trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #130

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i think if the judge would allow it, he would've done it right then. and this is my question. why isn't it being allowed? it's information that was out there and goes against her conclusion that JA was honest prior to the murder. why can't he use it?

I think the problem is that the tape is hearsay--until and unless dad gets on the stand and can't recall or says something inconsistent with the tape.
Please pardon my lack of "experience", but how does the stun belt work? Would it be like getting a shock from the clothes dryer or a light switch? I just want to know how it feeeeels. :D
I'm not sure how to bring something from the closed thread, but she makes a :goodpost: so here goes:

Originally Posted by smeck
I get it....anal sex is only something that an abusive man would subject a poor girl like JA to do---in ALVs world
Only there is a big, huge problem there too which LaViolette is neglecting. (A shock, I know.)

Jodi lights up with glee depicting sexual acts I think she initially wanted viewed as consistent with demeaning, degrading, humiliating sex sometimes found in conjunction with domestic violence. Such actual acts though, in my experience, are often the most difficult for survivors to process and work through. So much so I've only openly talked about my own once to my beloved husband in a total of nearly seven years - only to tell him I couldn't and wouldn't discuss it.
And its another example Jodi wouldn't really 'get' unless she's been there too. Because what we really need, of course, is even more proof her claims of abuse are very likely self-serving lies. ;)
I can understand Jodi not wanting to answer direct questions from JM. She's on trial for an admitted murder and trying to keep the needle out of her arm. Didn't like it, but still understand.

What I DON'T understand is the supposedly professional witness fencing with JM. Either her data is correct or not. PERIOD! ALV is beginning to look like SHE is the one on trial.
i missed that. when did he call her on it? was the jury there?

Earlier on, when he really started grilling her, he asked her a tough question and her eyes darted over to the DT table, and he said commandingly: " Don't look over there, I am asking the over questions here..." [ paraphrased]
Does the witness know of those secret mag messages in the margins?
How did it go today? I couldn't watch. What were the best things that happened and the worst, if anyone has the time!!!!

there were so many bests I cannot list them! Lots of new info presented to this jury via LaV.
Wow I missed that one today. I have seen the mag with the code, has it been translated? I have heard bits and pieces.

It didn't happen today. Some juanderful WSer might be able to pull up the video of that day. He showed the messages written in the spine area of the mag, and had a print out of the lines of the messages, which he showed on the overhead projector (are they still called that?) I can't remember which day of the trial it was done, someone else help?
(from last thread & apologies--this is a multi-person quote & I didn't get either of the names)
on the 3rd turn at a nascar race.

I go to sleep every Sunday. Love me some Jeff Gordon, but it's like white noise to me!

In our family, we call it a 50 lap nap!
Did someone request a pooch?


YES! We have kittys and dogs galore! We need those calming pictures today since many of us over 40 folks are close to coronary's!
Had to come back to post this. Hope it works!

ALV wants to be seen as this:


But is coming across as this:


ETA - sorry if this scared anyone!!
yes, they saw it
That's what I thought, and since I've seen some handwriting of hers, it looks like her script too. I think Juan just left it hanging like that because they will be all over it as soon as deliberations start, who's the Einstein now?
It's crazy to me that ALV is so willing to fight tooth and nail to defend Jodi's honor. She doesn't seem to care in the least about her credibility at this point.
I really am having a Juanderful day!:great:
To all the WSs saying ALV is playing up the granny type card, I agree 100%. I am sure that's why she keeps "forgetting" her glasses too. I bet a few of the jurors will have noted her support crew though!

Interesting, if that's the angle she and the defense are going for.. choosing her as their expert..."expert" witness for the "granny" factor.

There are so many elements of perception or misperception judgements in this case, as there are in life and every situation we find ourselves in (I've been reading a fantastic book that addresses this)... how we gravitate and relate to those similiar to us (iirc there are several older jurors on the panel now) and how we are so quick to assign certain traits to people who fit into a specific category (ie: "older granny types" = innately trustworthy, wise, honest, compassionate, etc).

In the book I'm reading the author discusses how important it is to constantly assess each person you encounter with the same critical skills and how not to be fooled by superficialities. How to keep yourself safe from being manipulated, getting hurt or harmed, and so on. Very interesting. I haven't been thinking about JA as I read this book but it's applicable to the case and these players and it's interesting now with ALV too.
Her stopping proceedings to go and get her glasses every time is manipulative and arrogant.


I totally agree. She can't forget her glasses every single time she sits in the witness box. It is "beyond the pale" to expect anyone to believe this. It is definitely a manipulative move on her part.
I'm old fashioned.

I review DV cases but I have no idea how to read an email or text.

What's KY?

At 1p I THINK they are going to listen to JAs dad's interview tape in it's entirety so that ALV will know the context of his statement. NOT SURE but I think. We will see what the jury gets to hear, if any!

Did JA create the parental abuse story after she heard her father's interview?
A la Casey/George Anthony?
Watching HLN. this witness is tedious enough as it is without a HLN pausing to tell us what people already just said.

Also for people who are on HLN time, great on top of everything Alyce LaViolette is also too conveniently prudish to ask Jodi Arias any sex questions.

What a tool.

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