trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #122

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Molly333 don't get mad, I am truly curious.

Do you think Jodi did anything wrong and should she stay in or be allowed out?
well, that's the problem for the DT, isn't it.

Those pictures aren't going away.

Nevertheless, one does try to understand what happened...


Sure. But objectivity has its place in court.

Objectivity is on the side of the prosecution. They consider the evidence and charge the perpetrator with the crime that evidence shows was committed. They want the right person to pay the appropriate dues for the crime committed; they have no investment in doing otherwise.

On the other hand, the defense has one goal: to spare their client from the death penalty and possibly even exonerate her.

Now, considering this, which side has the most motivation to warp case history, bend or omit facts, and present a story that has little to do with the truth?
Being in Court when there is a murder trial going on is not for everyone. IMO, it can be a scary place regardless of how the attorneys examine witnesses. My father was a criminal defense attorney and quite an imposing figure. His job was not to be "nice" to the witnesses. He sure did scare folks on the stand, but I have to say, he was amazing to watch.

All she has to do is give straight answers to the questions. It's not that hard, and she's getting paid nicely for it. No sympathy here! :rocker:
All she has to do is give straight answers to the questions. It's not that hard, and she's getting paid nicely for it. No sympathy here! :rocker:

Yeah, like you said. As an AZ taxpayer, I say fire her a$$! Wish I could. No one asked me...
Sure. But objectivity has its place in court.

Objectivity is on the side of the prosecution. They consider the evidence and charge the perpetrator with the crime that evidence shows was committed. They want the right person to pay the appropriate dues for the crime committed; they have no investment in doing otherwise.

On the other hand, the defense has one goal: to spare their client from the death penalty and possibly even exonerate her.

Now, considering this, which side has the most motivation to warp case history, bend or omit facts, and present a story that has little to do with the truth?

I'll bite.

The side that's doing it?
Was she pulling away when she moved to his hometown AFTER they broke up?

Or was it maybe when she drove across a couple of states to murder him?

Or maybe when she moved into apartment after apartment closer and closer to his house? Or when she was standing outside in the dark watching him make out with other ladies through his back window? Or when she deliberately destroyed his car so she would have to stay in town just a little bit longer?

The actual reason she finally left town is that she had no money, kept losing her jobs, and had burned all the bridges of all the people she had stayed with, knew, or had been friends with and had no other place to go.

Molly333- I get what you're saying and you have an absolute right to your opinion. I agree with the fact that Travis had issues:I just think they were WAY more benign than Jodi's. He had trouble with commitment and needed constant reassurance and liked having lots of fun adorable girls available for NCMO's (Mormon slang for non committal make out), but Jodi kept trying to insinuate herself into his life, was manipulative, controlling, and in my view has a stronger pattern for actual abuse that culminated to murder. That is the ultimate form of control.
This witness wil become irrelevant in he end. I'm sure the states rebuttal will prove pre-meditation, starting with WalMart stating that they absolutely did NOT have any returns for a gas can as JA testified to (During this period, WalMart had the worlds largest non-military database) and Tesoro confirming that the 3rd receipt at their station could only have been for a gas purchase. This will just be the beginning. You know the state has other evidence that hasn't been presented yet. She is going down. Book it.
Sorry to bust your poll, Steph, but DP is the only punishment that fits.

And unless it's exacted swiftly, this one will most certainly kill again, probably while incarcerated.

Now wait just a minute, I already voted Death for Jodi.....That is really the only way we can ensure she gets Life In Prison (saying that without knowing how quick convicted murderers are given the shot in the State of Arizona).
Huh. Well I guess if you had a murdered loved one and you wanted a better court experience for yourself (since you don't like Juan Martinez' style), you would feel better with someone else.

If I had a murdered loved one, I would get on my knees every night thanking God that I had someone like Juan Martinez as my prosecutor. Why? He gets convictions. He doesn't deal with defense pleas for a lesser charge. He knows the ins and outs of the case--intimately. I would want the animal who murdered my loved one to get the harshest sentence. And I would be grateful for the caring way he treats the victim's family. But that's just me.


I have a murdered love one and Juan Martinez expresses the anger I feel over the injustice that was done in his life being cut short. A victim counts their lucky stars they have a prosecutor who actually cares and expresses the anger and outrage the family feels as the killers rights are carefully maintained for their comfort while the victim lies in the cold ground with his reputation being shredded.

