trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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BBM No, you don't knife him to death. For somebody raised in a religious home, sex before marriage is a big sin. The girl that is screwed and dumped and is now "used goods (no guy will want you), you are a "licked cupcake"
And then if your religion does not allow alcohol, no wine for you! Can't even drown your sorrows. Some fundamentalist religions are now suggesting to not even kiss before marriage. First kiss over the alter only! Now, I don't think JA was raised with these IMO, harmful religious restrictions, but for some women it is not as easy as wine and a girl's night out. I just think some gals might get more hurt than others, depending on religious beliefs. MOO

Travis was NOT her first rodeo,she had sex at 14 I believe!So she must not have been taught she would be used goods!She had sex with a few men before she ever met Travis,including anal so that ship had sailed!
I think ALV will be on T-W TH with Wilma and then Juan gets a crack at her next Monday. What does everyone think?

My dream scenario is she adopts a conscience over the weekend and has to be declared a hostile witness by the defense.


Just some things I wanna get off my chest:

Arias abused Travis. Being a 'player' does not = abuse! Stalking, obsessing and manipulating does. That's what JA did! JM will make this clear during rebuttal and closing.Hughes will take the stand during rebuttal and together with JM they will clear up the email thing and make JA look even worse.

There is no that JM would sign autographs just to be polite if he thought that it would hurt this trial in any way. He did it because he knows it's okay to do so and nothing bad can come from it. I may be wrong about this but even if a juror has seen it he/she will not be removed. Perhaps an instruction from the Judge.

Expect to see JM at his very best during the next couple of weeks. There's no stopping him now. Oh boy!

(BBM) Thank you! Well -stated!
Someone please help, when I see a face forward picture of JM, I SWEAR I see Count Dracula from Sesame Street. I'm on through my phone but if anyone knows how to do it easily, I want a side by side!!!
Right up there for quote of the day, "I think jail is a pretty boring place." ALV

The new and improved Jodi ninja story. Just WOW! Having been an elementary teacher for many years, it was like one of those stories you get from a 2nd grader about their homework that just keeps building and building. At least an innocent little child isn't trying to get away with murder. How did Detective Flores keep a straight face?? What a story teller! Every time she didn't know what to say next she just buried her face.

:seeya: Middle School teacher here!

LOL I thought the same thing about Arias's Ninja story. Pfffffft. What a load.
There also needs to be a very clear explanation of why a victim of abuse would voluntarily drive, uninvited, 1000+ miles for a rendezvous with their abuser.


Lousy self esteem coupled with blurred boundaries added to the power differential. :floorlaugh:
I think sequestration is a terrible fate, but I also think the longer this trial goes on the greater the possibility of a juror seeing or reading something inadvertently. And even though they are not locked up after court, they are sequestered in the respect that they cannot discuss the case with anyone, they can't really watch any news, and I think it would be tough not to be able to go to the grocery store and maybe even church. It is a catch 22 I guess. Have there been any high profile DP cases in AZ in the last 20 years? If so how did they turn out. I know that JM was involved in one. tia jmo

I don't know. Hopefully someone will chime in that knows.
I think Jodi felt she had to interject some truth here and there to make it all more believable. Travis very well could have said that. Any nurses out there that can tell us if lack of blood flow to the legs would cause one to not be able to feel their legs? I would think it would.

My husband believes the stabs to his back would be the most likely cause of him not being able to feel his legs. He hasn't reviewed the autopsy or anything, I just gave him a quick 411.
I say the end of April. I guess it really depends on how many days they're actually in session.
I think Juan's rebuttal will be at least as long as his CIC, so maybe it will depend on who does the cross. Man, what a choice, but at least Willmott seems to go a little faster.
I too, hope we're done by the end of April.
My momma asked us to cut a switch for her to use. I remember once being so mad I dragged a huge limb up to the door. She looked at it and started laughing. She said "Honey I just want to whip you, not kill you."
I didnt't get a whippin that day:great:

Great story!

I don't think she signed on for this at all, but once you are under subponea there is no going back.

I think she knows exactly what she's doing and totally believes it's the right thing to do. I think she's aware that her opinion is very unpopular based on her comment that first day about hoping her practice was still there, and is doing this in spite of it. If she'd changed her tune and the defense was forced not to call her, that would be no skin off her nose.
I posted this earlier: Emails can be hearsay, it depends what is in them and what they are being used for. There are a ton of exceptions, including hearsay [per Rule 703] that underlies the basis for the expert witness's testimony (i.e. the emails and JA's reported "history" with TA). ALV can testify about this hearsay if it underlies her expert opinion, and its probative value outweighs the prejudicial effect. There was assuredly a pretrial motion about all of this, and the judge let it in.

