trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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I have an aunt who is a born seamstress, just very gifted with the needle. When she sews for you, she makes her pattern right off your body. When the garment's finished, it is stitch perfect but so tight that if you ever manage to stuff yourself into it, you cannot get out. Of course, you look like a sausage too. I am so reminded of Arias and her all inclusive tailoring of the intimate partner abuse--oh, horrors--she suffered in her relationship with Travis. I've been musing on how she took great pains to impute every classic D.V. trait & harm to Travis. She did not miss a beat. The lists these D.V. assistance organisations publish are extensive. She wasn't daunted by the number of offenses, she was inspired. And when she arrived at "impact and injury to the children", she wasn't stumped for long. No children? No problem. Assert Travis was a potential pedophile. Trouble is, it is just too perfect and far too tight and totally unbelievable. Especially when fitted up by a notorious liar.
I dislike JA as much as all of you here, but if I was the sheriff I'd make sure she got more than plenty to eat while this trial is ongoing.

6 meals a day if need be. 5000 calories if she wanted.

The goal is to convict her, and after she's convicted drop her food intake to 1000 calories day day. Nobody would care.

Is anyone else a little worried they might opt for a lesser included to avoid the penalty phase? I hadn't thought about it much, but I've heard it brought up a few times. Does anyone know how long a penalty phase typically lasts?

NO.. I believe DT tried to plea & my understanding is JM said No Can Do Buck-A-Roo!
I wonder if Jodi stood on her head during the time she is in the tank would help her migraines? :waitasec:
Rest easy....the princess is getting special treatment. HLN just did a report with JC. Jodi is getting more than 2600 calories a day. The jail is dividing her breakfast for her (too stressful for her to do herself, I guess) So....not to worry. Mean Sheriff Joe is looking after the needs of Jodi. Oh! And JC managed to get a dig in against JM. A twofer!!

And Nurmi is trying to get them to ADD 500 cal to that?
JA needs 3100 cal a day?

Did I just hear this right? That the killer is claiming she is being made to wake up too early for court.

this is all just too much, ja awaken too early, really! what time does ta get up???? ja can drag this out result will be the same guilty 1st degree. jmo
That's what I'm saying. The photography was merely a tool in her narcissism. She only took pictures of her own self and of Travis, who'd she become obsessed with. She never took pics of other people or nature or anything. It makes me chuckle when the news people refer to them as a photographer and a Mormon salesman.

Part of her alibi included her plan to drive south from Redding to Daryl's sister's house and take pics of her new baby. Probably a lie, but her story of driving down without calling first to find out if the sister would even be home made her look even worse. In her story she called the sister a number of times and waited around a good while w/o success to hear back from her, then continued her journey. She has no idea how nonsensical her tales are.
We have "kinfolk" in TN. Very strong accents. Hubbie's brother in law kept telling me one day that his "HAR' itched. I was like WTF? What's HAR? AFter about 20 minutes I finally got it that he was talking about his hair.

LUV this--my hubby says "there's a spatter on the wall"--I say paint or grease spatter--he says "spatter" & wiggles his fingers to signal "spider".

He asks "where's the ladder"--I say we don't own one--he flips his thumb to signal "lighter" for the "farplace" (fireplace).

But the BEST was when he asked the grocery manager, "where do keep your a$$"--the guy just gave him the weirdest look--no signal for this one! He had to enunciate--LOL!! It's so darling, but he thinks I'm laughing at him.:blushing:
The reason they're using the rope lie is to get a knife upstairs. I think those fibers found gave them the idea.

Exactly. Weak story considering Travis had a sleigh bed :floorlaugh:
o/t, but for all the locals on this thread, looks like we've got some more local activity. My daughter just called to tell me that a man strangled his wife to death in Scottsdale today...yikes!

Was that same apt where gal was missing? Vanessa something? Found blood in apt but not her?

Or is this a whole new murder?

Btw.. We sure are turning into a lil LA huh? (No Offense CA folks)
I get migraines and there is still no stopping mine after trying tons of combinations of medications and treatments. I don't know if JA really gets them or not, of course, but just talking about migraines and people, medication isn't like magic for some people.

For some people meds work absolute wonders, and I'm so glad that's true for them :) Migraines suck. Mine are much better on medications and I take an everyday pill for mine, too, but they are still pretty miserable for me. There's no way I could be on trial and not have a migraine day or two (more like 3x a week here :( ). I'd probably be puking in a bucket up with experts on the stand, lol.

She may really have enough of a problem that it's not a ploy. If so, we know she feels really, really miserable and that kinda works for me for her right now!

Just like most medical conditions, migraines come in different levels. Mine started out with pain only and the only thing that worked for me was a pain pill where I could knock out and sleep. They progressed to where I had no pain but I had vomiting, disorientation, aura, flashing lights, numbness on one side of my body, could not speak properly and sensitivity to light. Some people have mild migraines and some people have really bad ones. I ran a red light and totaled my car driving home from work during a migraine. They can be debilitating.
If Jodi Arias feels faint she should be seen by a doctor - could be side effects from medication - low blood sugar - anything - send her to the jailhouse doc for testing - and then it's back to court she goes ....

I felt faint the minute they announced no court today...I thought about going to see my dr. for evaluation but then I realized I was just extremely frustrated with Jodi's games...ifeellikethistrialisnevergoingtoend!!!! :(

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I dislike JA as much as all of you here, but if I was the sheriff I'd make sure she got more than plenty to eat while this trial is ongoing.

6 meals a day if need be. 5000 calories if she wanted.

The goal is to convict her, and after she's convicted drop her food intake to 1000 calories day day. Nobody would care.


I absolutely agree. And I would add a good nights sleep. If this creates a mistrial, that sheriff should be held responsible.
It was part of Dr. Samuel's testimony, he didn't state what kind or if she's still on them, but said that the prison doctor prescribed her tranquilizers and antidepressants

I know his testimony was riddled with holes, but I don't think he'd lie about something as easy to check as the medical record
Thank you, commspecialist! I guess I didn't listen so close to what Dr. Samuel's said, did I? :blushing:
I have an aunt who is a born seamstress, just very gifted with the needle. When she sews for you, she makes her pattern right off your body. When the garment's finished, it is stitch perfect but so tight that if you ever manage to stuff yourself into it, you cannot get out. Of course, you look like a sausage too. I am so reminded of Arias and her all inclusive tailoring of the intimate partner abuse--oh, horrors--she suffered in her relationship with Travis. I've been musing on how she took great pains to impute every classic D.V. trait & harm to Travis. She did not miss a beat. The lists these D.V. assistance organisations publish are extensive. She wasn't daunted by the number of offenses, she was inspired. And when she arrived at "impact and injury to the children", she wasn't stumped for long. No children? No problem. Assert Travis was a potential pedophile. Trouble is, it is just too perfect and far too tight and totally unbelievable. Especially when fitted up by a notorious liar.

wow....brilliant words as usual (I'm a fan from way back:blushing:
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