trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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I think Jodi was Jealous of a lot of things. She was jealous about not getting Travis to recognize her in his book. She was jealous about Travis taking the other girl on the trip. She was jealous about Travis seeing other girls.

I think a large part of the motive was that she was a jealous lunatic of the variety that sits around and obsesses about something until she finally goes off into a killing spree.

Yes! Several people posting here have mentioned that JA seems to respond with intense denial whenever the word "jealous" is used in any way around her behavior. Once I began to look for her reaction, it was clear that it's a hot button for her—big time—even as early on as her interview with Detective Flores. not exactly sure why you think these are "my" statistics.

I'm not even an American.

I googled them.

Whether they are accurate or not??? Sorry - I have no idea and nothing more to add.

I'm sorry, I should have said, "the Florida statistic you cited left out an important sentence." Apologies if you thought I didn't understand you were quoting statistics from the site you named.

But that site did not give statistics for every state, just a fraction of states, and even then comparing apples to oranges, with appeals/without appeals/ cost through trial/cost through appeals/cost through conviction--so I would be unable to even guess at an average cost of DP trial, much less opine that the present case is maybe even a little below average.

Without doubt, it's far costlier to warehouse DP convicts and foot the cost of their near-endless legal appeals than just to sentence criminals to LWOP. But AZ has the DP and the prosecution is convinced the DP is warranted in this case. I'll be fine with LWOP, which will not only save the taxpayers money but reduce the rock-star status of DP row.
Just watching DD and I picked up something I thought I would share. Not sure who was in yellow, JA's aunt? When ALV started talking about a little boy having a crush on Jodi and then began to say JA's dad confronted the boy, the camera panned to JA's aunt and mother. When the camera was on her, the one in yellow, made a gesture with her head. It is hard to describe so you would have to watch it yourself but the gesture she made was one that you would make when you are reacting to something you don't agree with.
Incredulous is what I saw. Her mother's jaw actually dropped when Jodi was telling about the wooden spoon. They've hearing this girl lie for 30 years, but some of these whoppers still can surprise one.
From an article of hers, she says:

"There is no research that can say that the cost of women's violence — emotionally, physically, or in regard to property damage — in any way matches the violence perpetrated by men."

Nice fallacy. There is no research that can say purple unicorns do not exist. Therefore, they must exist, right ALV?? Guess she never uncovered the concept of falsifiability in her pioneering 35 year career?

She mentions a number of studies in that article that discuss acts of aggression by both sexes, but points out that while some studies show that women engage in a similar number of aggressive acts as do men, the number and extent of injuries is lower.

She also notes "It is important to keep in mind that people on both sides of the debate believe that there are abusive and violent women. They also believe that there are battered men." But she goes on to say "Diffusing energy in an ongoing gender war takes away from the critical task of developing effective prevention and intervention strategies." So she DOES acknowledge the existence of abusive women; it s the EXTENT of the problem that she was addressing.

As to falsifiability, the example you give regarding the possible existence of unicorns seems to indicate that you do not understand the concept. Karl Popper popularized the idea for the sciences and it is now well-accepted. If a theory cannot be falsified, it is generally considered invalid.

Finally, if there is an equal amount of genuine abuse by both men and women, there needs to be some evidence that such is the case. Without such evidence, such a claim is merely an unsupported assertion.

p.s. Jodi was an abusive, manipulative, lying psychopath. So women can be abusive and vile, it is simply more common among men.
Yes! Several people posting here have mentioned that JA seems to respond with intense denial whenever the word "jealous" is used in any way around her behavior. Once I began to look for her reaction, it was clear that it's a hot button for her—big time—even as early on as her interview with Detective Flores.

Very much so. It pushes her button every time. Jealous of any guy she ever knew talking/texting/emailing any female. Jealous of Travis going to Cancun with another woman. Jealous of him having lots of friends. Of his 3,500 sq ft home when she had one room at the grandparents.
She mentions a number of studies in that article that discuss acts of aggression by both sexes, but points out that while some studies show that women engage in a similar number of aggressive acts as do men, the number and extent of injuries is lower.

