trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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Jodi Arias trial update: Was excused juror already in hot water?

“The one with multi-colored hair is attempting to coach Arias from the jury box. She shakes her head no, no, no to tell Jodi not to answer a question,” the caller alleged in the message on Stephens' voicemail.

The caller then asks the judge if the alleged actions are permissible and if it should be looked into.

The caller continues on to say that “it’s the woman with pink and blue hair and she’s trying to coach Arias, trying to influence Arias’ answers from the jury…”

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Makes me wonder if that caller was someone like, oh, say, Donovan.
Jodi Arias trial update: Was excused juror already in hot water?

“The one with multi-colored hair is attempting to coach Arias from the jury box. She shakes her head no, no, no to tell Jodi not to answer a question,” the caller alleged in the message on Stephens' voicemail.

The caller then asks the judge if the alleged actions are permissible and if it should be looked into.

The caller continues on to say that “it’s the woman with pink and blue hair and she’s trying to coach Arias, trying to influence Arias’ answers from the jury…”

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. you think that was an early attempt by JA supporters to get rid of this woman?
Hi all, I am new here to posting, but have been reading for a long time! Love this site.
I have a question. If juror #5 has left questions in the basket for the "expert" on the stand, will they still be read, or are the questions anonymous?

Welcome! And good question....I'm curious about this as well. Although I've heard there are little to no questions thus far...
She's protecting the jurors so they don't suffer the same treatment from defense as juror #5 suffered. It is entirely possible juror #5 has done nothing seriously wrong but that the prosecutor agreed to let her go just to get on with the trial. They are near the end. Not much longer to go. Even with Juan's rebuttal I don't see it taking too much longer. The judge has no control over defense as long as they do their matter how long it takes. jmo

I know she was just trying to protect the jurors from running into another problem, but it is the way in which the judge calously treats them is what is so bothersome. The way she ordered them to that room and was like....."just wait there till we decide to come get you" type of thing. I have watched and listened to how she treats this jury, and IMO she just doesnt care at all about their sacrifices.

The judge cant control the defense, but she sure can control how she is allowing the long breaks, late starts, early releases, skipping Mondays and Fridays, etc. It is just getting ridiculous. The number of hours per week is probably averaging less than 20 if that much.
Could be those expenses are on the DT's accounts that they fought to have sealed.

This trial has become a reality show filled with ,comedy,sex,suspense,murder,pedophilia, domestic violence.
There may not be anything relevant to the defense CIC for the parents to testify about. They weren't there when JA killed Travis, and there hasn't been anything offered into evidence that they had enough knowledge of the relationship between JA and Travis in order to offer anything of value. JA wasn't living with her parents either before or after Travis' murder.

So ALV knows and understands JA better than her parents might? Nope, I don't buy that.

If they were willing to get up there for their daughter, they would have testified. They might be willing to plea for her life but it's blatantly obvious they would not partake of the circus...
Given these videos of JA's mom and dad acknowledging behavioral problems, I wonder what Janeen DeMarte, the psychologist for the PT, found in her forensic evaluation? I'm sure with these recordings, the PT had the most comprehensive testing done.

The esteemed Dr. Samuels initially thought of a personality disorder, but dismissed it. Since LaViolette was initially engaged as the mitigation specialist, I can't imagine that she did not know about the parents' comments, of which we have only seen a brief snippet.

I have even more disdain now for the DT experts. It's one thing to use your expertise and apply it honestly, but unethical to ignore or distort facts to deliberately deceive others.
I have a question regarding Darryl. JA started dating him in 2002. If she's so wackodoodled how was she able to seem normal from 2002 to 2006? Did he just not notice? I don't get it.

Thats how sociopaths are. They are chameleons. They can seem normal. likely there were small signs but Jodi does normal really well. She lies quickly and easily.

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JusticeJunkie and anyone else who's interested, that tweet you posted earlier today about Laviolette's notes is partial verbatim of an order entered on October 25, 2012 and filed October 30, 2012. The rest of the order goes on to say what parts of her notes were to be produced in unredacted form.
I don't judge her mother so harshly. As someone who has first hand experience raising a child with significant "issues" I can attest to how there comes a time when you just want to throw your hands in the air and say "enough". It traumatizes everyone in the house, and you grow weary of everyone that has to live in that toxic atmosphere moving through life like the walking wounded. It's hard, and not something I can judge another person on because I've been there.

They didn't have a lot of money obviously, and couldn't afford expensive psychiatric help with what they went through. And to tell the truth, I don't think there's a darn thing they could have done to change what this defendant is anyway. No cure for what ails her, so what were they supposed to do? I would have been glad to be shut of her too.

