trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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ja will be an ugly old pruneface before she gets the needle. i heard of a study about death row inmates- at least half of them die of NATURAL CAUSES before death is carried out-- but knowing she will be an ugly old pruneface locked away growing old and hopefully she will have early onset dementia, well, that would make me happy!

I hope she does not get dementia so that (uh, when the fog clears) she will always remember where she is and how she got there.
i think the manafesto is the letter she wrote the grandmother she talks about that letter on 48 hours...she wrote it in jail and didnt know if travis gm received it. oh by the way new here hello

:seeya: Hello and Welcome !

Thanks Tiger! I am thinking that with the new mistrial request, we might be waiting today as well. :furious:

From my personal stash of emperical knowledge:

When a defendant is tried the second time (after a mistrial) the prosecution almost always wins.

I doubt if there was a mistrial the prosecutors would plead to anything other than LWOP, and I'm not sure, cost aside, that that would be justice for TA or the citizens of Arizona. If the DA's office thought they had a DP case to begin with I doubt much has changed thier mind.

So Nurmi's ridiculous quest for a mistrial results in a few things, Jodi staying in jail, which is nicer than prison, another few million dollars shelled out by the taxpayers and a little time to see if he has indeed scraped the bottom of the "expert witness" barrel or there's someone sleazier out there.

All in all, I don't see what he has to gain.
I wonder if ALV can be fined for making such a spectacle of her answers, by not answering like she is asked to 'yes or no'?

I hope JM is not so nice today. LOL
Everybody tells me that. But I just cannot make it work in my brain. My tastebuds can't even imagine fish...tacos...yuck!

I think they ruined it by calling them "fish tacos". Sea Bass Tacos or Bluefin Tacos or something like that sounds much better.

Seafood goes fine with tortillas, but the name "fish" is off-putting. Bugs me when people say "tuna fish" too!
Couple random thoughts/questions I wanted to throw down here...

1. Just how much is HLN charging advertisers for commercial spots during this trial, relative to how much they would normally charge in those time slots?

2. Does anyone else find it mildly amusing how the judge will sometimes say "ooo-overruled", as if she isn't quite sure?

3. I can only imagine how hilarious it would be if Jodi remained her own lawyer. If she had though, could she still take the stand? How would she question herself?

4. I've seen Jodi's youtube page with the one video of Travis posted on 06/12/08. The account was created on May 29th, one day after the staged break-in and three days after the huge text fight. Does anyone think there is any significance to her opening the account at that time, or a coincidence?

I acted pro se, represented myself, in an action brought against me by my estranged husband. I took the stand and faced the Judge while I spoke. It was frustrating but I had to tell her several times that I wasn't able to speak about what I had been told happened (he said he had put poison in my coffee, that he brought me, nicely, to a Little League game and told it to my daughter), because it was hearsay. The best part was questioning my husband. He lied repeatedly and I repeatedly asked him if he did indeed swear to tell the truth, the whole get the drill.
It was a surreal experience but I would do it again. I held my own in that courtroom again him and his less than respectable attorney. The judge commended me and made a comment at the end of the 'trial'. She informed his attorney that his client 'has issues and I recommend you address that...'
Given that Nurmi wants off this case so bad, I cannot imagine he would be trying so hard for a mistrial unless it benifits the DT in some was. Their ship is sinking. If one was granted would she get a new set of lawyers? Could this be a ploy to get off the trial so that Nurmi's reputation isn't totally squashed?


Too Late!!!

You are correct, sir. Not exactly a positive , enlightening treatise for the good of mankind.

