trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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Anyone know what day Mimi's testimony was? I've never been able to find that one on YouTube.

Try doing a youtube search for (defendant's name) trial day 4 or 5 (maybe 6, but I don't think so). I don't write her name, I use 'JA'. But type it out for the search.

Keep an eye out for uploads by croakerqueen123, eonblue(3?) and tawndilly (may not have spelled these correctly, but well enough for you to recognize them).

Click on their username and browse their video uploads. I think eonblue may have the early few days (no one has OS in full) or try croakerqueen123.

Or check the first page of this thread.


ETA: This was uploaded Jan 11, 2013 - sorry I don't have time to look for the whole thing! But it gives you a date range!
IMO ...sometimes we at WS give the defense too much ammo. I have been guilty of this and work hard at not saying everything I know or see on cases.

We have to realize that the defense teams use WS All The Time ...they get the pulse of what the general public is thinking..they also get photos and ideas. Freedom of speech is definitely alive and well on WS..thank God for that ..please dont give Defense any ideas of what to expect next.

Mr Martinez has got this down to a science..I have Complete Faith in him.

Hi, Kirk and Jennifer!!!! :seeya:

I don't like youuuuuuuuuu!!!
I have always been a fan of JM since day 1 opening arguments. I have to admit that in the beginning I was worried that his technique would come across as "bullying" to at least one person on the jury. This worry was fed by the obnoxious TH's on HLN. As I'm rewatching testimony from JM's cross of JA - I can't deal with listening to LaV anymore - I'm realizing the moment that I stopped worrying and started believing 100% that JM WILL achieve justice for TA and his family. When he is questioning JA and says to her "How do you think it felt when you took that knife and stuck it right in his heart?" The passion and anger in his voice is so genuine and real. He is truly on a mission for TA and his family and there is no doubt in my mind that every last juror will realize that.

On another note, as for the way the defense is trying to call JM out for what went on outside the courthouse - if I ever met him I would want a picture and I would probably cry like I was at my first NKOTB concert! There are few people in this world with a good heart willing to put so much heart and dedication into their job. I would feel honored to just cross his path.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness - I ran on quickly to scan posts and rant :seeya:
I spoke too soon!! This is why I hesitate to post...always a day late and a dollar short!

ALV Makes it sound like every couple is in an abusive relationship! She is so anti male it is truly sickening!Hearing she has worked with family services and the family court system makes me realize why they are so messed up and constantly leave children in abusive homes with mothers who either murder or sit by while their boy friend murders them! It all is connected IMO.She has done more harm with her out dated claims then good IMO.Woman are all angels and men all are no good is a lot of bunk! IMO women are just as evil or worse!
I read a tweet on twitter a couple days ago that claimed ALV was the 6th DV expert the defense talked to about testifying, all the others wouldn't do it. Anyone know if this is true?

I have no idea myself, but judging by ALV's era, the defence must have worked themselves backwards through quite a few. :floorlaugh:
IMO the defense doesn't want to call them because they really don't know what their testimony would be and JM doesn't want to call them because it might open the emails being made public....I could be wrong too.

I am certain the defense doesn't want Chris or Sky Hughes on the stand, think they know it would be a minefield for ja.

Not sure what JM is thinking, heck if 1/2 truths get in why not let it all in, get Chris and Sky to clear it up. I am sure they can clear it up and it won't be pretty for ja. IMO.
Originally Posted by KandyKane
Anyone know what day Mimi's testimony was? I've never been able to find that one on YouTube.

Mimi was the first day, right after opening statements. There is no video, only audio, so you can listen to it
I agree... Why isn't there the beginning parts to the email? Chris Hughes mentioned that in the evidentiary hearing he said he didn't know the context because it was incomplete, lacking the first part. ALV also mentioned the incompleteness! I know the jurors didn't hear the Hughes evidentiary hearing, but still the fact their witness also pointed out the missing pieces would make me question their transparency and honesty with the jury and with their own expert!! It's pretty ridiculous and I feel bad for the Hughes' having this email potentially hurt their slain friend!! And of course for TA's family, very heart breaking!

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Didn't Juan say that Chris could read it just that it was not in evidence. My guess would be that Travis' part could be "hearsay". Not sure about that but it does seem strange they would not admit it.
IDK why but that whole thing was very disturbing. I felt like JC was excited to be up on the stand...INVOLVED rather than an observer...weird.

I use to like her but lately I believe she really hates the attention that young Katie is getting really bothers her.IMO Since CA 's trial she was so all over Baez and the defense team and she has been very supportive of this defense team.IMO She is losing it big time!JMO.
Why is there total radio silence from Jean C. on HLN tonight? I would have thought it would be JVM's leading story: "HLN's own Jean C. ON THE STAND!!"


It was just on, lol. If you're watching, I'm sure you already know that ;)
I spoke too soon!! This is why I hesitate to post...always a day late and a dollar short!


Don't hesitate to post! I was wondering the same so I'm sure others were too!
To Kirk and Jennifer,

I realize it's the job of the defence to make the state prove it's case. Everyone agrees without defence attorneys the state could convict a ham sandwich.

What you are doing wrong though, is throwing out bs theories, theories that you KNOW are bs, demonizing the REAL victim in this case, the victim who cannot speak for himself against your lies, and thus undermining the intent of the legal system.

If you were good at what you do, you wouldn't have to dredge the bottom of your souls to do your jobs well. You would actually be making the state prove its case while staying on the high road. A road that clearly is beyond your grasp.

Instead what you are doing is shameful. Disgraceful. An insult to the justice system. Entirely indefensible. Shame on both of you.

Or they're thinking OMG am I in for a verrrry long weekend being told I'm abusive! Shouldn't have told my wife/husband he/she looked fat in those jeans 3 years ago.

You are so funny...thanks
I spoke too soon!! This is why I hesitate to post...always a day late and a dollar short!


Quite the contrary... I think you have just manifested a positive example of the Law of Attraction! :great:

(Seriously, don't be hesitant to post here. It all moves pretty fast and you just gotta dive in and trust the flow--and your fellow WSers. :seeya: )
Every time Mike Galanos on HLN says "Kirk Nurmi" it sounds like he's say "Bert & Ernie"! :floorlaugh:
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