She also notes "It is important to keep in mind that people on both sides of the debate believe that there are abusive and violent women. They also believe that there are battered men." But she goes on to say "Diffusing energy in an ongoing gender war takes away from the critical task of developing effective prevention and intervention strategies." So she DOES acknowledge the existence of abusive women; it s the EXTENT of the problem that she was addressing.

As to falsifiability, the example you give regarding the possible existence of unicorns seems to indicate that you do not understand the concept. Karl Popper popularized the idea for the sciences and it is now well-accepted. If a theory cannot be falsified, it is generally considered invalid.

Finally, if there is an equal amount of genuine abuse by both men and women, there needs to be some evidence that such is the case. Without such evidence, such a claim is merely an unsupported assertion.

p.s. Jodi was an abusive, manipulative, lying psychopath. So women can be abusive and vile, it is simply more common among men.

There are quite a few recent studies that indicate that it's pretty close to even when you compare numbers of male victims/female perpetrators with female victims/male perpetrators. There is much more awareness about female DV victims for a number of reasons, however.
ALv today talked about physical discipline while JA was growing up and considered welts and wooden spoons excessive.


As a child in the 60's, we got the wooden spoon. I can remember getting jumpy when the drawer that held the wooden spoon was opened. IIRC, prevailing thought then preferred that over the direct contact of a hand?

I do think that it is important for this expert to put physical discipline within the context of prevailing thought at the time. Even schools in my childhood days meted out physical punishment, depending on the state.

Yep, child of the 70s here. We got the belt. I can still hear the snapping of the leather, my father would use as a threat, if we were misbehaving. I remember when I finally got old enough to be grounded and was given the option, for my punishment. I always chose the belt, since it was over quickly and I hated being grounded!

Schools still had corporal punishment, as well. I got the wooden paddle, one time, in the seventh grade. Still can't remember what it was for, but do remember that I never got the paddle again, so must have learned my lesson.

I swatted my children, on their diapered rear-ends. That was very rare, usually reserved for immediate action (like, running out in the street or something dire that needed immediate attention). I don't think of myself as 'anti-spanking'; rather, I believe I have more time and patience to spend disciplining my children, than my parents had.

I don't think spanking should be taken lightly, as it is way to easy to get out of control. Anger mixed with physical action tends to fuel more physical action and feeds the anger.

I don't believe JA was physically abused, nor do I believe she was disciplined very often nor routinely. I see her more 'rageful', than abusive or submissive (characteristics of victims of abuse).

While rage can be abusive, it is more tragic and deadly. Rage is also very immature and normally controlled before adulthood, as we learn to control our emotions.

I think the lack of discipline played a part in JA's rage issues, her maturity issues, and her lack of understanding boundaries. Unfortunately, the lack of discipline isn't criminal and therefore she isn't a victim.

If JA can be seen as a victim, she won't have to face her responsibilities. I don't think she has ever faced any responsibilities nor has she ever been made to. She's been coddled her entire life; ALV and Dr. Sam are still coddling her.
Some of ALV's cases:
Expert Witness and Consultant. Death-Penalty Murder Trial. Phoenix, Arizona 1998 Consultant, Murder Trial. Interviewed defendant, assisted in developing strategy for defense

1997 Expert Witness/Consultant, First Degree Murder Case. Father who killed daughter’s alleged batterer. Dealing with issues of Battered Woman Syndrome; Vicarious (secondary) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Batterers.

1996 Consultant, Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Interviewed defendant to determine whether she suffered from Battered Woman Syndrome. Consulted with attorney, wrote report.

1989 Consultant. Penalty phase, capital punishment case. Consulted with attorneys.

1987-88 Consultant/Expert Witness. First degree murder with special circumstances. Interviewed battered woman who allegedly hired a hit man to kill her husband. Advised attorney of symptoms of battered wife syndrome and testified for defense.

1984-85 Expert Witness. 1st degree murder case (battered woman who allegedly killed her husband). Consulted with defense attorney on jury selection and development of questions to develop battered women syndrome.

Thinking you're right PP
Good heavens, I'm catching up after another long work day. It seems that ALV's testimony has taken quite the turn during the day off, doesn't it?

Things are quite different, and Ms. LV doesn't look happy. Could it be that she got herself into a situation that she did not anticipate?

