trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #121

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Bullcarp. An abusive parner would be abusive no matter the distance.

Ughhhh. Make it stop!
Jodi wasn't married to Travis and had the freedom to leave anytime. Travis wasn't a saint, but if she'd gone back to Yreka and stayed there, changed her number and email address, and cut off all contact, I feel certain he would not have shown up there a month later and pulled a "Sleeping With the Enemy." Such a slap to those women (and men) who do date or are married to documented abusers whom they are truly afraid of and will be hunted down and beat up or killed for leaving.
omg, help us all, I feel so sorry for the jury and Travis' family
wonder if the jury is doing this
:sigh: 45 more minutes of these two spewing lies .. just let Juan cross already, nobody wants to listen to this anymore.
seems to be same words over and over?
but in a different way maybe?
*puts up every "i'm bored" .gif i have on my hard drive*
*Not-so-fan Fiction*

Wilmott: Alright the last few questions I have just talk all you can. I mean let it ALL out. Got it?

Alyce: Sure, I can do that! Story Time with Alyce is on.

I'm waiting for them to rehash the frog story... it makes as much sense as the rest of this tripe.
IMO, it was Travis who exhibited the shame of the pictures taken on the phone. Jodi liked it.

When they were talking about the events of the day (June 4), I've noticed the DT skips over the part about Jodi being FULLY clothed for what is trying to say were consensual naked shower photos of Travis. I don't believe he knew she was still there.
Is it just me, or is ALV more animated and chatty since the break?
MOO, but Juror#5 said she wasn't going to talk about the murder until after the trial is over, I believe her. And how freaking awesome would that be?!? She is now privy to way more information and facts about the case than she did when she was on the jury.

What a book she could write!! It could be a game changer in the new age of social media AND our judicial system. Let's face it folks...we need some changes...Heck,mthe WORKD needs some changes. I'm just sayin'
This is too much....

can we all please stop and take a minute and think about Travis who was brutally, horribly, cold bloodily murdered by being stabbed 29 times!, his throat was cut from ear to ear and that almost decapitated him, and then shot!!!!!!!

let the light shine on his family who need to endure much much more than I can possibly imagine....
she's not going to talk so the media will shut up about her soon enough. How much attention is generated by sitting at a trial? That's all she's doing-sitting. Not that interesting.

I respectfully disagree. Her presence completely nullifies her statement, about not wanting any attention and keeping the attention on the trial. The attention has clearly been on her. :twocents:
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