trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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She initially came on as a "mitigation consultant/specialist" and was most probably privy to much more information that she would have been given had she originally had the role of "expert witness". "Experts" are expected to testify in keeping with their area of "expertise". She switched out of her role as ms/consultant after having seen all of the information available which might not have been presented/available to someone that was simply and expert witness. (I don't know if that made sense but I hope so...)

I firmly believe that she's a staunch anti DP and that is what drives her and motivates the decisions she's made.

Me thinks what drives her is a new Mercedes and she selected her opinion because of the $$$$$$$$$ she could make as an expert witness touting this opinion.

I've volunteered at a local women's and children's center. At the center in my area, women are held responsible for their actions. They are strongly encouraged to make better decisions and not taught that they are predestined victims of batterers.
Sorry Katie! :blushing:

I thought she had by the reaction this morning.

Oh good, she stayed- that why Jodi' blood was boiling. hehehe

No Katie did not get kicked out of court. Even for a second. I'm sure that's what jodi was wanting but not even close.

Ps can you believe I've been reading you forever and thought you were a quilter or knitter or something then finally realized it was "fraid not". Lol
But he is not worried about the Hughes family or anything they may have said, IMO.

I think Chris Hughes stating he could envision Travis throwing Jodi against a wall in his interview with Flores may cause him to worry a bit.
Haven't had a chance to collect my thoughts today....I think it's called 'Jodi-fatigue'. At any rate, I wonder if ALV was aware of JA's menacing facial expressions and body language two days ago when her testimony seemed to favor the prosecution. If looks could kill.....
And today, JA greeted AVL with the biggest smile since the trial began. She puts Hannibal Lecter to shame! AVL is fighting an uphill battle in her attempt to portray JA as anything but pure evil. I can't even imagine what verdict day is going to be like in that courtroom!
LOL LOL LOL minor4th! I needed a laugh!

So did I! I'm glad JusticeJunkie requested the funny videos and gave me an excuse to find them and watch them again. I can't quit laughing at these videos ...literally cannot stop laughing. :lol:
I'm very sensitive to moon cycles, and season changes....Goddess help us all when they coiincide lol....

I feel it. There's something else though. My ears are ringing...that usually only happens before a big earthquake for me. Hmmmm....sorry for ot!!!

(Pssst....I heard that Segue chick was nuts....not like a jodi kinda nuts though! :))

I am also very sensitive to moon cycles..been difficult to get any sleep for 4 days.

O/T have you ever checked out the seismon web site? It gives up to the minute reports on earthquake activity around the world. Just google seismon and click on first website. It tells about techtonic plates size and depth of quakes. I am on ipad or i would copy web addy for ya ..but i dont know how on ipad.
I think Chris Hughes stating he could envision Travis throwing Jodi against a wall in his interview with Flores may cause him to worry a bit.

Chris didn't say that, Detective Flores asked Chris a question if he could envision it or not.
Oh, my! So if JA was actually telling the truth about Travis saying he couldn't feel his legs then after the stab in the chest (ME in New York thought it was first) Travis was still able to speak through that and the back wounds. I can't imagine how badly he suffered. All I think of is Death Penalty. :furious:

Yeah. Here's a couple of quotes for you:


"When spinal injuries occur at chest level, symptoms can affect the legs. Injuries to the cervical or high thoracic spinal cord may also result in blood pressure problems, abnormal sweating, and trouble maintaining normal body temperature."

The autopsy report states that all nine back wounds "penetrate soft tissue of back and impact upon ribs and lateral aspects of vertebral bone (transverse laminae and vertebral bodies)..."

My husband also explained how, when blood is in short supply, the brain will shut off the least necessary blood, such as to extremities, in order to preserve it where it is more urgently needed, and that the brain itself can be impaired by loss of blood, such as from the first wound/s. He says if the body had all the blood it needed for every possible function, people would weigh (he exaggerates) 300 pounds.
Doesn't anyone think that a nude wet guy is not likely to be aggressive? At least let the guy put on his clothes, then we may be talking some anger...BUT a naked man? Is everyone on these talk shows forgetting he was naked as a jaybird?