ALV is a woman who is used to respect. Nurmi had a little chat last night after she enumerated stalker behavior and it called Ms. Murderer to clench her teeth because it sounded like the chronological escalation of her behavior towards Travis Alexander.

She is not used to being called out regarding her testimony. I can just picture this conversation, "So, you are here to help the defense, remember?" and "When you spent all that time with Ms. Arias, did you note that some of her behaviors are more compatible with your Continuum than are those of Mr. Alexander....please forgive, but we assumed you would be careful not to assist the jurors in placing OUR CLIENT on the Continuum AS A PERPETRATOR!"

Is everybody okay?
I'm getting weird vibes here tonight.

ETA: Actually....I'm getting weird vibes everywhere....all day. Post full moon maybe....but still.
Where did I say he cheated on Jodi? Nowhere. I said he did treat her rather badly by using her for sex and than saying cruel things about her behind her back. He also treated his ex badly by trying to convince her to marry him when she had no clue that at the same time he was having sex with Jodi. Any guy that is talking marriage to one woman while secretly schtuping another on the side that she doesn't know about is a jerk. I NEVER once said he cheated on Jodi. NEVER.

As for a committed relationship, I don't think that Travis and Jodi ever had any such thing, and that only existed in Jodi's own mind even after he told her publically and more than once that she was not his girlfriend - she still imagined that she was and attempted to force him to be committed to her through sex. That's how Jodi and women like her work - they use sex to both capture and keep a man, but sex alone does not make a relationship. They never get it that sex is not the golden key to any man's heart.

Your posts are very contradictory and confusing.
Is everybody okay?
I'm getting weird vibes here tonight.

Besides the fact that Target was sold out of Cadbury Mini Eggs when I stopped there tonight, I'm good. The last fifteen or so minutes of testimony today was hard to hear, I'm thinking some people are just upset about that still and probably feel a good deal of empathy for TA's family having to listen to that.
I don't understand what all the grumbling is about. I know most of you have watched trials before. The defense experts are always going to give testimony that is favorable to the defendant if they can - that is what they are hired to do. If they weren't able or willing to slim things in favor of the defense they wouldn't be hired. Do you think the prosecution's experts won't be biased in favor of the prosecution and against Jodi? Of course they will! These are not court-appointed neutral experts whose job is to report impartially to the court. These experts -- for the defense and the prosecution - are hired to help their side win.

This witness has done very little for the defense, and when she is finished with cross exam and jury questions her testimony will ultimately be no help for the defense and possibly helpful to the prosecution - I would bet money on it.

It doesn't matter if the jury goes into a long weekend wondering about this testimony. These are smart jurors - that is clear from the very intelligent questions they have asked. And Juan has effectively neutralized the testimony of every single defense witness and there's no reason to think this witness will be any different.
I'm my case, I'm grumbling that a court of law is suppose to seek justice through truth. That is not happening through ALV.
I'm grumbling because someone who is well respected is using her experience and prestige to keep a cold blooded murder from suffering just consequences.
I'm grumbling because Travis's family has to sit through the garbage coming out of this woman's mouth and suffer even more than they already have.
I'm grumbling because Arias murdered Travis in a heinous manner, and I want justice for him.
I have faith in Juan, but the family should not have to wade through this pile of ***** testimony in order to get justice.
Ok - done ranting ......for now. lol
Furthermore ...

This case is not going to hurt Laviolette's career. She is a good witness and may get many calls from defense attorneys to testify. She is also an ardent champion of female domestic violence victims, and there are plenty of them out there. For those women she is still a hero and can provide them with valuable services.

An ardent champion? Simply constructing a framework in which all males are abusers is not championing women, it's imposing victimhood on them. Her methods are dated and vile. She does not empower women. It's not the 70's anymore jmo
ALV is a woman who is used to respect. Nurmi had a little chat last night after she enumerated stalker behavior and it called Ms. Murderer to clench her teeth because it sounded like the chronological escalation of her behavior towards Travis Alexander.

She is not used to being called out regarding her testimony. I can just picture this conversation, "So, you are here to help the defense, remember?" and "When you spent all that time with Ms. Arias, did you note that some of her behaviors are more compatible with your Continuum than are those of Mr. Alexander....please forgive, but we assumed you would be careful not to assist the jurors in placing OUR CLIENT on the Continuum AS A PERPETRATOR!"


