trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #132

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By ALV babbling on about other women, she is reinforcing the jealous stalking behavior! I bet that is why JM didn't interrupt her! :giggle:
ja's grin is creepy as eff. it's really hard to not interpret it as 'evil'
Hahah Juan busted her looking at the DT again!
He is rocking it today!
Jodi looks SO damn proud it makes me sick!

I can't believe Alyce is sticking up for her this much.
So basically if Travis is with another woman, it's not because he's broken off with JA but that he's a cheating louse.
doesn't the verbage say TA was extremely afraid of her stalking behavior . .
if I look specifically @ that email . .
Mam . . . may we approach?

Their official relationship in Feb 07 to June or July 07
after their relation ended . . . JA moved to Mesa near TA's neighborhood . .. wouldn't that be an indicator of the beginning of stalking behavior?
you see that as appropriate - after the breakup in 2 separate states - see no problem w/stalking behaviors.
I see no communication from TA to discourage her and acts as the relationship is over . . . behaviorally the relationship hadn't ended.

June or July 2007 they break up , in Aug. 2007 JA went over to TA's house when he has a guest there - she was uninvited when he had that guest . .
she came over. . they had a back and forth relationship
judge -non-responsive

she was outside looking thru the glass while TA was having an intimate moment with another woman . .. isn't it true she was outside look thru glass
yes and she immediately left - you are asking me incomplete questions that don't get what my assessment is about.

Judge- answer on the the question y/n

as far as I know it is correct . . .
when she was there JA saw TA kissing another woman (by light of tv)
the bra was being hooked or unhooked . . .watched Ta in intimate moment with someone else
don't know how long she wsa there . . .

@ that point at least from TA's behavior - he was done with the relationship becauses he moved onto another woman . .
not y/n
he was extremely frightened of stalking behavior in thedefendant - go over the ex boyfriends house and look in window while intimiate moment with another

read journals.
in part
thought them to be true . .

the journals in corroboration in conjunction with other materials . . . . what part . . . there might be a piece here and there. . . ask me specifics

Aug 2007 . . . take a look @ journal entry - refresh recollection

nobody reads this . . . I love TA . . .this written after she went over an looked @ windows of his house . .. after he wrote he was extremely fearful of stalking

written in 08 to Ragen Housley . . . so this is before this IM . . . this was written the day after after this peeping . . .isn't that indication of stalking behavior/
corroborated entries . . corroborative evidence . . . it makes no mention of JA going over and looking in the window and seeing another woman . .. these journals are not truthful
they are not complete
incompolete means untruthful

Aug 26, 07 . . where does it say JA engaged in stalking behavior and looked into window
what do you attribute that to . . these journals were influenced by the laws of attraction . .
not saying that at all
she didn't write it here @ all . .

basing on the journals and looking @ the numerous other woman he wsa with with the one on the couch . . just because he was with . .

how many other women in aug 2007 . . I am over here looking to your left

I have a list of people

Nicole Broadband . . . 2007; JA, someone else in 2007 . . . most of my data comes from 12/07 thru 6/08 . . . he wsa communicating Deanna, Nichole, JA, and Lisa @ this time.

if he is talking to other woman he is a bad guy becausehe is talking to other woman
no not at all
so he is a good guy then?

awww so touching /loving
Jodi and Jennifer are acting like 13-year old girls. I would expect that from Jodi, not necessarily from Jennifer since she is the professional here.
Approach regarding "the prosecutor's tone." GMAFB
Calling her out for looking to the Defense for answers....Jodi with her little smirk...will she be smirking as the needle goes in?
Talking to other women means to her he was involved with them.
Why doesn't Juan say that JA was talking to DB AND MM during all of these times- does that mean SHE WAS WITH THEM TOO?
ja is smirking. uhh

prosecutors tone? is that a real objection? this is a real question
So? Travis moved on to other women. It's up to the women to set the standard of me and no one else or be content with him being involved with anyone else.
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