trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #122

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Why did the Judge allow the uncouth women who laughed more than once to remain in the court room? After they did it a second time the Judge should have ordered them out.

Is this a tea party, circus or a real trial???

Who were these women? Weren't they sitting next to Donovan..were they friends of ALV? Can't believe that the family cant show any emotion but these goons are able to gawfaa like they were watching a comedy show. :facepalm:
What's up with the eating in the courtroom? It seems every time the camera cuts to the gallery, someone (or two) is chomping on something. I thought no food, drink, and especially gum, was allowed in court.
No kids, thank goodness. Thank you for replying to my post.

I despise my ex for what he "did" to me. But unlike JA, the thought of revenge has never crossed my mind. Why not? Honestly I'm thankful he's out of my life. I paid $5 to Verizon just today actually to block his # from texting and calling me.

She disgusts me, as well as the entire DT. And on that note, I'm really going to bed this time lol. My smilies aren't working, otherwise I'd insert that cute little thing with a blankie and sleeping cap ;)

Good for you !
I mentioned a few pages back that I think ALV wants to know what conclusion Juan is going for so she can tailor her testimony to fit the conclusion. That's not how it works and after 15 times testifying she should know that. The problem is that Juan couches his ultimate goal very well with questions that don't seem to make sense until he ties it all up at the end. This really bothers the witness'. In ALV's case I think she doesn't want to give that power to JM. JMO

This is exactly what is going on. ALV even came flat out and said, "I don't know where you're going," in response to JM asking her why she was having trouble answering questions. I wish he had said, "You don't need to know. If you're testifying to the truth, it won't change your answer."

Jodi had the same problem but I understood her motive for evasion. With ALV it makes her look just horrible as a professional.
Jodi Arias Trial : Day 41 : Prosecutor Vs. DV Expert : Part 3 Of 3 (No Sidebars) - YouTube

Watch ALV being cross-examined. Her eyes dart over to JW several times. In fact, at 34:17 JW shakes her head "yes".

ALV is being coached while she's testifying, no doubt about it.

Yes, but Judge Stephens is blissfully (willfully?) ignorant, just as she was on Wednesday and Thursday when the 'expert' unceasingly needed to "refresh" her memory or "recollect" by sitting there and directly reading some words to the jury which may or may not have even been written by Travis.

In fact, at least once yesterday Sherry admitted to Willmott that she had been watching her 'expert' witness reading to the Court directly from an exhibit.

The jury may not even notice, as far away as they are seated from the witness, counsel, and judge.

I just assume that this is par for the course in Maricopa County Superior Court, with Judge Stephens at least.

You know, close enough for government work at $250-$300/hour.
The diaries irritate me. A bunch of fantasy babbling from a liar. I can't believe they are taking up this much trial time and experts are even reading them. Then acting like they're real.

Oooohhh...I was on a rant about that last night.... everything that comes from Jodi's side is a fantasy... I would say fairy tale, but its more like a nightmare !
I adore David Lohr and am subscribed to his channel, and I appreciate all the work he has done and does getting those videos to us. I wish though, he also had video up with sidebars, because I enjoy the camera panning around to JA and the spectators and Travis's family....

If you want to watch the videos with sidebars, then I would suggest Croakerqueen123's channel, she posts gavel to gavel everyday.

Croakerqueen123 Youtube Channel
ABC News has reported that the Arias Trial has cost Taxpayers 1.4 Million Dollars.

It is also being reported that LaViolette is "cashing" in on the Arias trial - by being paid $300 an hour (courtesy of taxpayers), and, to promote her book that is being re-published (due to the trial) and will be available April 23.

This board is filled with so many intelligent people - people that strive to promote all that is good.

My question is - do taxpayers have any say? For example, is it possible that taxpayers demand accountability - and, for future trials demand a "citizen board" that oversees trials.

It is outrageous - in my opinion, that LaViolette would be paid $300 by the defense. I doubt that this would be the amount LaViolette would receive if Arias was paying for her own defense - or if Nurmi / Wilmott had to pay LaViolette's expenses.

