trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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I am beginning to wonder?
This rehashing of JA's journal entries blah, blah, blah....
I mean really?
I think a teenager looking for a quick "score" wouldn't care how low-income the house was. He'd figure there'd be a TV he could steal if nothing else. The interesting thing is the burglars left the TV and only took a DVD player and a gun.

I was robbed by a neighbor's son who took some cash, my son's fancy tennis shoes and a bunch of music CDs. This guy had a habit of robbing neighbors, and we're not a fancy neighborhood at all. He was just one angry guy.

What I am saying is:
without coming right out to say it.
Obviously it is no mystery who stole the stuff...:twocents:
I disagree. The defense wants religion to have a lot to do with it, but it doesn't.

Just like they want sex to have a lot to do with it - but it doesn't. The defense has tried everything possible to make this trial about sex to distract from the truth - JA brutally murdered Travis.
I don't think Travis sent her the shirt and underwear. I think Jodi made them herself.

Me too, I have always thought so.

:seeya: Me too - I'm impatiently waiting for rebuttal.... I think there's a lot of evidence she's tampered with back in 2010 - Sex pictures, erection picture, dates on pictures, e-mails sent by her through Travis' account etc... Bottom line I guess, I don't believe anything she says.

We shall wait impatiently, together!
He didn't do a complete screening.

Also, the test he "prefers" to use first, I believe, was the one that was not applicable to people with Axis I or II diagnosis. If he had diagnosed her with any personality disorders, he would have eliminated the validity of his favorite test. It's still invalid, but Juan might have had yet another reason to trash it.

Side NOte: I think the defense tried to get Jodi to go with insanity and she just couldn't live with that due to her pride. She would rather been dead than be thought crazy.

I hope she corrects her biggest lie of all and in the end pleads for the death penalty since she did, in fact, hurt Travis.

ITA. Plus Samuels harped a lot on money during his testimony. He said he didn't really have time to go into the personality disorder any further. It didn't matter for her defense, anyway, so he didn't bother and the DT didn't care. All they wanted was something to explain away the "Fog."

Personally, I would trade away the DP if Jodi would publicly state that everything she said about Travis was a lie. But it's never going to happen.
Just watched Arias' parents talking to Detective Flores. It's nice (or rather it's a relief) to see Arias' mother act normal, you know? I don't understand why she is so smug in court. She even rolled her eyes when Travis' sisters were emotional.

I don't get why Arias' mother can't just be normal in court. She is another victim of Arias. Why can't she give this trial its due respect?

The only thing I can imagine is that she feels the world/media/victim's family HATE HER because of Jodi, so she feels uncomfortable, stressed and defensive. They have surrounded themselves with pro-criminal people like Donovon (or whatever that thing's name is) & they probably get her worked up.

The sad thing is, she's a victim, too & should be extending herself to Travis' family. I don't think they would reject her--they are all suffering a tremendous loss. And I've seen that happen in a lot of cases.

I don't know why she & her sister have decided to take the route they're taking.

I know we all say "there's no playbook" for situations, but there's no playbook because MOST NORMAL PEOPLE ACT DIFFERENTLY.
I am beginning to wonder?
This rehashing of JA's journal entries blah, blah, blah....
I mean really?

To increase the odds of just one juror believing one thing that ALV says. The more bs is presented to the jury, the higher the likelihood that one juror will succumb to the bs.
I don't think Travis sent her the shirt and underwear. I think Jodi made them herself.

A couple of months, while walking into a PX on an Army base, I passed a vendor in the mall selling those same products -- shirts and shorts that could be personalized on the spot to say "Bobby's Girl" or "I belong to Joe'"etc. There were quite a few customers.

This was a day when 1500 young men and women had just graduated from basic training and were preparing to leave for their next year's assignment.

While I viewed such clothing as tacky and sexist, I guess some people could see them as "commitment garments" -- a cheap cotton jersey version of an engagement ring or other token.

I could easily see JA purchasing these for herself. And, yes, she could have purchased the iron-on letters from any craft supplier and made her own "personalized" garments.
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed this as well? RS and ALV seem to be contradicting each other continuously, both in such a way (of course) as to be to Jodi's benefit.
  • RS: "It doesn't matter what she wrote in her journal, because what it really means is the opposite of what she wrote. And that proves she had PTSD etc."
  • ALV: "What she wrote in her journal is 100% spot on, and it proves Travis abused her."
Has that struck anyone else? Maybe I'm in a fog...