Come on now! Has anyone EVER heard of a wet naked guy turn aggressive? Being nude puts you in a vulnerable position.

How could a person with a full brain believe or even consider he was the attacker?
So did I! I'm glad JusticeJunkie requested the funny videos and gave me an excuse to find them and watch them again. I can't quit laughing at these videos ...literally cannot stop laughing. :lol:

No, I'm serious about this. Googling for more now, because that last one brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to wave a flag and set a bald eagle free.
Doesn't anyone think that a nude wet guy is not likely to be aggressive? At least let the guy put on his clothes, then we may be talking some anger...BUT a naked man? Is everyone on these talk shows forgetting he was naked as a jaybird?

Come on now! Has anyone EVER heard of a wet naked guy turn aggressive? Being nude puts you in a vulnerable position.

How could a person with a full brain believe or even consider he was the attacker?

And if she would have run outside...I doubt a naked guy would be chasing her... but she chose the closet. Makes no sense.
Unfortunately, it may be better to sequester them before they see some completely irresponsible talking heads on HLN, namely their After Dark show.

How sad is it that they manipulate bits and pieces of this terrible murder jodi arias committed and have a "jury" vote on partial information.

God forbid a real juror should see any of that crap and see Jose Baez, for example, doing what he does best - lie and pick parts of evidence he wants to tell his "story".

Even the "prosecution" in this show uses only this and that of the actual evidence to support their "bold accusation".

Disgusting!!! Just MOO

1.That junk shown on HLN is nonsense to anyone who has watched the trial, like the jury.

2. The jury is probably sick to death of the trial when they go home at night and would not watch HLN.

3. Sequestration results in verdicts like the casey anthony verdict.

Michael Kiefer tweeted the following...

The importance of the email is that the Hughes advised Arias to move on from her relationship with Alexander because he is abusive to women.

As I said, it's referenced and excerpted in a motion from the defense from more than a year ago

Check my story tomorrow. The court docs are from 2011. They were e-mails from 2007 and prosecution downplayed or denied existed..

Okay, I am going to say it, I don't know him but I don't like his 'attitude.'
How is it that the court's schedule was SUDDENLY cleared for mornings next week? I was shocked, but surprised to hear it.

Could be another trial needed that courtroom. There's only so many good sized courtrooms in any court house, and other trials are still scheduled with other judges. It happens a lot that during a trial it ends up taking place in several different courtrooms depending on what's available and what's scheduled on the docket. Sometimes the judge for one trial ends up having to take a couple of days to do another case that can be wrapped up quickly, and I suspect this trial is going on a lot longer than what was expected when it was scheduled. I seem to recall that this judge did have to take a day or two off from the Arias trial in order to preside over some other brief trial. Judges have REALLY REALLY tight schedules, and a lot of the time things have to be shuffled around to get them all dealt with especially if just one judge has to be absent due to illness or something like that - the other judges have to cover their cases until they return.
Yeah. Here's a couple of quotes for you:


"When spinal injuries occur at chest level, symptoms can affect the legs. Injuries to the cervical or high thoracic spinal cord may also result in blood pressure problems, abnormal sweating, and trouble maintaining normal body temperature."

The autopsy report states that all nine back wounds "penetrate soft tissue of back and impact upon ribs and lateral aspects of vertebral bone (transverse laminae and vertebral bodies)..."

My husband also explained how, when blood is in short supply, the brain will shut off the least necessary blood, such as to extremities, in order to preserve it where it is more urgently needed, and that the brain itself can be impaired by loss of blood, such as from the first wound/s. He says if the body had all the blood it needed for every possible function, people would weigh (he exaggerates) 300 pounds.

BBM Thanks for the input from your husband! That certainly makes sense.
Glad I don't have all my blood for every function. I am on a diet. :blushing:
Furthermore ...

This case is not going to hurt Laviolette's career. She is a good witness and may get many calls from defense attorneys to testify. She is also an ardent champion of female domestic violence victims, and there are plenty of them out there. For those women she is still a hero and can provide them with valuable services.

I'll wait and reserve judgment on her career as an expert witness until after the cross.
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