trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Oh I'd put my money on him being a state's witness for sure! Nothing Jodi did via computer is going to help her out one bit.

He is a state's witness.

I can't answer your question about juror questions but as to the plea Q, NO WAY would JM take death off the table. (1) He has no incentive to do so, he has proven 1st degree muder, (2) TA's family would never accept the offer, the desire of the family usually factors in to these decisions

Proof of 1st degree murder, of course, is not any guarantee of a death sentence.

I wasn't aware of TA's family's view, though. If they are very strongly pushing for death, JM may feel obligated to fight for them even if Jodi offers a 1st degree deal.

I really don't think Jodi would offer that, anyway. I think she is still hoping for acquittal and maybe thinking manslaughter wouldn't be such a terrible result.
The thing is, there are people on trial who are innocent. Now, say it was me, and I somehow ended up in jail, unable to make bail, and I was innocent of whatever crime I was being charged with. And in addition, I would want to aid my attorneys in my defense while on trial. I would not want to find myself so sleep deprived or hungry that I would be unable to do that. And the point is, our Constituition says, innocent until proven guilty, which is a GOOD thing.

So now there is JA, who I agree is disturbing and not pleasant to watch, but she is innocent until proven guilty, and it is an injustice to anyone, even JA, to prevent her from aiding her attorneys in defending herself. And I am sure you would agree with me if it was your mother, brother, sister, father, should they ever find themselves in that unfortunate place.

I don't like JA and I think she is guilty as hel* of premeditated murder, but what is right is right. And I think it is a power thing for the sheriff, and that has no place in our justice system.

You are absolutely right. Our courts are so backed up that often innocent people pay the consequences.

My point is this: didn't we as parents teach our children right from wrong...follow the rules, be it at school or home or at the home of friends or relatives. And if you don't follow the rules, there are consequences. Unfortunately for JA she chose to break the rules in a county where the "boss" has established some pretty harsh rules.

I know this sounds narrow minded, but I was raised to respect authority and because I wasn't always a perfect child, I suffered the consequences if I chose to disobey. My children knew the definition of "responsibility" and "consequences" at a very early age.

JA obviously, from everything we have learned, had very little supervision and made her own rules. She now finds herself living someplace where the rules are established and she has no choice but to abide by those rules.

I mean no disrespect to you personally and I certainly respect your opinion.
High profile trial lengths:
(Not counting any subsequent appeals etc...)
(I honestly never thought the JA case would be high proflie....)

Conrad Murray's trial was 6 weeks....9 hour deliberation
Casey Anthony 6 weeks....deliberation 11 hours
Scott Peterson 6 months.....7 days deliberation
Robert Blake 3 months.....35 hours
OJ 8 months...4 hours deliberation
Charlie Manson 7 months.....nine days
Steubanville rape jerks around 2.5 weeks...judge gave verdict

:gthanks: seguek9

:tyou: Interesting information! I really appreciate your post. :tyou:

roaaarrr...cough cough... lol.. didn't get that you were being fictitious about "waiting period" .. yeah it sucks that the victim's families have to wait so long.. "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine"

Easy there, Tiger.

I just think it's ludicrous that it takes 5 years for a case to come to trial. Jodi was arrested in 2008 , it is 2013. Which is FIVE YEARS.

It is pathetic that Travis' family has had to wait that long, and even more ridiculous that the AZ taxpayers have had to pay to house her these last FIVE YEARS.

How are you NOT getting five years? :waitasec:
Good point. I've never looked at anything on the computers. Nice, though, that you don't have to annoy the clerks in person any more. :)

Indeed. And they don't mind letting ya know that they're annoyed, do they? :)
You are absolutely right. Our courts are so backed up that often innocent people pay the consequences.

My point is this: didn't we as parents teach our children right from wrong...follow the rules, be it at school or home or at the home of friends or relatives. And if you don't follow the rules, there are consequences. Unfortunately for JA she chose to break the rules in a county where the "boss" has established some pretty harsh rules.

I know this sounds narrow minded, but I was raised to respect authority and because I wasn't always a perfect child, I suffered the consequences if I chose to disobey. My children knew the definition of "responsibility" and "consequences" at a very early age.

JA obviously, from everything we have learned, had very little supervision and made her own rules. She now finds herself living someplace where the rules are established and she has no choice but to abide by those rules.

I mean no disrespect to you personally and I certainly respect your opinion.

You see, the point is, there are some good people who are falsely accused. Cops make mistakes, people make mistakes, and sometimes there is injustice in this world, so that is why we have to protect the innocent, and EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty. That is the law and everyone should abide by that law.
JVM says they will talk about JA migraine. What is triggering it and if it may be a defense strategy. Stay tuned.
Just want to say thank you to those who made me feel welcome. :tyou: My first post was a :doh::giggle: but it can only get better from here.

After a long day thought I go to HLN and see what happened today, just to find out nothing. What I didn't understand is the media reporting nothing happened today. They actually are making show after show about nothing. Reminds me of Seinfeld.
Originally Posted by Rosebutter View Post
I doubt there was any rope, even though I think I remember seeing a tiny piece of rope, about 3 or 4 inches, in a crime scene photo. I will try to look again for it. Yet it seems the police didn't find any rope? and JA says she threw it away, you know during the fog that didn't exist.

