trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #107

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so murder statistic norms are not really relevant. The abuse relevant here had to be short of murder for it to apply to Jodi as she's still alive. I'm not a violent crime expert but yes I believe more women are murdered by male partners. But I'm not as sure that there aren't many women out there who are psychological abusers, who don't employ methods to control the man in their life.

My problem with this expert is that she's an advocate/expert which means she has devoted her life to abused women and thus has a bias that infects her professional work. She is not interested in abused men and doesn't study them. Her concern is abused women and she sees everything in light of that bias. That's fine I just don't find it relevant or compelling info in this case as I don't think Jodi was in any way abused and I do think she is a sociopath and has abused, stalked and terrorized people. So to me, this "expert" is just another person with squishy pseudo science that got duped by Jodi.

I agree with you overall, but I do think it's easy to see that men are worse in this regard (at this time and overall), because of the difference in the murder rate of intimate partners. We do report murders and investigate them, and there is a large gender difference at that level of violence. Since it's a high level, it is most definitely 'worse', imho.

That's not to say that women don't murder, that women aren't abusers or that female-on-male DV isn't more evenly spread out in lesser degrees of violence. But I think it is important to note, especially here on WS where we see so many murdered and missing women so often at the hands of their man :(
This is kind of confusing because they just spent all that time with an expert explaining Jodi's behavior, so it kind of seems like this new witness is doing the same thing.
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ETA: added pic 'cause turnadot beat me

I'm not a 'cat' person (more of a 'dog' person), but OMG! Those cute little faces would certainly change my mind!
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