trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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There was never any dog.

She kept Darryl Brewer on that leash.


Is that another Arias effort at the Calvin Klein look?
When you have a child like this, you start mothering "by the book" as I call it. In other words, you are no longer enjoying the mothering but you still love, so you are determined to fulfill your obligations to the best of your ability.

You still say, "Don't hit your brother. You're getting at time out for not respecting your sister's privacy...." etc. But you know in your heart he will do it again and you can't stop him. We teach out children how to behave and they want to please us as little children, they want their Mommy's approval.

But what happens when a child DOESN'T CARE about your approval?

In spite of the lack of reward, we mothers trudge on. They used to call us "refrigerator mothers" if our child was autistic. They are unresponsive, the doctors said, because their mothers are cold.

You know you are n't cold, you know you are a loving mother, you have other children who are normal. But you are out in public with a problem child and people give you dirty looks. Like you haven't taught them or you are somehow responsible that they knocked over the display on purpose and think it's funny.

I have sympathy for her mother because she has endured this stigma all her life. Strangers have also telephoned me reporting that my son did this or that, was acting up, was in trouble, had stolen something, hurt somebody and he should get some professional help. Well he did get professional help and there's nothing anybody could do. So you just thank the person for the phone call and get back to cooking.

You have a life, you have other children. You get used to the fact that one of your children is not normal and you ignore the reactions of other people. That's what her mother is doing--and that wall is very strong because she has had years of torture from this monster. Don't kid yourself, she's been bitten, threatened, punched, tricked, villified, the worst.

I called the police regularly over the marijuana, the stealing of my car, the invasion of my privacy and I could go on for pages-- but here's just one example. He stole my wedding ring and pawned it. I called the police; they said they can do nothing about it because it's my son and told me to "see if I can get him to give it back to me." I marched down to the pawn shop and found it there and called the police and told them where it was. After many of these experience, they offered me a job! Said I was good at law enforcement.

Because that's what mothering becomes when you have a sociopath. You begin to think more of your responsibility to protect innocent bystanders who might not realize that your boy might hurt their child or their pet.

Those who blame Jodi's mother or her aunt because they laughed or because of the expression on their faces? You walk a mile in her moccasins, my friends. Imagine owning and running a restaurant with that daughter in your employ...stealing from the cash register, humping in the pantry, going out to their cars with boys and that's when she's not crying or having an angry tantrum in front of customers. Finally you ban her. What can you do? Now she is raging at you, sneaking out at night and telling the whole town you beat her.

That stoicism you see says this, "My child is a monster and I still love her. I am her mother and I will be here for her, including the day they take her life"

I understand what you are saying and I am sorry for your troubles. We I am sure all give a big group hug.

BUT I really do not get the twins laughing etc in the courtroom. Maybe you can help me to understand because I myself have commented on it here.
Thank you for putting this in perspective. :seeya: We the public have seen the evil side of JA. Her mother has seen both the evil, and before that the little child in JA, the child who was too young to create havoc, damage the family, etc. Is the mother hanging on to that little child she gave birth to in your opinion?

Yes. All of us mothers grieve the loss of our babies when they disappear into adults. We love our children in all stages of growth.

But when a child becomes a monster, the person you love and are loyal to is that little child, the cute precocious early reader, that innocent face, that shining goodness, which seems like bliss compared to what came later.

You know that child is inside the cold-hearted criminal they became and that's where your loyalty is. You may even tell yourself that child is the real "them" and this adult is not.
BBM. It would be bad enough if that's all ALV was doing, but she's actually doing more than that.

She said yesterday that she reviewed all these emails and even testimony from other people and that she could form an opinion of Travis from them. I have a huge problem with that.

I also was seriously bothered by the fact that once she had determined that Travis was an abuser, everything he did was abusive. He doesn't apologize, he's an abuser. He does apologize, it's a trick to make her stay. He takes her on a trip, he's abusing her by engaging in "bonding" activity -- because you know friends don't just go on outings together. Virtually everything he does is seen through the filter that he's deceptive and manipulative.

Spot on. I totally agree with this post. :goodpost:
Perhaps that is the case. JA has been looking at the jury much more lately. She maybe looking at the juror box to see which juror is putting questions in the box.
I still feel that Donovan should be watched more closely as with the MS. Both are trying to stir the pot IMO.
Really what is the sense of all that? Even if there were to be a mistrial the outcome would be the same. Just get this trial over with and Nurmi can be done with her.

