trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #133

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WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

"dildo with a heartbeat" is heard again. I feel like this could be a great name for an upcoming punk rock band. #JodiArias
Is JW under the delusion that the jury forgot all about Lisa being on the stand herself and explaining that e-mail???
Does she think they're dumb??
SAY IT JW: "Your battered... your battered... I'm sorry your men's group."


Some lady named Wong - no idea about the garbage though.

Just wanted to throw in here that there are differing ways to fear a stalker. I suspect Travis may well have been afraid of Jodi running behind his back to a bishop, or to his friends, family etc. Sometimes it is just easier to humor a threat than to fight it. Despite Ms. ALV - it is quite possible Jodi was the sex flame thrower and Travis was simply a male who accepted it.

Grace Wong? I think that's Beth K. producer.
Who would possibly feel compelled to testify after Juan destroyed the last two experts?!?

Oh. Matt McCartney. :facepalm: Hope he looks good in orange!

or black, white and pink! :jail:

I'm a new poster but have been lurking throughout the trial. I'm moved to post today and come out because I'm genuinely saddened and greatly disappointed in this witness. When I say disappointed, I mean that times 1 million. How can people live with themselves?

I think of Travis and his family often and am so sorry that they have had to endure what is the most horrific things someone can endure in their life. This trial is salt in the wounds.
Ummm...JA never sounded degraded, abused, or anything else! Why is it OK for this &$*%@^# to say one thing is good for one of them, and not the other!!?? Goose-Gander.
Alyce said that the lies Jodi told when she was 14 were mostly lies of "ommision"....did I hear that correctly and if yes....then why is that just now coming up and not when Juan questioned her about it. Slightly confused ...with eyes crossing ...from listening all day...sigh
Too much too soon is being discussed again. Oh no, are we going to have to go through anal sex again tomorrow? I've been to the Purple Plum one too many times now.

I'm sorry Travis, truly sorry. :facepalm:
Andrews was 10 years younger than TA . . reviewed email from her . . . did she take blame

shows exhibit . . pg 5 2nd paragraph
is she talking about blaming self for him kissing her
throughout conversation she thinks he of sex too much

is TA sexual humiliated and degraded you think/
I would not

listened to audio phone sex tape 5/10/08 - does he sound humiliated or degraded?
no not that I can remember

ja talked to alv about sexual contact ja had with him . . . first time she was uncomfy because it was too much too soon went along with anyway . . . talked about and she did several times throughout relationship . . when she gave him sexual things he wanted.

objection . .
may we approach
you can ask follow up question

what did she say
in an email or im . . written communication . .

what you learned
objection lack foundation - source
approach please
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 33s
Willmott wanted to approach after an objection by Juan. Judge asked Willmott to ask another questions. Willmott was confused #JodiArias
Give it up already Willmott, every human being on this planet, besides you, your co-counsel, your witness (and some crazies) know the defendant is a LIAR!!!
There hasn't been ONE, not a SINGLE positive thing said about the defense or the witness all day - please tell me the jury is feeling the same way we all do.

It's not possible for any of them to even be objective at this point, is it?

She's a day closer to being off the stand. I consider that positive! :D
Wong? Is she a producer or something for HLN/CNN?What does Wong have to do with this case.

Sorry and tia.


I would believe that. I don't think the motion for mistrial had been resolved. He has been wanting to call her for days.
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