Doubt it. That's why the witness distinguished "normal" stalking behavior from stalking behavior. Her position will be that Travis never told Jodi that they were done done, and followed it through with actions confirming it. Like not having phone sex/sex with her. jmo
Just in case anybody is interested:

Thought I would re-post this for our friends in other countries that need to watch. I did not create this awesome list - another Travis fan posted it, I am just adding to it. Hope Admins don't mind! I saved it on my computer and cannot figure out how to get the saved file to your wall!!!

for the prosecution:
Day 1 (no video)
* Mimi Hall
* Sterling Williams, Patrol Officer, Mesa Police
Day 2 (Part 1)
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
Day 2 (part 2)
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
* Heather Conner, Latent Print Examiner, Mesa Police
Day 3 (Full)
* Heather Conner, Latent Print Examiner, Mesa Police
* Kevin Horn, Medical Examiner, Maricopa County Medical Examiner's Office
* Elizabeth Northcutt, Forensics Firearm Examiner Mesa Police Dept
Day 4 (full)
* Ryan Burns
* Maureen Smith, Forensic Latent Print Examiner, Mesa Police
* Heather Conner, Latent Print Examiner, Mesa Police
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
Day 5 (full)
* Nathan Mendes, Detective, Siskiyou Sheriff Office
* Lisa Perry, Forensic Scientist, Biology Unit, Mesa Police
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
* Jodi Legg, DNA Forensic Scientist 3, Biology Dept, Mesa Police
Day 6 (missing beginning portion, NUDITY)
* Michael Melendez, Electronic Device Analyst, Meda Police Dept
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
Day 7 (full)
* Joey Citizen, Verizon Wireless Custodian
* Larry Gladish, Homicide Unit, Mesa Police
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
Day 8 (full)
* Michael Galieti, Patrolman, West Jordan, Utah Police Dept
* Raphael Columbo, Budget Car Rental
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
Day 9 (full)
* Esteban Flores, Homicide Detective, Mesa Police
* John Strohm, Sprint Nexttel Telecommunication
* Leslie Udy, Defendant's friend
Day 10 (full)
* Gus Searcy, PrePaid Legal/Legal Shield
* Darryl Brewer, Ex-Boyfriend of he Defendant
Day 11 (full)
* Lisa (Andrews) Daidone, Travis' Ex-Girlfrind
* Desiree Freeman, Travis'/Defendant's friend
* Daniel Freeman, Travis'/Defendant's friend
Day 12 (full)
* Daniel Freeman, Travis'/Defendant's friend
* Lonni Dworkin, Computer Forensic Examiner
Day 13 (full)
* Lonni Dworkin, Computer Forensic Examiner
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 14 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 15 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 16 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 17 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 18 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 19 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 20 (full)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 21 (full, start of prosecution cross examination)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 22 (full, cross exam)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 23 (full, cross exam)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 24 (full, cross exam)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 25 (full, cross exam)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 26 (Part 1, defense redirect)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 26 (Part 2, defense redirect)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 26 (Part 3, defense redirect)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 27 (part 1, defense redirect)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 27 (part 2, defense redirect)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 27 (part 3, defense redirect)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 28 (full, jury questions)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 29 (full, jury questions, defense and prosecution follow-up on jury Qs)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 30 (Part 1, cont. Prosecution follow-up on jury Qs)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 30 (Part 2, cont. Prosecution follow-up on jury Qs)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 30 (Part 3, cont. Prosecution follow-up on jury Qs)
* Jodi Arias, Defendant
Day 31 (Part 1, prosecution objection to Dr. Samuels' power point presentation,
amongst others )
Day 31 (Part 2, defense direct, prosecution cross exam)
* Richard Samuels, defense expert witness
Day 31 (Part 3, prosecution cross exam)
* Richard Samuels, defense expert witness
Day 32 (full, prosecution cross examination)
* Richard Samuels, defense expert witness
Day 33 (full, prosecution cross examination, defense redirect)
* Richard Samuels, defense expert witness
Day 34 (full, defense redirect)
* Richard Samuels, defense expert witness
Day 35 (full, Jury questions)
* Richard Samuels, defense expert witness
Day 36 Part 1 Prosecutor Vs. Shrink, Again : Part 1 (No Sidebars)
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 36 : Prosecutor Vs. Shrink, Again : Part 1 (No Sidebars) - YouTube
Day 36 Part 2 (No sidebars)
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 36 : Part 2 (No Sidebars) - YouTube
Day 36 Part 3 (No Sidebars)
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 36 : Part 3 (No Sidebars) - YouTube
Day 36 Part 4 Richard Samuels answers Jurors questions
Day 37 Domestic Violence Expert : Part 1 (No Sidebars
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 37 : Domestic Violence Expert : Part 1 (No Sidebars) - YouTube
Day 37 Domestic Violence Expert : Part 2 (No Sidebars)
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 37 : Domestic Violence Expert : Part 2 (No Sidebars) - YouTube
Domestic Violence Expert : Part 3 Of 3 (No Sidebars)
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 37 : Domestic Violence Expert : Part 3 Of 3 (No Sidebars) - YouTube
I never said Travis was emotionally abusive to Jodi - that she knew of. But he did use her for sex and say cruel things about her behind her back. He also kept trying to talk his ex-girlfriend into marrying him while at the same time having sex with Jodi that the ex never knew about.

