trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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Respectfully, that'd be quite a parade!

I mean, he DID date a lot of women/girls. :blushing:

And I DO think TA's crapola early life was in part responsible for some of his neediness (not the right word, but stay with me, here) where women were concerned. He wanted to be loved and praised and in a committed relationship with a woman who lifted him up and admired him. I think this need for love enabled him to fall prey to JA. At least initially.

Please, no flames. It's JMO and what I see.

I hear you. I literally had to go over a hand written list of men my sister had been with with the detectives after her murder. She and Travis had so many similarities its eerie. Both oldest children , both lots of dating, both raised by a grandmother, both suffered abuse, both attracted a sociopath at age 30 who stabbed them multiple times and slit their throat. :(
AGAIN, it is a logical fallacy to use percentages in this way. Yes, maybe 100% of the population she worked with witnessed violence. BUT 100% of children who witness violence do not BECOME violent.

Grrrrr. Don't blame ALV for this, blame the trained mind of the attorney - it's dirty pool. Well, let's hope our mathmagicijuan sorts it out, if ALV doesn't do it herself.

AVL has been working with dt for some time. She was aware before today what she would be asked during this trial with all connotations...
I am craving this in a major way and I don't wanna go to the store.......Or some good fudge.


That is why I never go to the store hungry. I would buy all junk. lol
Not a lip reader but that is exactly what I thought she said.

This line of questioning has me so enraged I felt compelled to share myself with all of you thoughtful sleuthers. My father was a violent alcoholic who beat me bloody, broke bones, knocked out teeth and spit on me. My mother left me with him. When I was 20 I found his body after a long tortured death by self poisoning. My son is my treasure, my gift. I am not nor have I ever been suicidal. I do not drink. What I endured as a child was so horrific that I have chosen a better life for myself and my child. I am devastated and insulted by the insinuations being allowed by this DT and this expert. This family is being violated again and again. When does it stop.

:rose: :rose: :rose: to you and life going forth in the way your father can't control what better way "to show him."

It stops when she is found guilty of 1st degree murder "X fingers and toes"
Ghetto Bird cruising in circles above my house...

Hmm does it know I'm about to go Beserk down to the courthouse?? Sent to stop me??

I'm so pizzed I can't even see straight right now!

I just keep chanting "There's a Special Hell for These kinds of People" over & over...

Keep reminding yourself that Juan will make it right. That's how I'm surviving this hot mess of a witness.
But Travis had a grandma who took him in and he also had his faith.

My blood pressure is skyrocketing!

Yes, he had his Grandma and his faith. And the jury knows that too, so I think this little low trick by the DT won't go unnoticed. Think about how you would see this if you were sitting on that jury, knowing what they know about her. And how you would process this testimony. It's vague, it's irrelevant, and JM is going to reinforce that during his cross. Then we'll see if the DT can redeem her testimony. Me thinks not.

After seeing the jury questions for JA when she testified, I think it's pretty obvious they know she's a liar. So I don't think they'll buy into the whole abuse scenario. And if I was on the jury I wouldn't care about what suit Willmott wears, or how flashy Nurmi's socks are, or whether JM raises his voice when he's questioning the witnesses. But I would see how flustered the DT seems to be all the time, and how shaken their confidence is. That wouldn't inspire any confidence in me that they have faith in their expert's testimony. MOO.
Actually, all this expert has done is answer the questions put to her. She doesn't have the ability to control what she is asked. She said nearly 100% of abusers come from an abusive household. She didn't say nearly 100% who come from an abusive household become abusers.

I'm still reserving judgment on her. She isn't the devil.

I wonder what % of people who come from abusive households become abusers? WAY LESS than 100%.
Also wonder what LaV defines as "abusive" in childhood- being grounded for skipping school? Depending on her definition of "abusive childhood", all of us probably fit in her category. If you look hard enough you can probably find something you can label as "abuse" from everyone's childhood.
It is a Logical Fallacy to assume that everyone from an abusive home will become an abuser. Some old study of prisoners at Folsom found 100% claimed to come from homes with DV. I don't think I need to explain how that CANNOT be twisted into saying 100% of children who witness DV will grow up to be abusive. And yet that is what some people get from that study.

I don't think that is where ALV was headed, anyway. I think she will be more likely to "hypothetically" say many with this background grow up to be "RESCUERS."

And rescuers are prime targets for sociopaths.

Yep yep yep.

All of TA's friends describe him as such. Which is why JA was able to get her initial hold and to hang on as long as she did even after TA's friends made it clear he couldn't date her. Everyone thinks it was sex, but I also believe he wanted to rescue her.
I missed her answer. Would you please tell me what she said.

I am so angry she is using his childhood against him. I was severely abused as a child and I have never ever hurt anyone nor would I ever abuse them.:furious:

I give up. :banghead:
Here she is sitting there looking small, petite, abused, sad, depressed, little girl hair, and much the victim. She plays this role so well.
Seems like no matter what he may have tried to do nothing would have kept her away. Once her charms failed she just felt justified in retaliation. Revenge of the worst kind...punishment..:( he met her and was doomed by the path they crossed together...
no way out of the Dark tunnel..
Justice for Travis...
I don't smoke but had a cigarette last week. Ok I had 2 ..after court. This trial!!!

Was that before or after the bath....hehe

My sister and I have been doing martini sidebar has been rather dry!

Bless his heart for stopping LaViolette in her tracks before she destroyed the Alexander siblings any further.

Not a lip reader but that is exactly what I thought she said.

This line of questioning has me so enraged I felt compelled to share myself with all of you thoughtful sleuthers. My father was a violent alcoholic who beat me bloody, broke bones, knocked out teeth and spit on me. My mother left me with him. When I was 20 I found his body after a long tortured death by self poisoning. My son is my treasure, my gift. I am not nor have I ever been suicidal. I do not drink. What I endured as a child was so horrific that I have chosen a better life for myself and my child. I am devastated and insulted by the insinuations being allowed by this DT and this expert. This family is being violated again and again. When does it stop.

Geez. What have I been missing? Maybe it's a good thing I haven't been watching?

Did she begin to give her assessment of jodi? If so, what was it?

What line of questioning was going on that Juan Martinez stopped?

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