The bailiffs might want to watch Donovan more closely when the Guilty verdict comes in!
I read your post about why you feel the DP is necessary for her. That was so well explained. I agree.

Would you please direct me to that post of anagrammy's? TIA:seeya:

(Her insight here is very profound)
BBM. It would be bad enough if that's all ALV was doing, but she's actually doing more than that.

She said yesterday that she reviewed all these emails and even testimony from other people and that she could form an opinion of Travis from them. I have a huge problem with that.

I also was seriously bothered by the fact that once she had determined that Travis was an abuser, everything he did was abusive. He doesn't apologize, he's an abuser. He does apologize, it's a trick to make her stay. He takes her on a trip, he's abusing her by engaging in "bonding" activity -- because you know friends don't just go on outings together. Virtually everything he does is seen through the filter that he's deceptive and manipulative.

Totally agree! I had to turn her off yesterday I cannot believe this is allowed in court, she never met Travis and has not talked to anyone else but Jodi for what 2 days? It's gross.
With her *right* foot, no less... At the very least (if she didn't 'disappear' him), I'd bet she kicked him far more than once - that'd make him run.

Sounded like JA had chores after school when Mom and Dad were still at work, and the dog probably got in the trash several times.

JA kicks. We now have proof of her sudden outbursts of rage (per both parents)...

Kicked once? Not a chance imv.

Grrrr. No dog is going to "run off" never to be seen again on the basis of a kick (no, I have never kicked a dog.) She lied about that transparently. I'm convinced she kicked that dog to death and then told that stupid story about some guy she knew in High School who had done it. She reads like a comic book.
I thought of something KCL and Pasa can do. They need to really study the jury and see who they can pick out as being the one juror most likely to be sympathetic to JA. Then they need to write up here that juror #x is someone they are absolutely 100% rock-solid is ready to give Jodi the needle because they saw him/her cast a brief glare at JA or caught a very slight rolling of eyes at a certain ALV statement. Next thing you know, that juror will be getting kicked out.
Is that another Arias effort at the Calvin Klein look?

WS'ers have 'named' JA's kicked dog Doggie Boy.

I can't help but notice that would be "DB", whom we know as Darryl Brewer.

Sadly, Travis was known to friends as T-Dogg.

And then there's Napoleon.

Too many canine connections with the lying, dog-kicking torture-murderess.
or..."they said the *advertiser censored* has a headache, we have to leave darn it."

I still think they pegged the "bad haircut" question on Juror No. 5. :floorlaugh: That above all else most likely pissed her off beyond the point of no return.

Same as Travis saying "a 5 year old can handle a camera better" or whatever she SAYS TA said . I believe if he did in fact say this, it sent her into a killing rage.
Yes. And she also told Flores that she had not yet found someone to marry but "Travis had". Seems her brain had become fixated on marriage. She had invested 4 years with Darryl with no results. Now over a year with Travis. She couldn't understand why if they had these wonderful trips where she took such wonderful pictures why he could possibly refuse to marry his dirty little secret. Add to this her perception that he had found "the one" and the rejection set her off and spun her crazy brain into homicidal ideas. And he was taking a trip w/o her!

I'm not so sure that it was Darryl that didn't want to get married. He said they were "in love" but she started changing. I think Jodi was kind of 'meh' about the relationship at the point she met the dynamic Travis, and not because Darryl wouldn't marry her. A week later she is already planning her life with Travis. I think her life with Darryl was not what she really wanted. She has a huge ego and I think she found herself in a situation that was not good enough for her. He was a way out of Yreka, out of her parents house, a good idea to begin with, but ultimately a bore for her.
BBM. It would be bad enough if that's all ALV was doing, but she's actually doing more than that.

She said yesterday that she reviewed all these emails and even testimony from other people and that she could form an opinion of Travis from them. I have a huge problem with that.

I also was seriously bothered by the fact that once she had determined that Travis was an abuser, everything he did was abusive. He doesn't apologize, he's an abuser. He does apologize, it's a trick to make her stay. He takes her on a trip, he's abusing her by engaging in "bonding" activity -- because you know friends don't just go on outings together. Virtually everything he does is seen through the filter that he's deceptive and manipulative.

I have a huge problem with a judge who lets in all these hearsay twice-removed lies.

