trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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We're in a huge "blame the parent" culture. It isn't always the parent's fault and to assume that it's always the case is very erronous.

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I'd have a lot more sympathy for Jodi's mom if she....
-hadn't tried to sell fake pedo letter to the National Enquirer,
-didn't smirk/laugh in a murder trial,
-didn't wear DV ribbons after Travis' family supporters were asked to remove theirs,.
-didn't befriend an arsonist (ex-con), and

Wouldn't you think she's more classic textbook BPD?? With maybe touch of NPD & HPD? Seriously she's got the victim mentality, never accepts responsibility, going to Sky&Chris about TA, using people for what she needs, starting issues to take focus off her, mood swings etc etc.. I'd say sociopathic due to the violent murder she committed usually PDs are abusive but not really killers like this usually Heat of Passion killers due to jealousy.. IDK what do you think??

I think she's a PD ;)

Their love relationships alternate, within their mind, between idealization and total devaluation. If we look at Jodi’s journals, we can see no sign of this fluctuation. Her relationship with Travis appeared to be fairly steady. There was very little fluctuation in how she describes the relationship or how she wrote about the relationship in her journals.

We have not heard or read from her journals, that Jodi engaged in any type of self-mutilating behavior.

Jodi was not at all afraid to move from home. She had jobs in cities far from home. She lived with Darryl for a number of years before leaving him for Travis. She has testified to the fact that she had broken up with most of her boyfriends, including Travis. It was her decision to move back to Yreka. This all shows a level of independence that is not characteristic of BPD.

Borderline people act impulsively. They do so because it gives them immediate relief from the extraordinarily intense emotions that they may feel. This impulsivity is more likely to cause self-harm than harm to others. They might, in a fit of rage, pick up a gun and shoot someone but there is no premeditation. Remember, their acts are impulsive, they are spur of the moment actions. They are emotionally impulsive. They would not steal a gun a week before they shoot someone. They would not borrow and purchase gas cans, so as not to leave a trail of receipts that would link them to the murder scene. They would not remove the battery from their phone so that there would be no record of cell phone pings from the towers in Arizona. The borderlines’ actions show no preparation, no planning, no scheming. They are impulsive. Their actions show this impulsivity. It is a hallmark characteristic of their disorder. They would not premeditate a murder. Jodi, most certainly premeditated her murder of Travis and this alone, disqualifiers her from a diagnosis of borderline PD.

If you haven't, read the 3 part article. I think she hits the nail right on the head.
I can only hope you're wrong.

This is the first trial I've watched, and likely to be the last. I really can't invest the time, being self-employed. If the verdict comes back anything less than the DP, I'm going to be soooooo upset with the very system I worked in for 25 years.

I hope that I am wrong too but I wouldn't be in the least surprised if I am not wrong at all!
The earlier report on juror 5 from ABC15

But we do know, this is not the first time the juror has been flagged in the court room.

In court records, we found a transcript of a phone call made to Judge Sherry Stephen’s division phone at 8:36 a.m. on February 23.

According to the transcript, the caller claims there are reports that the juror needs to be watched.

“The one with multi-colored hair is attempting to coach Arias from the jury box. She shakes her head no, no, no to tell Jodi not to answer a question,” the caller alleged in the message on Stephens' voicemail.

The caller then asks the judge if the alleged actions are permissible and if it should be looked into.

The caller continues on to say that “it’s the woman with pink and blue hair and she’s trying to coach Arias, trying to influence Arias’ answers from the jury…”

This complaint was not mentioned in the motion that was filed by Arias' team on Sunday, but involves the same juror.

We did reach out to Maricopa County Court officials to find out if any action was taken regarding this tip, but did not hear back from them.

But, Stephens' staff members felt it was important enough to enter in records.

Arias is accused of killing her former boyfriend, Travis Alexander, by stabbing him 27 times, slashing his throat and shooting him.

If convicted, she could face the death penalty.
I don't post here a lot but I'm constantly online, reading along as you wonderful members post. I'm so disheartened right now and I'm taking the rest of the night off. Think I'll go indulge in Pinterest before I go to bed. Goodnight, and bless all of you!
I can only hope you're wrong.

This is the first trial I've watched, and likely to be the last. I really can't invest the time, being self-employed. If the verdict comes back anything less than the DP, I'm going to be soooooo upset with the very system I worked in for 25 years.