That's emotionally abusive though on the mild scale and the type of stuff that we all probably have experienced at one time or another. The Hugheses did say to him that he treated Jodi badly in how he used her for sex. ANd he also treated his ex badly by talking marriage with her while not letting her know anything about what he was doing with Jodi.

He wasn't a squeaky clean saint. But he was pretty average for most guys at least those outside his religion.

But none of this at all justifies what Jodi did to him even before she killed him... the stalking, the snooping, the sneaking in his house and hiding to spy on him, the inviting herself where she wasn't wanted and refusing to leave, the harrassment of the other women around him, etc.

And none of this has one single thing to do with Jodi's claim that he physically abused her because though he did use her and treat her rather badly, he basically took what she threw at him since she was the sexual aggressor throughout the relationship, and whether or not he treated her badly emotionally, it has NOTHING to do with physical abuse and her claim that she had to kill him because he was physically abusive to her.

Travis never physically abused anyone, and we all know - including that biased woman droning on and on and on on the stand - that physically abusive men physically abuse all the women they have relationships with as long as they stick around long enough. Of all the women that Travis dated not a single one claimed any kind of abuse from him whatsoever

It doesn't matter if he even was horribly emotionally abusive toward her (which he wasn't) - that has NOTHING to do with physical abuse that she claims he did to her and why she had to kill him, and she's the single only person that ever claimed any physical abuse by him and only since her latest story trying to weaslee out of his cold blooded murder. The ONLY thing that ALV can possible point to as any evidence of physical abuse by Travis is the lying words of Jodi the lying liar who lies.

But you said - quote - "Travis was unfortunately emotionally abusive to the women he dated by not telling them where they really stood with them in whatever the relationship was, not telling them about other women he was seeing, using Jodi for sex and saying mean things about her behind her back, etc. But all of that is just typical "player" male bad behavior that we all know well and have probably dealt with ourselves with men we've dated or had serious relationships with."

BBM Are you now saying he wasn't emotionally abusive? Help, I'm confused. :confused:
I think sequestration is a terrible fate, but I also think the longer this trial goes on the greater the possibility of a juror seeing or reading something inadvertently. And even though they are not locked up after court, they are sequestered in the respect that they cannot discuss the case with anyone, they can't really watch any news, and I think it would be tough not to be able to go to the grocery store and maybe even church. It is a catch 22 I guess. Have there been any high profile DP cases in AZ in the last 20 years? If so how did they turn out. I know that JM was involved in one. tia jmo

Unfortunately, it may be better to sequester them before they see some completely irresponsible talking heads on HLN, namely their After Dark show.

How sad is it that they manipulate bits and pieces of this terrible murder jodi arias committed and have a "jury" vote on partial information.

God forbid a real juror should see any of that crap and see Jose Baez, for example, doing what he does best - lie and pick parts of evidence he wants to tell his "story".

Even the "prosecution" in this show uses only this and that of the actual evidence to support their "bold accusation".

Disgusting!!! Just MOO
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