trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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I agree...I heard too many stories from JA how "She" was kicked when she was the one that did it - She KICKED HER OWN MOTHER !!! For no reason...I don't know if this started with the dog as a Freshman in HS or if she started kicking her Mother before that.

IIRC she kicked her mother when her mom had flown in from Ca. to help Jodi move back to Ca. from Mesa. They had an argument, Jodi kicked her and told her mom to leave. Just shows how evil she is :furious:
How funny would it be if juror 5 comes out to the press talking about how she was dead set that it was self-defense and thought she was Jodi's only hope for a not guilty/hung jury?

I would say that even if it wasn't true!
Do the jurors know about the dog?

They did get to see a smiling Jodi hugging a dog in a picture that brought tears to her eyes. "Oh look, she's an animal lover just like me. I can't put her to death." I hope the jury sees how transparent this DT is about everything.
The tape between Jodi's father and Det. Flores was very intriguing. Her father used the word rage when describing Jodi's behavior. Who uses that word?

I mean, you call back and you are angry, upset, mad, crying etc....but rage???

This should tell us how out of control she was. I bet her parents became afraid of her in the year leading up to Travis's death. Even her father stated she had been like this the past year or so. Jodi became more crazed because she could not have her ultimate prize - Travis.

Very interesting her father giving the "year and a half" timeline on top of Granny Alyce's testimony of how important trips with Travis were to Jodi. How they were good and happy times and that Jodi was very focused on their trips together.
Alyce also testified how very important it was in Jodi's mind to become a wife and mother. This was her (Oct 7 journal entry) focus at "the forefront" of her thinking. She wanted to become a wife/mother/spiritual matriarch. She says maybe its not going to happen with Travis but her behavior says otherwise. She focuses her "hopes" that this will change.
Which grandparent's did she occupy the bedroom in?
Dad's or Mother's parents home?
I just finished watching the interview clips of JA's parents and I gotta say: I feel for them. I can't imagine being told your daughter is accused of murdering someone so violently and knowing that she needed help. I don't know what her mother feels now that she's in the trial, but I do have compassion for her and JA's father.

The whole thing got me thinking about Ted Bundy. His mother to the day he died loved him. Right before he was put to death she had a chance to talk to him, and her last words to him were "you'll always be my little boy" or something like that. She knew what he'd done but she couldn't help but love him. What an impossible situation to be in.

That line of thinking got me thinking about Bundy's last interview with Dr. James Dobson. The video is in 3 parts on youtube, and if you watch it, he's a GOOD liar. I mean he had me going for a while, thinking maybe, just maybe, he actually had a shred of remorse for what he'd done.

But at the end of the interview there's a split second, and you miss it if you blink, where Dobson looks away or something like that, and the true Bundy comes out. His whole expression changes, and there is true evil in his eyes. He looks at Dobson as if to read whether or not Dobson believes he is reformed, so to speak. And you know in just that one look, that Bundy was truly evil and never had a shred of remorse for what he'd done. You knew that he'd kill again if given the chance.

My point is that I've seen that look on Jodi in small glimpses every now and then during the trial. They don't come through often, but they are there. IMO she is evil, and if set free, she'd kill again, no doubt about it.

Some people just don't deserve to walk this earth.


I've seen this too. It's frightening to witness.
I'm so discombobulated this morning. I keep getting lost in several of the forums and have to keep scrolling up to the top to see just where I'm at.:facepalm: and when I try to click on the Smilies list it rejects me. :rocker:

I feel sooooo lost and unwanted :what:

Don't feel alone NS, It's not just you. Don't let that give you "low self esteem" :wink: I have been timed out twice, and even had to sign in again.
BBM - Perhaps they didn't like the tone of the juror questions (duh) and figured a bunch of them had to be coming from her.

Perhaps that is the case. JA has been looking at the jury much more lately. She maybe looking at the juror box to see which juror is putting questions in the box.
I still feel that Donovan should be watched more closely as with the MS. Both are trying to stir the pot IMO.
Really what is the sense of all that? Even if there were to be a mistrial the outcome would be the same. Just get this trial over with and Nurmi can be done with her.
If travis were Catholic would she have converted to Catholic faith. If Buddhist ..would she have become Buddhist. She wanted the lifestyle he could give her. She would do whatever it took to hook him. She wanted the Money ..and blah blah. Imo

Heck if Travis was gay she probably would have asked DB to pay for a sex change operation.
I know some people are upset with tri-color for allegedly talking to someone and saying something she shouldn't have. Part of me is having thoughts about all the what-ifs...what influence would she have had? What info is in her notes that other jurors may have forgot, but would effect their opinions? etc. etc. This is all assuming she would have ended up being one of the 12 selected.

I think it's best to wait and see what was said before passing judgment. With the way this judge has been handling things, it could have been something innocent that can be misinterpreted, but the judge doesn't want to take any chances.

It's no secret that she is believed to be pro-prosecution. I would assume after calming down, she would investigate the case further. Part of me would love to see her in court sitting on the side of Travis' family to show support and figuratively give JA the finger.

Juror #5 and her copious note taking should not have influenced the deliberations if she was selected to actually try the case. Juror instructions will state a juror can consult their own notes but they are not considered evidence. Each juror is to rely on their independent recollection of the evidence and not be influenced by another juror’s notes.
When you have a child like this, you start mothering "by the book" as I call it. In other words, you are no longer enjoying the mothering but you still love, so you are determined to fulfill your obligations to the best of your ability.