I feel the same way. I am not sure if I can follow another trial. This trial has had a big effect on me.

If you haven't, read the 3 part article. I think she hits the nail right on the head.

I really enjoyed many of her articles prior but the three part article was not written by her - and dragged on in a manner similar to the DA.


ETA - I have the site bookmarked but the diagnosis part was beyond verbose and not in keeping with other more succinct and clear postings that she'd made.
I wonder if someone from JA's camp called the judge?
Jodie was an adult, her parents can force on her.

She was a teenager once too, and her parents could have taken her to a doctor.

Maybe they did, we don't know, and JA rebelled about it. Guess we'll never know.
I know she was just trying to protect the jurors from running into another problem, but it is the way in which the judge calously treats them is what is so bothersome. The way she ordered them to that room and was like....."just wait there till we decide to come get you" type of thing. I have watched and listened to how she treats this jury, and IMO she just doesnt care at all about their sacrifices.

The judge cant control the defense, but she sure can control how she is allowing the long breaks, late starts, early releases, skipping Mondays and Fridays, etc. It is just getting ridiculous. The number of hours per week is probably averaging less than 20 if that much.

I respectfully disagree with the part about the judge disrespecting the jurors. I didn't think there was any tone or condescension in her voice when she was instructing the jurors about lunch. She has to be firm to make her point, lest they possibly not take their admonition/duties seriously.

That being said, I do think she's not handling the defense team properly. The "trying to prevent and mistrial/reason for appeal" excuse can only carry so far IMHO. The late starts and the short days or lack of trial days is a ridiculous. I can't imagine why they cannot go Monday thru Friday, at a somewhat regular schedule.

I do realize the defense is causing most of the delays with nonsense, but I would hope there is some way she can reign that in without causing a MT/A. I mean, these types of trials could potentially go on forever with unethical attorneys and killers who are trying to delay the inevitable. There's got to be someone in charge.
Hi all, I am new here to posting, but have been reading for a long time! Love this site.
I have a question. If juror #5 has left questions in the basket for the "expert" on the stand, will they still be read, or are the questions anonymous?

:seeya: Hello, and :Welcome1: :wagon:
NG is talking about JA acting like a cat that swallowed the canary

A month ago I adopted a kitty (Violet), rescued from a snow collapsed, no heat shelter in West Virginia and taken to a Conn. no kill shelter 3 days after Hurricane Sandy. Tomorrow, I am adopting her sister, Daphne. Both are severely traumatized, extremely fearful and shy...
Tomorrow Violet & Daphne will be reunited, finally have stability, a furr-ever loving family, a warm and cozy home with window seats to watch birdies, chipmunks and squirls.

Tomorrow... will be a good day.


:blowkiss: To you, ctmom, from me & my 3 adopted rescue kitties!!
Thanks! I have been wading thru the last 4 threads and making notes on the back of my class notes, lol!

Wait. So then what is the prob with #5 giving JA signals and signs? I just read she was doing that. I am soooooo confused. Why would the DT object to a JA-friendly juror?

We aren't going to find out the real details until the trial is over. And then, well hell we may never hear the truth.
I'd have a lot more sympathy for Jodi's mom if she....
-hadn't tried to sell fake pedo letter to the National Enquirer,
-didn't smirk/laugh in a murder trial,
-didn't wear DV ribbons after Travis' family supporters were asked to remove theirs,.
-didn't befriend an arsonist (ex-con), and

I agree. No sympathy from me.

And btw, I hope Crosby is back on the ice soon.
If she was coaching Jodi why would they want her to be dismissed? Im confused.

If someone associated with JA wanted her off without anything on her, the easiest way is to lie about her being pro JA. Or at least that's how you'd figure the Donovan's and the odd new guy friend (where has he been lately) would think.

I don't post here a lot but I'm constantly online, reading along as you wonderful members post. I'm so disheartened right now and I'm taking the rest of the night off. Think I'll go indulge in Pinterest before I go to bed. Goodnight, and bless all of you!

The last time I've felt as disheartened as this was when JP was talking to the jurors about their dinners. BARF.

I felt the exact same BARF factor today.

I think DB lied on the stand and I am starting to understand just why he may have done so...

Can you imagine how Amy feels today knowing that KC is free and clear?

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