703 says the opinion is admissible even if the underlying information isn't. It looks like ALV was allowed to give the contents of the inadmissible information in addition to her opinion about it.
Here's one for a good laugh- I was over at the "other" site and saw where someone called Samuels and LaViolette a "Dream Team of accomplished & distinguished experts." :lol:

A dream team for the prosecution, maybe. :facepalm:
Lousy self esteem coupled with blurred boundaries added to the power differential. :floorlaugh:

Which caused Transient Global Amnesia which was later ruled out and replaced with The Fog.

Great post! You know, 25 years ago when I was in my early 20s I had a huuuuuge crush on a guy who fiiinaaaally asked me out. I was in heaven. We went on three dates; he casually mentioned an ex-girlfriend was calling and bugging him. Then he stopped calling. Three months later he was engaged to her. :sigh: I was crushed! I would drive through Valley Forge Park because I knew he biked there. I could see his apartment from there and would look at it with yearning. It took a long time to get over him. I was thinking the other day about him...never ever ever ever in a million years would I have thought to sneak in his apartment, find out where the girl lived and confront her, or anything of the sort!! That's what set's Jodi apart. She was a s-t-a-l-k-e-r! OK, I did look up where he lived and 20 whole years later drove by his house. :giggle: . But I swear I didn't even think of looking for a doggie door! :eek:

I've lived my whole life not at all far from Valley Forge Park. I used to walk there a lot with my dog. Once the weather gets nice again I'll have to take my current pooch there though he prefers the smaller closer park we go to all the time with the river.

My first real boyfriend cheated on me. EVERYONE knew it but me. I didn't find out until he actually brought the girl to the house we were living in together with a couple of other roommates at the time... he didn't tell her about me either. I was sooooooo humiliated not only to find out he'd been cheating on me for months but that everyone knew it and I had to act politely to that girl. Looking back though I feel sorry for her as well since she was pretty much in the same humilitating place that I was since all the time she was seeing him she knew nothing at all about me. Once I finally found out his/our friends just couldn't wait to give me all the embarrassing dirt that was going on that I had been totally oblivious to which only served to make me feel like the world's biggest fool, and I swear they finally decided to tell me all this stuf because they were gloating over it. I also lost my whole circle of friends because they were all also his friends and they'd obviously decided to stick with him. I felt so totally betrayed not just by him but everyone I knew, and there was nothing I could do but slink away alone in total shame.

Ever since I've only ever had one serious boyfriend, and that one also cheated on me, and as soon as I found out I dumped him and he spent years stalking me. After that one, I've only ever casually dated. Both of those experiences really made me have huge trust issues with men but also made me realize I prefer my own company and that of real friends anyway.

Yeah, that kind of abuse IS abuse and it CAN effect how you deal with relationships in the future. Anymore I kind of think of men like kleenex... useful, expendable and disposable. I have a lot of male friends (much more than women friends) but I don't think I ever want to do the relationship thing again.
And Ashley committed suicide a few months later. She shot herself in the head. At a downward angle. No stippling.

I don't think Dustin was questioned in her death. Case closed.

Nothing weird there. :rolleyes:

It was actually in 2010 and there was a muzzle imprint.
Originally Posted by Sulamith
BBM No, you don't knife him to death. For somebody raised in a religious home, sex before marriage is a big sin. The girl that is screwed and dumped and is now "used goods (no guy will want you), you are a "licked cupcake"
And then if your religion does not allow alcohol, no wine for you! Can't even drown your sorrows. Some fundamentalist religions are now suggesting to not even kiss before marriage. First kiss over the alter only! Now, I don't think JA was raised with these IMO, harmful religious restrictions, but for some women it is not as easy as wine and a girl's night out. I just think some gals might get more hurt than others, depending on religious beliefs. MOO

Travis was NOT her first rodeo,she had sex at 14 I believe!So she must not have been taught she would be used goods!She had sex with a few men before she ever met Travis,including anal so that ship had sailed!

I really was not talking about JA..see my bolded PP. I was just stating that some girls might get hurt more than others. That's all!
ALv today talked about physical discipline while JA was growing up and considered welts and wooden spoons excessive.


As a child in the 60's, we got the wooden spoon. I can remember getting jumpy when the drawer that held the wooden spoon was opened. IIRC, prevailing thought then preferred that over the direct contact of a hand?

I do think that it is important for this expert to put physical discipline within the context of prevailing thought at the time. Even schools in my childhood days meted out physical punishment, depending on the state.

I wish my mom only used a wooden spoon lol.She use to chase me down the street flinging her heeled slippers at me ,and always got me!They she would take the paddle that was thick wood once the red ball would snap off and crack it over my rear end! I was born in 59 so this was also the sixties, I went to catholic school for 1 week then it was mutually decided I would be better off in public school.A nun accused me of chewing gum and grabbed my mouth hard to check, I had no gum and I told her she was mean and rude.She promptly got out the ruler and told me to put out my hand and I refused to,she grabbed my hand and got me in the knuckles which hurt a lot. I then made the mistake of taking the ruler away from her and hit her back.It did not go over so well lol.My mom always taught me if anyone hit me,I was to hit them back. LOL.To this day nuns scare me.
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