You still say, "Don't hit your brother. You're getting at time out for not respecting your sister's privacy...." etc. But you know in your heart he will do it again and you can't stop him. We teach out children how to behave and they want to please us as little children, they want their Mommy's approval.

But what happens when a child DOESN'T CARE about your approval?

In spite of the lack of reward, we mothers trudge on. They used to call us "refrigerator mothers" if our child was autistic. They are unresponsive, the doctors said, because their mothers are cold.

You know you are n't cold, you know you are a loving mother, you have other children who are normal. But you are out in public with a problem child and people give you dirty looks. Like you haven't taught them or you are somehow responsible that they knocked over the display on purpose and think it's funny.

I have sympathy for her mother because she has endured this stigma all her life. Strangers have also telephoned me reporting that my son did this or that, was acting up, was in trouble, had stolen something, hurt somebody and he should get some professional help. Well he did get professional help and there's nothing anybody could do. So you just thank the person for the phone call and get back to cooking.

You have a life, you have other children. You get used to the fact that one of your children is not normal and you ignore the reactions of other people. That's what her mother is doing--and that wall is very strong because she has had years of torture from this monster. Don't kid yourself, she's been bitten, threatened, punched, tricked, villified, the worst.

I called the police regularly over the marijuana, the stealing of my car, the invasion of my privacy and I could go on for pages-- but here's just one example. He stole my wedding ring and pawned it. I called the police; they said they can do nothing about it because it's my son and told me to "see if I can get him to give it back to me." I marched down to the pawn shop and found it there and called the police and told them where it was. After many of these experience, they offered me a job! Said I was good at law enforcement.

Because that's what mothering becomes when you have a sociopath. You begin to think more of your responsibility to protect innocent bystanders who might not realize that your boy might hurt their child or their pet.

Those who blame Jodi's mother or her aunt because they laughed or because of the expression on their faces? You walk a mile in her moccasins, my friends. Imagine owning and running a restaurant with that daughter in your employ...stealing from the cash register, humping in the pantry, going out to their cars with boys and that's when she's not crying or having an angry tantrum in front of customers. Finally you ban her. What can you do? Now she is raging at you, sneaking out at night and telling the whole town you beat her.

That stoicism you see says this, "My child is a monster and I still love her. I am her mother and I will be here for her, including the day they take her life"

Excellent post.
Very interesting her father giving the "year and a half" timeline on top of Granny Alyce's testimony of how important trips with Travis were to Jodi. How they were good and happy times and that Jodi was very focused on their trips together.
Alyce also testified how very important it was in Jodi's mind to become a wife and mother. This was her (Oct 7 journal entry) focus at "the forefront" of her thinking. She wanted to become a wife/mother/spiritual matriarch. She says maybe its not going to happen with Travis but her behavior says otherwise. She focuses her "hopes" that this will change.


Do you remember when Jodi was talking to Det. Flores and a friend of Travis's told her that Travis was dating and desperate to get married? Jodi's voice changed when she was telling this story. She was horrified that he was desperate to marry and she was NOT the one he wanted.

She told Flores they had a fight over this.
I have been doing the same. Today when she mentioned all of those names of girls that he had been in deceiving, I yelled out ... and not one of the stabbed or shot him.

That was one of so many instances where the judge is letting her roll out all these "facts" as if they are things she has personal knowledge of. It drives me crazy! I'm sure in rebuttal Juan will point out that the defense failed to produce a single one of these women to verify these alleged facts.
Nope, JA was a Mormon, baptized by TA. After listening to a Mormon Elder that taught her the discussions..I think she was serious about becoming a Mormon. I became a Catholic at one point in my life. Attended RCIA. Becoming a Catholic required much more study/time that it does to become a Mormon IMO. If you listen to Mimi Hall's testimony (JM had her tell about the sins of Mormonism) and TA's friends that were on NG or Dr. Drew..they harped on how he was a virgin, stumbled and his "natural man" prevailed..That is why religion plays a part in this trial. TA could not be a normal man, JA had to be his dirty little secret. He had to pretend he was a virgin. Elder Jensen: (already posted this, but the thread moves so fast). This is the Mormon elder that taught JA.


Well, we know one thing about her recent religious conversion: She was certainly serious about preying on Mormon men, especially those of the PPL variety.
Did anyone see the interview with her parents in the station when she was arrested?? Where they say she has something wrong with her?? She has always been violent and nasty..

that entry about her killing the love in her diary?? To me is premeditation.. She is planning to cut "it" out. How? Killing Travis.

I don't know what the defense thinks it is doing. If it was me, I would have had her fall on the sword in the beginning.. Saying she was abused by Travis when she had every opportunity to stay away from him. SHE DROVE THERE JUNE 4th.. He did not go to her, He did not attack her, He did not pursue her.. She came for him..

I can not wait for Juan.. WHEN ALREADY!!
I see it differently. This case has to do with human beings that happen to be Morman. One a killer, the other a victim.

Jodi dragged religion in to smear Travis. Really and truly religion has nothing to do with it....just like the salacious sexual details have nothing to do with it....all stuff brought in as smoke and mirrors to smear the true victim.

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