It's basically the hallmark of the defense strategy.
ITA. Plus Samuels harped a lot on money during his testimony. He said he didn't really have time to go into the personality disorder any further. It didn't matter for her defense, anyway, so he didn't bother and the DT didn't care. All they wanted was something to explain away the "Fog."

Personally, I would trade away the DP if Jodi would publicly state that everything she said about Travis was a lie. But it's never going to happen.



That sounds like the DT had already decided what her diagnosis was, went shopping for an "expert" (term used loosely) who would confirm the DT's diagnosis.


What some "experts" will do for the almightly buck. Good Grief.:banghead::furious:
WS'ers have 'named' JA's kicked dog Doggie Boy.

I can't help but notice that would be DB aka Darryl Brewer.

Sadly, Travis was known to friends as T-Dogg.

And then there's Napoleon.

Too many canine connections with the lying, dog-kicking torture-murderess.


WS'ers didn't name the dog, the defendant told Detective Flores the dog's name was Doggy Boy.

[ame=""]Arias admits she kicked dog before it "ran away"[/ame]
Grrrr. No dog is going to "run off" never to be seen again on the basis of a kick (no, I have never kicked a dog.) She lied about that transparently. I'm convinced she kicked that dog to death and then told that stupid story about some guy she knew in High School who had done it. She reads like a comic book.

Well, I believe in a happy ending.

She did kick the dog and then she removed the chain and the dog ran off.

The dog "doggy boy" found a family who loved and cared for him and treated him like family. They even gave him a new, respectable dog name.........

That's why I think all JM has to do is stand up and ask Ms. AVL "have you ever met or questioned TA?" "No? can you then base your opinions on something told you by a documented liar?"


I really hope he does just that! Still it just miffs me that this is even allowed to be admitted in court it's long winded dribble that has no fact.
Yesterday JM made an objection. It was sustained. Willmott and the 'expert' pretended as though nothing had happened and went on with exactly what they were saying before the objection. JM objected again. Judge overruled.

That pattern has been the same throughout. Nurmi does it too - he just raises his voice when he asks the question the second time.

And on those rare occasions where Willmott can't figure out how to re-ask the question, she gets a sidebar and reminds the judge it's a DP case, so the judge needs to tell her how to ask the question properly.
I'm not so sure that it was Darryl that didn't want to get married. He said they were "in love" but she started changing. I think Jodi was kind of 'meh' about the relationship at the point she met the dynamic Travis, and not because Darryl wouldn't marry her. A week later she is already planning her life with Travis. I think her life with Darryl was not what she really wanted. She has a huge ego and I think she found herself in a situation that was not good enough for her. He was a way out of Yreka, out of her parents house, a good idea to begin with, but ultimately a bore for her.


He was just a placeholder for her. Just a way for her to pass time and a place for her to live while she looked for the person to give her the lifestyle she really wanted. Once she found Travis, she dumped Darryl and never looked back. I think she was the one who was never interested in marrying Darryl.

She used him like she has used everyone else in her life. We are all put on this earth to serve JA dontcha know! It's her world, we just live in it! :twocents:
I think a teenager looking for a quick "score" wouldn't care how low-income the house was. He'd figure there'd be a TV he could steal if nothing else. The interesting thing is the burglars left the TV and only took a DVD player and a gun.

I was robbed by a neighbor's son who took some cash, my son's fancy tennis shoes and a bunch of music CDs. This guy had a habit of robbing neighbors, and we're not a fancy neighborhood at all. He was just one angry guy.

More was stolen. In addition to the DVD player, a stereo system with separated speakers was also stolen. This indicates that the thief had a nap sack of some sort for which to store stolen items, like a more valued holstered rifle and many dollars in quarters (all located in the same place as the 25 auto).
I gotta say....I've watched some REALLY EVIL people on trial over the years, but this has got to be the WORST.
How in the world can people throw away any common sense they possess for this cold blooded killer?

I spend quite a bit of time wondering how Nurmi and Wilmott can ever turn their back on their client. They know ever so much more about her than we do.
After seeing the interrogation tapes of the parents, i wonder if they were truthful , or if they had gotten togther on getting an insanity/ unstable plea for JA. I think JA had a psych eval and must have been ruled ok to stand trial, otherwise she would have had an insanity plea. :twocents:
I am beginning to wonder?
This rehashing of JA's journal entries blah, blah, blah....
I mean really?

I know! JW is going day by day by day through the journal and asking blah blah blah. JA testified to all this crap so why AL is even allowed to give her opinion on each and every entry is beyond me. What a farce! Grrrrrrr!
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