1.4 Million is a lot of money - it seems as though that Judge Stephens has the responsibility to keep this trial going.

Why is there no court on Fridays?

This "run away train" of a trial needs to be put back on the tracks - if either side (the state or defense) is using blatant stall tactics to delay the trial - then the judge should let the person know that stall tactics are not going to be used to delay court.

It seems wrong that there is 1.4 million dollars (and counting) to spend on this trial - when there has to be a better use for such funds. I realize that trials are expensive - but many defendants pay for their own defense - when a defendant has to spend his/her own money; find ways to pay for their defense - I think that they are more mindful of how much a person is making an hour.

Keep in mind the 1.4 million dollars, is just for her defense portion of the case, not including the states.

The diaries irritate me. A bunch of fantasy babbling from a liar. I can't believe they are taking up this much trial time and experts are even reading them. Then acting like they're real.

It is shocking that the DT stands on these diaries by their client...who has admitted murdering TA and admits to lying for years...this is where I wonder why the judge doesn't intervene upon admission of the diaries as fact.

JM's aggressive tone in questioning these expert witnesses in regard to the diaries is probably of the absurd.
This is exactly what is going on. ALV even came flat out and said, "I don't know where you're going," in response to JM asking her why she was having trouble answering questions. I wish he had said, "You don't need to know. If you're testifying to the truth, it won't change your answer."

Jodi had the same problem but I understood her motive for evasion. With ALV it makes her look just horrible as a professional.

BBM. Amazing, wasn't it?!

Did you also notice that ALV at one point said something to the effect of: Do you want the truth, Mr. Martinez, or do you want to try and spin what I'm saying? Because ALV sees what she's saying as "the truth" and any attempt to say otherwise is a mind game. Jeez.
Who were these women? Weren't they sitting next to Donovan..were they friends of ALV? Can't believe that the family cant show any emotion but these goons are able to gawfaa like they were watching a comedy show. :facepalm:

They hung around afterwards and talked to the mitigation specialist, then the two ladies left court arm and arm with ALV.

Who were these women? Weren't they sitting next to Donovan..were they friends of ALV? Can't believe that the family cant show any emotion but these goons are able to gawfaa like they were watching a comedy show. :facepalm:

They were sitting behind Donovan. When they laughed I thought perhaps they were laughing AT ALV but then after court they walked out with ALV arms around her.

This Judge needs to take control but what's the point of saying this? We're weeks away from deliberations!
Yes, but Judge Stephens is blissfully (willfully?) ignorant, just as she was on Wednesday and Thursday when the 'expert' unceasingly needed to "refresh" her memory or "recollect" by sitting there and directly reading some words to the jury which may or may not have even been written by Travis.

In fact, at least once yesterday Sherry admitted to Willmott that she had been watching her 'expert' witness reading to the Court directly from an exhibit.

The jury may not even notice, as far away as they are seated from the witness, counsel, and judge.

I just assume that this is par for the course in Maricopa County Superior Court, with Judge Stephens at least.

You know, close enough for government work at $250-$300/hour.

Do you know what, if anything, the judge could do about the obvious coaching a witness on the stand?
One thing I feel I have to say is that I know in the past many women who were being seriously abused did not self identify because their partner had never laid a hand on them or maybe only once.

I had hoped that by now people would understand this subject better. You do not have to be physically hit to be very seriously abused by your partner. Everything that ALV said, in general [forget about Jodi for a minute], about domestic violence is true. People should pay attention to it. And, yes, given enough time, it will become physical, because it escalates, but by then it may be too late.

