trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #126

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What he is going over now happens almost daily here and other forums. You can not tell what someone meant by their post b/c you do not know the proper tone to read things. How is she not able to understand all this? Ive seen many members ask someone else to clarify their post.
Alyce says she "feels" instead of "thinks" like you expect an expert witness to do. Think not feel!
Oh no she didn't! If she was a History Major, this old prof would be happy to fail her about now -- answering the question is the Number One requirement!!!!!
This is so infuriating listening to this sellout.

I'll be back in awhile, hopefully JM will have destroyed her by then and she'll be answering questions instead of trying to fricken teach her bs.


She should think about not being so obstinate after lunch. Juan is not going to just give up because she is being hard headed.
now Alyce feels what people mean in written correspondences.
So scientific.
Juan Martinez has more smart in his pinky finger that ALV has in her entire body. Alyce: you're not going to 'win' this. Answer the questions and get out of there with what's left of your integrity.
No, I don't think she is there. But the judge did ask the jury is anyone had contact with her. None indicated that they did.

She's been earmarked as 'trouble' wonder if she tried contacting everyone else at the courthouse .. glad she's not there.
That's not how I am reading her right now. She appears to me to be incensed that he called her professional integrity into question, she is surprised he researched so thoroughly and she is incensed that she feels he won the point. Notice how her answers are getting shorter and she is challenging him less? She is getting cautious.

Bringing a difficult witness under control is a bit like horse-breaking. Sounds like JM is doing it masterfully.
I like how ALV keeps looking over at the DT table, like...
"Am I doing, okay? I'm not, am I? A little help would be nice!"

The DT's like... "You're on your own, lady."
I practically counted the minutes from Thursday until court today. Now I can't believe I'm looking forward to the lunch break! :rocker:
just face it: you cannot judge someone by text messages.


Aint that the truth! I have looked back at things I wrote that I thought were amusing at the time and on reflection find they look unintentionally smart azzed.
Juan seems to be headed in the direction of exposing Jodi's journals, etc. as fiction, aka LIES.
WOW! Really ALV, you think you are being mischaracterized? How do you think you made Travis' family feel? :gavel: GMAFB!!!
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