's Willmont's chair that is raised. If you look at Nurmi his is about the same as Jodi's.

But Jodi is closer in height to Willmont than Nurmi.

Him being taller, his chair would be lower than Willmont. It is a game, one we saw in KC trial too.
wow....all of this trashing of Juan and praising of Sandy.....:banghead:

The court of public opinion is too far in Juan's corner for their (msm) liking so they lie to try and make it seem like more of a neck in neck dog fight. HLNeven just dropped the doc's fee to $150/hr :what:
Must be the defense tactic of the decade:


All matchy matchy today I see!
I couldn't disagree more.

I listened to numerous people criticize him for going on and on about the gas cans, and he brought that HOME. It went straight back to premeditation. He's the one holding the responsibility and he knows where he's going. With the shifty answers he gets from the killer and her quack, he has no choice but to stay on it.

And in response to not remembering who Flores and the ME and their testimony, etc. - Juan has cemented them and their testimony in my minds. I have no problem remembering who they are and what they've said.

And I totally agree with you.

He is amazing. Hard hitting, credible, honest, and thorough leaving no stone unturned. That's his job and he has done it exceedingly well for decades.

The THs that criticize him don't have 300 wins under their belt like Juan Martinez does and never will, imo.

Juan needs to do what he does best and that is be himself and try his cases like he has done for many years.

I wouldn't give "talking heads" any credence - they said the same thing(s) when he was cross on JA. I think they want to cause controversyby declaring this carp.
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