Sherry Stephens ceded her courtroom to the defense the moment JA took the stand and hasn't looked back since.
No offense but they do not seem to be in a LIKELY to be robbed neighborhood?
The pics show a very unlikely target for stealing anything?
What I mean is, it is not a high income area from the pics shown right?
the paint is peeling and looks not so well kept [ at least the door pic]

I think a teenager looking for a quick "score" wouldn't care how low-income the house was. He'd figure there'd be a TV he could steal if nothing else. The interesting thing is the burglars left the TV and only took a DVD player and a gun.

I was robbed by a neighbor's son who took some cash, my son's fancy tennis shoes and a bunch of music CDs. This guy had a habit of robbing neighbors, and we're not a fancy neighborhood at all. He was just one angry guy.
I understand what you are saying and I am sorry for your troubles. We I am sure all give a big group hug.

BUT I really do not get the twins laughing etc in the courtroom. Maybe you can help me to understand because I myself have commented on it here.

Even the smiles and smirks could be excused as 'nervous laughter' but rolling their eyes at Travis' sisters? That's inexcusable as far as I'm concerned.
Totally agree! I had to turn her off yesterday I cannot believe this is allowed in court, she never met Travis and has not talked to anyone else but Jodi for what 2 days? It's gross.

That's why I think all JM has to do is stand up and ask Ms. AVL "have you ever met or questioned TA?" "No? can you then base your opinions on something told you by a documented liar?"

I have a huge problem with a judge who lets in all these hearsay twice-removed lies.

Sherry Stephens ceded her courtroom to the defense the moment JA took the stand and hasn't looked back since.

Yesterday JM made an objection. It was sustained. Willmott and the 'expert' pretended as though nothing had happened and went on with exactly what they were saying before the objection. JM objected again. Judge overruled.
I just finished watching the interview clips of JA's parents and I gotta say: I feel for them. I can't imagine being told your daughter is accused of murdering someone so violently and knowing that she needed help. I don't know what her mother feels now that she's in the trial, but I do have compassion for her and JA's father.

The whole thing got me thinking about Ted Bundy. His mother to the day he died loved him. Right before he was put to death she had a chance to talk to him, and her last words to him were "you'll always be my little boy" or something like that. She knew what he'd done but she couldn't help but love him. What an impossible situation to be in.

That line of thinking got me thinking about Bundy's last interview with Dr. James Dobson. The video is in 3 parts on youtube, and if you watch it, he's a GOOD liar. I mean he had me going for a while, thinking maybe, just maybe, he actually had a shred of remorse for what he'd done.

But at the end of the interview there's a split second, and you miss it if you blink, where Dobson looks away or something like that, and the true Bundy comes out. His whole expression changes, and there is true evil in his eyes. He looks at Dobson as if to read whether or not Dobson believes he is reformed, so to speak. And you know in just that one look, that Bundy was truly evil and never had a shred of remorse for what he'd done. You knew that he'd kill again if given the chance.

My point is that I've seen that look on Jodi in small glimpses every now and then during the trial. They don't come through often, but they are there. IMO she is evil, and if set free, she'd kill again, no doubt about it.

Some people just don't deserve to walk this earth.


I agree, I see glimpses of that same thing with JA too.

And I believe that just like Ted Bundy, JA mimics the emotions of those around her. I think that's why she was so calm in her interrogation with Det. Flores, he was calm, so she was calm. She didn't realize there was anything wrong with her reaction until he said something about it and she asked him the question about her not crying. The only person she's capable of crying for is herself. She has no real emotions about anyone else. She views everyone on earth as pawns for her to use as she pleases, including the jury. I have no doubt her and her "friend" donovan are behind the dismissal of juror #5.

It seems JA has a little bit of that same ability that Ted Bundy had to convince people her lies are the truth. It seems like it's mostly men and she uses her sexuality to get to them. Ted had the ability with both men and women though, JA does not. He was very charasmatic. He even had one of the bestselling crime writers in America fooled!

To me the scariest thing Ted Bundy ever said was in interviews right before he was executed. The interviewer asked him something about the families of the girls he murdered looking for them/wanting to know what happened to them. And his answer was that basically each victim was just one person and there are so many people in the world, he thought maybe no one would notice they were gone. That just really freaks me out. His victims were not people to him, they were just there for his amusement.

And I feel like that's how JA feels about people. I really think in her mind, she thought she could just tell the police she wasn't there and they would say, oh, okay, thanks Jodi. And then she would go skipping off to Starbucks for another Frappe and move onto her next victim/boyfriend with no one the wiser to what she had done.
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