I'm bumping my own post (how absolutely gauche of me LoL). Seriously, I see a lot of discussion on this forum about past spousal/significant other abuse and those that have had the horror of living with a psychopath, but nobody seems to have any experience in dealing with a child who is suffering from the very disorders that JA's parents have dealt with? I'm wondering if it's a taboo subject, or if nobody here has had that experience. I've commented a couple of times on it, because I can relate to it somewhat.

I don't get why the parents are given such a bad rap when it comes to dealing with a child with a personality disorder, but when it's a partner there's all kinds of empathy and support. Dealing with a child like that is NOT EASY. I don't agree with the things that JA's mother has done, or that Cindy Anthony has done, but I can understand their instinct to bury the truth. Guilt is obviously a factor. There is a gut reaction to point the finger of blame at the parents when a child is "defective".

My child is neither a psychopath nor a sociopath, but he has lied and hurt and caused us a lot of grief with his anger. The mental health system has very limited resources available to those who can't afford it. So we have dealt with it the best we can, and we have good days and we have bad days. But I hold my head high because we've done our best, and we continue to fight to get our child the best care that we can.

I pray to God I never have to deal with anything remotely like what those two mothers have had to deal with.
I seem to remember a day when several people commented that #5 shook her head no in response to something Jodi said on the stand that directly contradicted something said elsewhere. My gut tells me this was the same day.

I remember that too. That's really odd that she's booted now for supporting the prosecution. Maybe she was trying to give Jodi incorrect clues? That would be pretty brazen. Hmm.
This trial has become a reality show with comedy,sex,suspense,murder,pedophilia, domestic violence.

And JA is as happy as can be tonight with all the points she thinks she's scored. In fact, she may be right and we may all have egg on our faces a few weeks down the road. She might have lucked out with another jury catastrophe of the likes that we've already seen.

I don't judge her mother so harshly. As someone who has first hand experience raising a child with significant "issues" I can attest to how there comes a time when you just want to throw your hands in the air and say "enough". It traumatizes everyone in the house, and you grow weary of everyone that has to live in that toxic atmosphere moving through life like the walking wounded. It's hard, and not something I can judge another person on because I've been there.

They didn't have a lot of money obviously, and couldn't afford expensive psychiatric help with what they went through. And to tell the truth, I don't think there's a darn thing they could have done to change what this defendant is anyway. No cure for what ails her, so what were they supposed to do? I would have been glad to be shut of her too.

We're in a huge "blame the parent" culture. It isn't always the parent's fault and to assume that it's always the case is very erronous.

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I remember that too. That's really odd that she's booted now for supporting the prosecution. Maybe she was trying to give Jodi incorrect clues? That would be pretty brazen. Hmm.

I think that she submitted too many questions and that JA saw her laughing/talking on her way out...JA got a bad "vibe" and nipped it in the bud.

I wanted to like ALV, I reallly did, but I just can't believe she is testifying to abuse of Jodi by Travis and in such an oblique way! Through Jodi's interview with her, Jodi's journals and a few emails and the jury doesn't even get to SEE those emails! Un-effin-believable!

I actually feel BETRAYED by ALV. She is a mental health professional, someone who should be trusted by her clients, someone who should help them work through their issues and help guide them to healthier behavior. If you are seeing a shrink, you NEED to trust that shrink! I can see myself pouring my heart out to her and believing what she says to me. I would try to follow her advice because she knows what's best. I would TRUST her. If I were a client of hers and then I saw her testifying in this trial, I would be horrified! I would feel as if either a) she doesn't know what she's talking about (and therefore is unqualified to help ME), or b) she's a sellout who would twist ANYTHING for the right price and probably doesn't CARE about helping ME (and might sell out ME).

Believe it or not you have just described the state of our Mental Heath System. Even if Sandi knew Jodi's condition at an early age...There is NO WHERE to turn for help.
I think it's just now dawning on the Judge how big this trial has become. She supposedly went out of her way to keep all media away from the jurors today. Wtf? She doesn't want a mistrial since this one has already cost AZ a million or so. Now tonight the tapes of JAs parents hit the news. You can bet the DT is going to try and make this yet another reason for a mistrial. If the DT attempts to bring these incidents to the Judge day after day it will only bring trouble to the Prosecution. Hopefully what happened to #5 today will reinforce the admonition in the jurors minds. Again, this trial may have come to the point where the JUDGE should sequester this jury and court should be held EVERY SINGLE DAY until a verdict is reached. This trial is becoming a burden on everyone but the star struck defendant. God Speed!
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