I suspect she made the rope up to go along with one of the stories LaViolette will be telling about abuse victims and how they just go along with everything.

For those of us that are left on the board today, I have a question for anyone. These two pics show a tiny piece of rope, but I don't see any references for the pics??

I've tried to upload them here, will see if it works. I'm just wondering what these pics are? Looks to be on TA staircase?? Anyone have a comment? Were these ever discussed anywhere? Thank you.:seeya:


  • J Arias HLN Crime Scene pic #53.jpg
    J Arias HLN Crime Scene pic #53.jpg
    122.1 KB · Views: 42
  • J Arias HLN crime scene pic #54.jpg
    J Arias HLN crime scene pic #54.jpg
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You know what, I hate to say this but I could care LESS whether or not JA gets a sandwich for lunch or she gets NOTHING. IMO she deserves NOTHING. NO special treatment and that sorry Judge if she had CONTROL of her Courtroom like she should have she would have called a short recess of about 15-20 minutes, made the Jailer shove a Tylenol down her throat and giver her a couple crackers and MOVE ON with the trial. She is an ADMITTED MURDERER, IMO she deserves NO special treatment. Is Travis getting to eat, is Travis getting special medicine, Is Travis garnering sympathy for being frail and acting like they are just to delicate for trial? NO HE CANNOT BECAUSE SHE KILLED HIM, in Cold Blood and people like that deserve NOTHING but a cold, dark Jail cell while they are waiting for the Death Chamber. This is just insanity these delays. This is a purposeful, intentional little ACT that Arias is pulling to drag out the inevitable. Now, Jane Velez Mitchell is saying that there is a BIGGER issue here that something is "Causing" these Migraines at the Jail. I am SO over this trial, the Judge NOT controlling her Courtroom like she should and the State for allowing this nonsense and shenanigans to continue unchecked. This is a complete Sideshow Circus now and is losing its integrity rapidly.
Indeed. And they don't mind letting ya know that they're annoyed, do they? :)

Karmady...azlawyer...and all of our verified experts--we are blessed to have you guys (girls?)...people!
You know what, I hate to say this but I could care LESS whether or not JA gets a sandwich for lunch or she gets NOTHING. IMO she deserves NOTHING. NO special treatment and that sorry Judge if she had CONTROL of her Courtroom like she should have she would have called a short recess of about 15-20 minutes, made the Jailer shove a Tylenol down her throat and giver her a couple crackers and MOVE ON with the trial. She is an ADMITTED MURDERER, IMO she deserves NO special treatment. Is Travis getting to eat, is Travis getting special medicine, Is Travis garnering sympathy for being frail and acting like they are just to delicate for trial? NO HE CANNOT BECAUSE SHE KILLED HIM, in Cold Blood and people like that deserve NOTHING but a cold, dark Jail cell while they are waiting for the Death Chamber. This is just insanity these delays. This is a purposeful, intentional little ACT that Arias is pulling to drag out the inevitable. Now, Jane Velez Mitchell is saying that there is a BIGGER issue here that something is "Causing" these Migraines at the Jail. I am SO over this trial, the Judge NOT controlling her Courtroom like she should and the State for allowing this nonsense and shenanigans to continue unchecked. This is a complete Sideshow Circus now and is losing its integrity rapidly.

I feel like it's a test by Jodi to see if she could get court shut down for the day - now she knows she can. I agree, she should have been given medicine and something to eat - they take an early lunch then resume after as usual.
After a long day thought I go to HLN and see what happened today, just to find out nothing. What I didn't understand is the media reporting nothing happened today. They actually are making show after show about nothing. Reminds me of Seinfeld.

I loved Seinfeld.
Hearing Violette again ~ while she may not be mentioning TA's name, however, she seems to be implying abuse geared at times towards the defenses claims.
There are "rope" fibers in the bathroom and in the hall.. evidence markers 3# and #8
Edit: some kind of fibers



Originally Posted by Rosebutter View Post
I doubt there was any rope, even though I think I remember seeing a tiny piece of rope, about 3 or 4 inches, in a crime scene photo. I will try to look again for it. Yet it seems the police didn't find any rope? and JA says she threw it away, you know during the fog that didn't exist.

I suspect she made the rope up to go along with one of the stories LaViolette will be telling about abuse victims and how they just go along with everything.

For those of us that are left on the board today, I have a question for anyone. These two pics show a tiny piece of rope, but I don't see any references for the pics??

I've tried to upload them here, will see if it works. I'm just wondering what these pics are? Looks to be on TA staircase?? Anyone have a comment? Were these ever discussed anywhere? Thank you.:seeya:
they have to get all the prisoners going to court that day on the paddy wagon.

Most jails keep that schedule, I'm not sure why but It's not to do with court. I've always thought it must have something to do with dividing work among the guards into neat divisions as they rotate through their shifts.
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