Somehow I think Jodi's isn't good for mankind either?
I think TA had fear of Jodi but just did not listen to it. I think he felt safe in his home and thought he could handle it. I know I was in a 14 year marriage with the male version of JA. The last night I spent in the home with him, he asked me to go for a ride in the car to talk about our issues. Everything in me told me to not get in the car with him. I have no doubt he was planning something. I have no doubt if I had got in that car I would not have returned alive. Although I was still in such a horrible place with him I did still stay in the home that last night. I think the only reason he did not do anything is because my son was home and he did not think I would leave the next day. I know I am stupid for staying but I did at least list to my gut about getting in the car. I know that now but at the time I felt I was safe in my home. I did leave the next day and never returned. Some people just don't listen to their gut instinct enough. My X well..............he is now in prison.
I hope you see this, Texas Lady. I am so proud of you for your courage! :great: Too often I think we don't listen to better instincts. I know I am certainly guilty of that - many, many times over. :blushing:

About your stupid comment, though...I prefer to look at it that you were manipulated into staying. Never stupid. You loved and trusted someone who you believed loved and trusted in the same capacity and was as 'human' as you are. There's no shame in loving someone - but there should be in manipulating someone's love as a weapon against them.

Just the way I see things - I think abuse in and of itself leads to very distorted and irrational thoughts and behaviors that shouldn't be considered a victim's 'fault' because they're manifested from the abuse the victim is enduring.

jwillHLN The countdown begins! 30 minutes until #jodiarias is back up & the defense witness & Martinez are back at "it"! @hlnnewsnow #raisingamerica
Oy, I'm tired. Couldn't sleep well last night. Yesterday Juan had me on an adrenaline rush and didn't need a nap. I hope that happens again today.

For heaven's sake, Steely, just start with day one of Samuels' testimony and you should be asleep in no time. :floorlaugh:
From my personal stash of emperical knowledge:

When a defendant is tried the second time (after a mistrial) the prosecution almost always wins.

I doubt if there was a mistrial the prosecutors would plead to anything other than LWOP, and I'm not sure, cost aside, that that would be justice for TA or the citizens of Arizona. If the DA's office thought they had a DP case to begin with I doubt much has changed thier mind.

So Nurmi's ridiculous quest for a mistrial results in a few things, Jodi staying in jail, which is nicer than prison, another few million dollars shelled out by the taxpayers and a little time to see if he has indeed scraped the bottom of the "expert witness" barrel or there's someone sleazier out there.

All in all, I don't see what he has to gain.

I hope this does not end in a mistrial.

I've seen defendants get a retrial and then plea guilty before and some of them get a lesser sentence for their plea. I hate that.
Similar concerns, which I guess is to be expected. I hate to ask this, because I know it is nothing anyone wants to imagine happening, but what if the jury happened to believe her self defense claim?

What would the charge be? 2nd degree murder? Manslaughter? Considering she has been incarcerated for 4+ years, in such a scenario and with time served, how long until she would be set free? :(

If they believe her self defense...she walks.
I hope she does not get dementia so that (uh, when the fog clears) she will always remember where she is and how she got there.

Jodie is already looking old, her skin doesn't look healthy. I think the lack of sunshine exposure and some posted that they have noticed some gray hairs already.
Is court supposed to begin at 9:30 today, or was that just the start time (yeah right) for yesterday?
[/QUOTE]She says that all of her analysis is in her head and not written down. What the hades kind of witness doesn't write stuff down for it to be reviewed?

I would love for Juan to ask her again if she made a report with her opinions on this case. When she answers no...then Juan should say - Is the reason you did not make a resport is so you can make it up on the fly? I quess we would hear JW object...but point would be well taken!
So how late do we think we will be today,I'm betting about 31 minutes

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

I'm not as optimistic as you...thinking maybe as late as yesterday.

JSS calendar this morning was reported to be pretty full with some complex issues, so that's going to eat into her time.

Then we have the DT motions, any carryover from JM item at the close of court yesterday and perhaps the issue with the guy in jeans?
Since we love definitions this morning, let's look at another:

Psychotherapy: There are many specific types of psychotherapy, each with its own approach. The type of psychotherapy that's right for you depends on your individual situation. Psychotherapy is also known as talk therapy, counseling, psychosocial therapy or, simply, therapy.

Source: The Mayo Clinic.

Note: JM was right about this one too...
So how late do we think we will be today,I'm betting about 31 minutes

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Is it possible that since the court received the motion a couple days ago, I think, that the judge can just rule on it without a hearing, or at best it could be a very short hearing. Hoping so.
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