trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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Perhaps we're looking at the reality of JA concocting many of the communications herself?

Have they recovered more images?

Found something interesting on her phone(s), computer(s) or cameras?

The Facebook and Myspace hacks?

When she checked his voicemail messages?

What if he knows with reasonable certainty who wrote the John Doe "whoredoms" email message?

And what if some of the cover-up stuff (Myspace, Youtube, etc.) was going on PRIOR to the murder?

This might be fun!

I could be way off base but, I think I remember that one of Juans witnesses that was listed was a man with the last name of Brown and that he is a computer expert. Can anyone verify this? And yes that would be extremely fun.
Both Jodi and ALV mispronounce the word 'ameliorate' the same exact way.

[uh-meel-yuh-reyt, uh-mee-lee-uh-]

They say [uh-mel-ee-oh-rate]

Can we speculate that they perhaps got together to practice this stinky story and ALV gave JA some vocab lessons?

I'm just surprised at how quickly the judge cancels court when a person states they are ill. It was close to lunch, so I think the judge should have taken the 1 1/2 hour break and waited to see if AVL was feeling better. Is there not a pharmacy close by? Most meds start to kick in within 20 minutes. Unless she has the flu, is experiencing chest pains, or something major is going on, I don't think they should cancel.
Ok- thanks, that change of context changes everything. Yes - I wanted to leave the insanity. Stay in the relationship but leave the insanity. And it took MANY months of counseling to see that if the other party refuses to do their part in eliminating the insanity then I MUST love myself enough not to stay any longer. But let me tell you - I would have never come to that determination on my own. My inner perception of things was very warped. I had to learn to see things through the eyes of a healthy person - my counselor and see what they saw. Very very very tough to do. Tough pill to swallow.

As a recovering substance abuser, I take no offense to the word insanity. It is exactly what out world is when we are spiritually sick. After many years of sobriety I can easily look back and call that existence "insane". Insanity is the act of repeating the same behavior over and over and expecting a different outcome.

((((Tons of Hugs and roses!!!)))))))

Yea that darn pill sometimes it gets too big at times to swallow..

You have/had a super duper counselor..
You couldn't pay me $500.00 an hour to go up against JM -- regardless of what kind of expert I am (you know, reading cosmo, readbook, and watching a documentary or two could make me an expert).

I'd be sick too. Maybe LV has decided she's outta there and that's the last we'll see of her - LOL.



For a sec there I read you'd be an expert in "Cosmo". LOL Expert witness in "Are you compatible in bed?" quizzes. LMAO Or are we talking about the drink? If so, I'm right there with ya sister...right there.
I seriously think she's having escalating anxiety. It increases urination and (other elimination) as well as dry mouth, also her inappropriate awkward grins. Her friend said he was there cuz she was "terrified" to testify. But TOO BAD. Your anxiety is fixin to get a WHOLE LOT WORSE very soon. You signed up for this...better be prepared to get what you GET. No sympathy from me.

Somebody on the boards said a while back that ALV had been up against Juan in another trial. If so, she must have figured she could take the strain for $300 per hr.

I wonder what would happen if she was too ill to complete her testimony, and be crossed. Mistrial?
To hold up more than half a day of a murder trial of this magnitude I conclude one or both of these two things:

1. Alyce LaViolette is stellar at covering up a severe illness that she couldn't recover from over a 90 min lunch break (or attempt to).

2. She's a full blown Narcissist.

(or maybe she's having a panic attack at the very thought of this direct winding down/Martinez getting ahold of her which is legit but sorry chickie, THIS IS WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR).

I don't get this judge at all. Ok, she says she's sick, it's almost lunch time, let's all reconvene at 1:30 and see where we are at. Come on, there's "no way" she might feel better in a couple of hours??? :furious:
I'm just surprised at how quickly the judge cancels court when a person states they are ill. It was close to lunch, so I think the judge should have taken the 1 1/2 hour break and waited to see if AVL was feeling better. Is there not a pharmacy close by? Most meds start to kick in within 20 minutes. Unless she has the flu, is experiencing chest pains, or something major is going on, I don't think they should cancel.

Couldn't AGREE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this recess sorta kinda like "the loving respite" ALV likes to drones about.
Maybe she wants to look sympathetic to the jury.....for when big, bad Juan starts picking on the sick, old, Travis trashing, Jodi loving , man hating <unusual> witness from Calif.
I seriously think she's having escalating anxiety. It increases urination and (other elimination) as well as dry mouth, also her inappropriate awkward grins. Her friend said he was there cuz she was "terrified" to testify. But TOO BAD. Your anxiety is fixin to get a WHOLE LOT WORSE very soon. You signed up for this...better be prepared to get what you GET. No sympathy from me.

Imagine that - terrified to testify in defense of a brutal butcher girl. I reckon $300 an hour goes a long way in reducing terror however.
Both Jodi and ALV mispronounce the word 'ameliorate' the same exact way.

[uh-meel-yuh-reyt, uh-mee-lee-uh-]

They say [uh-mel-ee-oh-rate]

Can we speculate that they perhaps got together to practice this stinky story and ALV gave JA some vocab lessons?


If I am in that courtroom and hear this witness utter the word "de edify" I may just get ejected from an outburst. I'm 100% serious.
Because she's a psychopath. There's really nothing anyone can do. It's just how their brains are wired.

Very true but not all sociopaths or psychopaths kill. And I suspect that's because they have been exposed to real consequences or threats of real consequences that make it clear to them that being mostly law abiding is in their own best interests. Does that make sense?
$330 per hour to sit up there and yap on and on about much to do over Jodi's antics. Now court is cancelled????? :furious::banghead::furious:

Is this for real? :what: The jury is as of NOW very sick of this chit being pulled by the defense team! :furious: I'm sick of it, so I'm sure they are. Whatcha want to bet she is being comped for her hotel suite with taxpayer money too?

I know this would be hard to do, but i would love it if someone could determine the exact average number of hours per week that court has actually occurred in front of the judge.

I am betting it is less than 20 hours per week (if that much).

I seriosly would not be surprised if the average was 15-17 hours per week.
Jodi was 27 when she committed this murder. Her mother doesn't say when the friends were calling so I am guessing it was shortly before the murder. Do you realize you cannot commit an adult over 21 for longer than 72 hours? I think mom and dad were in fear for their own lives. Maybe they just prayed it would all blow over.

You know, "I might've, could've, should've done something."

Would they have saved Travis? No. Jodi planned that slaughter. She is a sociopath and only death would have stopped her.

I think they will be relieved when she is sentenced because they are afraid of her. MOO?

They couldn't make Jodi do anything when she reached the age of Majority when she reached eighteen.
I seriously think she's having escalating anxiety. It increases urination and (other elimination) as well as dry mouth, also her inappropriate awkward grins. Her friend said he was there cuz she was "terrified" to testify. But TOO BAD. Your anxiety is fixin to get a WHOLE LOT WORSE very soon. You signed up for this...better be prepared to get what you GET. No sympathy from me.

Love your new avatar!
at least Jodi's mother is not wheeling and dealing making excuses and cutting back door interview's for 600 grand, at least she seemed truly upset and devastated at what kind of person her daughter has turned out to be, that's a lot more than I can say for someone else's mother I know all too well
What was she supposed to do? I don't like it either, but I can't see how she had any other choice...just MOO

I don't know if it would be the correct thing to do but I would have liked to see the judge question Ms. L about her illness, in a stern tone. The judge is getting walked all over because she's allowing it. I have never seen a case with so little respect for the jury:moo:
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