trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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If JA can sleep in a car comfortably she can sleep in a holding cell before trial! But she wouldn't want to ruin her side ponytail, of course..

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So it's for sure a migraine on JA's part that got court cancelled??? Has anyone ever heard of SUCK IT UP????? I cannot believe she's allowed to direct the courtroom this way. Unreal.

Frankly I'm surprised she hasn't disrupted the proceedings more. I think she's seeing the writing on the wall and soon it won't be the Jodi Show and she'll be relegated to the D List of convicted murderers and no one will give a %hit. 3 months from now it will be "Jodi who?" Good riddance to trashy rubbish!
Originally Posted by Rosebutter View Post
I doubt there was any rope, even though I think I remember seeing a tiny piece of rope, about 3 or 4 inches, in a crime scene photo. I will try to look again for it. Yet it seems the police didn't find any rope? and JA says she threw it away, you know during the fog that didn't exist.

I suspect she made the rope up to go along with one of the stories LaViolette will be telling about abuse victims and how they just go along with everything.

For those of us that are left on the board today, I have a question for anyone. These two pics show a tiny piece of rope, but I don't see any references for the pics??

I've tried to upload them here, will see if it works. I'm just wondering what these pics are? Looks to be on TA staircase?? Anyone have a comment? Were these ever discussed anywhere? Thank you.:seeya:

Ok.. Here's :twocents: on the "rope talk"...

I've always thought "the rope" was an excuse to put the knife upstairs as an 'available weapon' I also *think* JA has used info/pic of "the rope pieces" for the whole S&M'esq sex, knife placement etc..

However.. I *believe* these "pieces of rope" may actually be 'fancy' trim on a throw pillow from either downstairs or maybe the arm chair from bedroom... the THROW PILLOW SHE USED TO SILENCE THE GUNSHOT..

IDK the houses are kind of close in TAs neighborhood from pics I've seen and at 5:30 to 5:45pm I would think people would be coming home from work/store out & about a bit that a gun shot may been heard thus need to try to muffle it???

Ok that's my theory on "the rope" again jmo
I have no idea.. I don't remember anything form before the last I think it was said no pillow was missing or something and I don't know if it matched anything with the other pillows in the house

The only thing is the roommates wouldn't know if he had 2 or 3 pillows or whatever, IMO. They're dudes. They didn't even hang out with him. So I've always thought it was possible there WAS a pillow missing. Just possible. Not saying I believe it.

One thing about that kind of fringe. If you cut it, it just frays and comes apart. It would make lousy bondage rope!

Oh, and a poster above just suggested a dog toy. That could be too. I have tug toys for my dogs that shed fibers when they play with them.
More sidebars and delays than trial. The jurors aren't going to take long in reaching a verdict.
Just to preface what I am going to say I will say this: I think JA is guilty of premeditated murder and she is a despicable human being, but she does deserve a fair trial. I don't think it is right that anyone should have to get up that early and then have to participate in their own defense.

Let's just say, if it was someone else and that someone else was innocent and was facing the DP, would that be fair? NO. And besides, the way I see it, it is a Constitutional issue. And this sheriff is on some power trip.

Isn't it possible if JA needs her beauty sleep, she could sign away her right to be at the trial and just stay in jail.

I tell you I don't like getting up early to go to work, but guess what, if I want the job I have to get up early. Same way for JA, if she wants to be a the trial, I guess she has to get up early. There are lots of procedures the jailers have to deal with, for many reasons, one being the have to keep a close count on the prisoners to make sure they don't escape, it has happened and you know how the jail looks when it does. This is life and not everything is fair=It wasn't fair that JA killed Travis.
I get migraines and there is still no stopping mine after trying tons of combinations of medications and treatments. I don't know if JA really gets them or not, of course, but just talking about migraines and people, medication isn't like magic for some people.

For some people meds work absolute wonders, and I'm so glad that's true for them :) Migraines suck. Mine are much better on medications and I take an everyday pill for mine, too, but they are still pretty miserable for me. There's no way I could be on trial and not have a migraine day or two (more like 3x a week here :( ). I'd probably be puking in a bucket up with experts on the stand, lol.

She may really have enough of a problem that it's not a ploy. If so, we know she feels really, really miserable and that kinda works for me for her right now!
IIRC those were not rope fibres but tassels from decorative pillows in Travis's bedroom.

Thank you! Somedays I swear I'm in that Groundhog Day movie....we've bent over this sooooooo much.....

ETA: no....nevermind....I'm gonna leave that typo. Its funny. :)
If Jodi Arias feels faint she should be seen by a doctor - could be side effects from medication - low blood sugar - anything - send her to the jailhouse doc for testing - and then it's back to court she goes ....
Honestly I think that she believes that she doesn't deserve to be punished. She doesn't care that she hurt anyone, she feels he deserved it. JMO of course, but it just seems that way to me. No wonder they have her on strong medications (tranquilizers IIRC?), I think she would have snapped a bit in the courtroom, if not.
Where did you hear that JA is on tranquilizers?
Do you remember what one she's on?
LaViolette DID interview Jodi & she DID lie to Alyce about computer pics. Of course later changing story to match computer forensic evidence. Here's more info:

During Juan's cross of Jodi on Day 21, Juan mentions the hearing on August 8, 2011. This hearing was where Jodi tried to get Matt McCartney to lie for her about pedophilia accusations against Travis & attempted to slip magazines to him. LaViolette was in this same hearing & told Juan Martinez during questioning that Jodi had told her Travis was masturbating to images on a laptop (not pieces of paper on bed).