Michelle Young too was never once hit - until the day her husband beat her and their unborn son to death. This is a subject I'm obviously rather passionate about and try really hard to explain to others both IRL and online. I didn't fully understand I was in an abusive relationship for five years simply because, where he threatened to hit me every time I did something 'wrong', he never actually did. Even after he pulled a gun on me while I was holding our baby daughter I didn't see 'abuse'. Five years in though, I confronted him and begged him to go to counseling. For months he pretended to be attending sessions offered by a local DV advocacy. I found out he was lying about that, confronted him on it, and he flew into such a violent rage I was certain I was going to die that day. It pushed me deeper into denial and depression that would last another 5 1/2 years. I didn't so much as even whisper the word abuse again while living with him.

I didn't know what psychological abuse looked like. I didn't understand why I couldn't be what he wanted me to be, no matter how hard I tried. I wasn't aware of terms like gaslighting and crazy-making. I couldn't make sense of why I was miserable and blamed myself for not being capable of happiness or even contentment. I certainly wasn't knowledgeable of telltale red flags both in my relationship and abuser that, had I known better, perhaps would've made me slow the progress of our relationship before I was ensnared. Yet, though I was never hit, my relationship very nearly totally destroyed me and certainly even nearly killed me. For all his threats to murder me, he might not have had to, because at the very end - at the zenith of an escalation of stalking, cyber-stalking, threats and intimidation - I was very close to committing suicide.

And while I've come a heckuva long way I still struggle with extreme anxiety, panic attacks, low self-esteem, memory loss, and a whole host of other 'gifts' that my abuser left me with. I get what you're saying, molly, trust me, I truly DO get it...but...

Verbal abuse just on its own doesn't define an abusive relationship in my opinion - it's very often, in fact almost always, a component within an abusive relationship though. People can be abusive and not be abusers. And that, I believe, is where LaViolette lets us all down. Her continuum is brilliant at helping to identify abusive behaviors themselves but doesn't go nearly far enough to explain the dynamics and psychology of abusive relationships. And her testimony to many well known markers is in direct conflict with Jodi's testimony.

Further, to willfully ignore bright neon signs of Jodi's behavior synonymous with many abusive personalities, while professing to be 'an advocate for all victims', is reprehensible in my opinion. As such I believe her bias is so skewed it leaves me personally skeptical how much true experience and understanding she really has obtained throughout her substantial career.
I was abused for 16 years. It was only physical maybe four or five times. He threw things at me. He would take the mattress off our bed then follow me around the house to make sure I didn't find a place to lay down to sleep. He would tear the phones out of the walls and disable my car so I couldn't call for help or leave. He would bring out a gun and set it out in a highly visible spot. Those weren't the worst things. Sometimes it would be easier to acknowledge you are abused if it WAS physical. :twocents:

Same here...the longer I am away from it the more clearly I see just how mentally abused I was and how I was programmed to believe that it was all my fault.Last time I looked at some of the journaling I did near the end I was just stunned that I ever allowed myself to be caught in that situation. I am in the camp that Jodi was the abuser for sure..:twocents:
The laughing outbursts in the courtroom, the eating, the defense droning on and on and rehashing, just shows to me the judge is not in control of her courtroom. If Travis family acted that way, they would be thrown out.

So what do YOU say Judge Stephens? Time to get control of your courtroom?
Who were these women? Weren't they sitting next to Donovan..were they friends of ALV? Can't believe that the family cant show any emotion but these goons are able to gawfaa like they were watching a comedy show. :facepalm:

They seemed pro-JA all the way, and ALV is their heroine.

They believe she got the better of JM yesterday and were celebrating on the way out.

I notice that JM doesn't laugh while he's plying his profession. At all, ever.

What doesn't he find funny about a lying torture-murderess and her 'experts' slandering her victim?

If it's laughing they want, they should consider waiting until AFTER the verdict is read -- assuming we don't get to mistrial first in Judge Stephens' Defense Circus, er, Courtroom.
The business of prosecuting is all about winning cases and putting away the bad guys. If Mr. Martinez's interrogation style is what helps him win cases then great.

Exactly. He has a successful trial record and 20-some years of experience. He isn't going to change his style now. It why should he change? He could care less about ppl's opinions-positive or negative.

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