trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #115

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Another thought on the "Abe email": in it she writes how she has discussed with Abe that she and TA are not "in an committed relationship" and "I am not Travis's girlfriend". It makes no sense that she would say these things to Abe if she was trying to ward him off. She would claim she is committed to TA and therefore doesn't want to lead Abe on or do anything that will send the wrong message to Abe or Travis. She would ONLY mention the non-committed status of the relationship with TA for TA's benefit- sort of saying, "I get we are not really girlfriend-boyfriend... but see what I am willing to write to this guy who is interested in me?" - all the while knowing Abe isn't really interested in her, but maybe bringing it up will make TA jealous and thereby get her the attention she craves. IMO she clearly wrote this email for TRAVIS not for Abe.

It's exactly the *advertiser censored* she pulls on the beginning of the sex tape--she keeps mentioning and hinting about men she's dating--Travis doesn't do much reacting--there was ZERO anger or abuse from him. She was trying desperately to make him jealous and he wasn't.
:seeya: Heading into Autumn, so we are heading to the cold. I'm originally from SA, too hot down there for me though!!

I thought she was Australian when I first met her. Now I can tell the difference between SA and Aussie, but I have to listen a bit first.

Enjoy the fall! I'm trying to enjoy Spring, but it doesn't seem to want to arrive here. :furious:
Abe is well aware of the emails and knows that it's JA stirring the pot. He couldn't care less that TA made disparaging remarks in the heat of the moment.

I've seen Abe on DD a few times and heard him testify in the trial. He's a straight shooter and for that, I like him. When the TH try to put a spin on things, he cuts them off or calls them down on it. He also will not let them interrupt him when he has a point to make.

He dated JA twice and makes no bones about it that he found her "hot" and giving off the sexual vibes. For her to write that 3 page email was, well, JA being JA. Making more out of something than it really was with JA as the center of the universe.
TA never asked that bimbo write that email to Abe. I believe she wrote the letter to guilt him into thinking he should feel bad if he talks to other women. This was just her way of manipulation. She is an emotional terrorist!

That and I think it was a "look what I am willing to do for you Travis" email.

Supposed to make him think "wow, this girl is ditching this other guy for me". She thought it would make him want her and all it did was make him realise she was a sociopath.
But the jurists aren't supposed to discuss the case with each other, let alone anyone else, so she shouldn't be able to talk about the other jurists, just her impressions of them.

Oh I hope nurmi didn't set this up, in the hopes that she would talk and they could get a mistrial? Makes me nervous? Please tell me it isn't so.:please:
when you lose control of your courtroom (assuming you ever had it) and you allow what should have been a week long trial to head into four months, you're inviting all sorts of problems with a jury. this judge should not have been assigned this case. the governor should step in, demand they hold court 9-6pm, one hour lunch, meals provided to the defendant, and get this over with, and stop wasting the taxpayers' money and the jury's time. and let me get some work done, dammit.
He was a flirt. ALV said he was a flirt according to Chris and Sky Hughes and they tried to warn Jodi. What is wrong with a man who flirts, unless he acts on it? Lots of men flirt and there is nothing behind it. He's not married to her. Is this the worst that they can say? Travis obviously spoke highly of her in his email back to the Hughes. I can't see the problem unless Jodi was the jealous type and we already know that is true.

Abe said he was out with Jodi one time and it wasn't really a date. He's the one she told that there was magic in her pants. He claims never to have gotten the email. Jodi never sent it to him because he wasn't dating Abe at the time. So was this to let Travis know she was giving up all her dating opportunities just for him and he should return the favor in kind?

Jodi is a pip. The more ALV talks, the more ammo she is giving JM. I can't believe ALV would be willing to throw her career down the drain for this girl. jmo
Heyyyy now... take it back.
The bright spot in all this...Juror # 5 is now worth more than Casey Anthony! :great:
I don't want Tri to talk to the press... I don't think the DT is smart but I don't want them to get any ideas that could help them.

I am actually surprised the DT didn't protest the sisters crying.

I thought she was Australian when I first met her. Now I can tell the difference between SA and Aussie, but I have to listen a bit first.

Enjoy the fall! I'm trying to enjoy Spring, but it doesn't seem to want to arrive here. :furious:

SA is a state here, sorry I thought that's what you meant :)
Exactly right. I can't understand this woman at all. She seems as if she had some real passion for this topic and yet she can be bought. So sad.

So sad yes, if true. I hope it isn't.

Back in the day, blaming females who'd been raped or otherwise victimized ,by revealing (or inventing) lurid sexual proclivities, was commonplace.

I just can't believe this DT witness, who seems to have dedicated her life to victim justice would knowingly be proffering a "blame the victim" mindset towards a male.

What next? Bring in a pair of Travis' underwear?
I'm wondering what the morale of the jury is right now. Maybe #5's friends are angry and bitter. Maybe there are cliques and she was outed by some other clique and lines are being drawn. Maybe some are jealous that she is free now. Whatever the situation is, they must be feeling something heavy right now.


Come out and throw us a bone.

Their thinking damn I could get out that easy?
Jodie wasn't a flirt geez she was having phone sex with Ryan and in constant texting with other men. She was in constant contact with all her Ex boyfriends.
Anyone remember CourtTV used to be somewhat serious in their discussion about the case, during breaks or sidebars?

They also didn't encourage the steady stream of adjectives, or inserting the words "drama", "emotional", "jaw-dropping", "mind-blowing", or "stunning" into every sentence spoken by the host.

JMO, not trying to be offensive, but I get so tired of that.

The original CTV was amazing! No commercials. During breaks, the commentators would discuss the law. No cutesy interviews. AND, the best part? The entire day was replayed in the evening. If one wanted to know what went on during a trial and how the law is applied then CTV was the place to be......the good old days. :blushing:
That is all speculation. Trust me, in a DP case, it could have been something very minor, but out of an abundance of caution, they dismiss rather than risk an appealable issue.

I hope she takes a little time out, but I have no problem with her talking either. She is free to do as she wishes. She invested a lot of time in this case and I feel awful that this has happened as I am sure it was innocent and not prejudicial.

I so hope someone finds her and she talks, but not at the risk of spilling the beans as to how other jurors may feel or if they actually said anything. This demon needs to be taken out of the spot light and off the streets soon. :please:
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