Separately, accounts say that Juan was furious about LaViolette's testimony and immediately filed a motion to preclude LaViolette from testifying about Travis Alexander in any way. Mainly because her testimony would be based on a lie from Jodi. Prosecutor could prove this was a lie because it directly contradicted Jodi saying she saw Travis masturbating to pictures on his bed NOT images on laptop.

On August 15, 2011, the judge granted the state's motion to preclude LaViolette from speaking about Travis and limiting her testimony about main issues of abuse.

Separately, I seem to recall that Jean Casarez was recently on HLN speaking about this same hearing where LaViolette and Juan got into it pretty heavily and that LaViolette didn't fare well against him. Apparently Jean didn't think LaViolette would hold up against Juan much better than on that day when he gets her on cross. Does anyone have that video?

Soooo... in short, she is just up there to talk about domestic abuse in general, and not how it pertains to this case?

I would of done that for 100/hr.
Originally Posted by Rosebutter View Post
I doubt there was any rope, even though I think I remember seeing a tiny piece of rope, about 3 or 4 inches, in a crime scene photo. I will try to look again for it. Yet it seems the police didn't find any rope? and JA says she threw it away, you know during the fog that didn't exist.

I suspect she made the rope up to go along with one of the stories LaViolette will be telling about abuse victims and how they just go along with everything.

For those of us that are left on the board today, I have a question for anyone. These two pics show a tiny piece of rope, but I don't see any references for the pics??

I've tried to upload them here, will see if it works. I'm just wondering what these pics are? Looks to be on TA staircase?? Anyone have a comment? Were these ever discussed anywhere? Thank you.:seeya:

We don't know but some have speculated that they might be fringe from one of the decorative pillows in TA's bedroom.
The reason they're using the rope lie is to get a knife upstairs. I think those fibers found gave them the idea.

Agree! It wasn't very smart, either. If JA was so afraid of Travis, why would she allow him to tie her up? And then there's the problem with the sleigh bed, lol.....
A couple of questions I want you thoughts on:

Why didn't the police compare the "rope" fibers to possible sources like the throw pillows and slippers? Since the fibers were important enough to photograph, I would think they would have analyzed them.

Why did Jodi drag Travis into the shower? It would have been easier to put him in the tub and she still could have washed off any DNA/trace evidence.
Honestly I think that she believes that she doesn't deserve to be punished. She doesn't care that she hurt anyone, she feels he deserved it. JMO of course, but it just seems that way to me. No wonder they have her on strong medications (tranquilizers IIRC?), I think she would have snapped a bit in the courtroom, if not.

You Betcha!

She was crying on interrogation tape w/EF NOT because of what she did BUT what SHE WAS going to miss out on!!

Oh I've said from beginning of trial (before DrD)

Pop, shitch, shish, snap, Cicero...
He had it coming..
If you'd been there..
You'd thought so too!

He ran into her knife
He ran into her knife 29 times!

Chicago Defense!
Where did you hear that JA is on tranquilizers?
Do you remember what one she's on?

It was part of Dr. Samuel's testimony, he didn't state what kind or if she's still on them, but said that the prison doctor prescribed her tranquilizers and antidepressants

One juror asked: "Is Ms. Arias taking medication to treat this terrible PTSD disorder?"

"At various times she was on a tranquilizer, was on an anti-depressant, sometimes medication is suggested for PTSD, depending upon the nature of the symptoms. For example, some people experience intense anxiety, so one form of medication might be prescribed, some others might be experiencing depression, so another type of medication might be prescribed…but I was not involved with the treatment. That was left to the jail psychiatrist and therapist to provide her with that medication. The reason that I know she was on this medication is because she told me… and medical records reflected that," said Samuels.

I know his testimony was riddled with holes, but I don't think he'd lie about something as easy to check as the medical record
More sidebars and delays than trial. The jurors aren't going to take long in reaching a verdict.

Is anyone else a little worried they might opt for a lesser included to avoid the penalty phase? I hadn't thought about it much, but I've heard it brought up a few times. Does anyone know how long a penalty phase typically lasts?
So is JA supposed to receive SPECIAL TREATMENT from the jail and court ??
(I certainly do not mean to jump on you about this ... I'm just sitting here with my jaw dropped because JA and/or her family thinks she should be treated any differently than any other prisoner housed at the jail and being transported to court daily)

I think not.
Maricopa County has been housing, feeding, transporting their inmates to court for years & years.
The courthouse runs the same basic way ... day and day out.

Thousands & thousands of inmates are handled and processed thru their system - from jail to court and back to jail at the end of the day.

I'm sure none of the prisoners like getting up early, or enjoy the food the are served.
This ain't the Ritz Carlton.

I couldn't agree more, just more manipulation by the defendant IMO.
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