BTW How about that petition for victims being presumed innocent?
Are any of you out there up on the Sunshine laws in AZ? Just curious because Nurmi seemed at a faux loss about how the videos and transcripts of JA's journal had been released.

I'm certainly not a lawyer, but I know you can file motions to have evidence sealed pending appeal of the outcome of a trial. So what was his rant about? If he didn't get those records sealed, how could he blame Juan for not circumnavigating the public records laws?

Did anyone hear if they completed the hearing today with Nurmi's witness?
Ironically, it was the same person accusing others of talking about attorneys.

The whole Pot calling Kettle black thing

Who is talking about Juan's wife? I know nothing about Juan's wife. This trial is about the murderer JA.....I am not interested in Juan's wife.
This witness wil become irrelevant in he end. I'm sure the states rebuttal will prove pre-meditation, starting with WalMart stating that they absolutely did NOT have any returns for a gas can as JA testified to (During this period, WalMart had the worlds largest non-military database) and Tesoro confirming that the 3rd receipt at their station could only have been for a gas purchase. This will just be the beginning. You know the state has other evidence that hasn't been presented yet. She is going down. Book it.

A database built by ex-CIA and FBI. I didn't believe this when I first read about it, but it's true. Walmart hires and contracts with a lot of former agents in the construction and maintenance of that database.

Didn't mean to change topic, but that's something that intrigues me.
Now wait just a minute, I already voted Death for Jodi.....That is really the only way we can ensure she gets Life In Prison (saying that without knowing how quick convicted murderers are given the shot in the State of Arizona).

She famously said that she would beg for the death penalty if she killed Travis.

She then famously said that she killed Travis.

She wrote in her diary that she was "Christ-like".


Well, Jodi, assume the position.

Bring on the pentobarbitol.
Now wait just a minute, I already voted Death for Jodi.....That is really the only way we can ensure she gets Life In Prison (saying that without knowing how quick convicted murderers are given the shot in the State of Arizona).

I am ambivalent about the death penalty, but in this case, I really want to see Arias receive it. She would thrive in prison in general pop. On death row, she won't get that opportunity.

About Death Row in Arizona:

All male and female inmates on Death Row are classified as maximum custody. All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress. Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week. All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week. Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances, two books and writing materials, which can be purchased from the inmate commissary. Health care is provided at the Health Unit; medication is passed out at the cell front. Clergy contacts are provided at the cell.

From the time an inmate is sentenced to death to the time the inmate is executed, what is the average length of time that an Arizona inmate remains on Death Row?

Since 1937, the average Arizona Death Row inmate has spent 12 years on death row.
Please let's not lose sight of what is going on here.

Others have shared their stories so let me share mine real quick. I moved 800 miles away from my ex just a year ago (from TN to IA). He was mean....threw things at me, threatened me, called me horrible names, etc. I honestly was terrified of him. I stayed with him for 6 years because I thought I loved him and I truly felt sorry for him. However, I recognized the dysfunction, which is why I FINALLY forced myself to break off the relationship. Is it painful? Yes. Do I miss him? Absolutely. Do I love him? Without a doubt. But it wasn't a healthy relationship, and I am finally healthy enough to realize that I am better off without him. I'm just now getting into counseling and trying to pick up the pieces.

My point is that everyone has a CHOICE. The DT can try to spin it any way they want but there is absolutely no excuse for this innocent man's life being taken as cruelly and violently as it was. It absolutely makes me sick to my stomach to read posts by those in favor of her twisted defense.

And on that note I'm going to bed lol. Goodnight, and behave! :)

Something happened in May that made her very angry at him -- angry enough to plan and execute his murder.

And we still know exactly what that was.

I think I know what it was, JMO of course. My ears pricked up when I heard that she told him they needed to be apart because they couldn't keep their hands off each other sexually, blah, blah, it was better spiritually, blah, blah, and then this easy-to-overlook tidbit:

"...and I won't be going to any PPL conventions..."

and Travis fails to save his life by saying yes, she should, that she's still welcome there because they will always be friends. I think she deduced his real intent to have her completely out of ALL his circles --and that he would be trashing her to make sure he still looked like the good guy, the up and coming guy, the financially successful guy.

We know this was bait because she had already lined up a guy who was much more successful and higher up in PPL than Travis - she had Ryan Burns hooked by the p****s, just like she hooked him. OF COURSE she was planning to be at every posh and exciting PPL event!

So why would she tell that particular lie?
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