trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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This picture scares me. The extreme closeness to Wilmott, the stare that goes right thru Wilmott, the beady eyes. It even captures a moment of disgust from JW . It screams creepy murderer to me.

That photo creeps me right out! You're right, even Wilmott looks like she has the eebie jeebies from her. A picture is worth a thousand words..or just one - crazy!
Why are we discussing Ted Bundy. He was a necrophiliac who murdered NUMEROUS women he did not know. He was a serial shoplifter who had a sock fetish. He likely had NPD and ASPD, which I agree that Jodi most likely has, but that's where the comparison ends.

She, as long as CA, have been compared to Ted Bundy numerous times here. I think it has more to do with the sociopathic tendencies than the similarity to the crimes themselves.
I want to know why ALV thinks that stalking victims have to be held to a standard, but DV victims are forgiven for not holding to a certain standard?

Both are horrific, I'm sure, but why is it that a stalking victim has to take drastic measure to prove that they were stalked? If there are reasons that a DV victim is afraid to leave a situation, then there are also reason why a stalking victim is afraid to rile the stalker.

As it takes time for a DV person to realize what is happening to them, it also takes time for a person to realize that someone is stalking them. It could take months for a stalking victim to realize that their "friend" is invading their privacy or showing up wherever they are, or have put a tracking GPS on them, etc and so on. Just like a DV person can feel that they can reason with their abuser and that it doesn't happen all the time, why can't a stalking person think that they have reasoned with their "friend" or lover and has also concluded that the behavior would stop?

I don't take away from DV victims. I just don't think it's fair to take away from stalking victims. Since they compared the two today, I have to raise these questions.
It bothers the heck out of me how the defense team on HLN (After Dark) just lied about the evidence and what the ME said.:furious: Good grief if they are going to do this silly show they need to get the facts straight instead of making them up to help their side of the case. It infuriates me.


Makes you want to scream lol:banghead:
HLN "After Dark" is showing photos of Travis while someone is reading his blog entry from May 18, 2008 with the words captioned on the screen. Travis wrote about finding a wife.


So sorry Travis, you never found that woman.
It bothers the heck out of me how the defense team on HLN (After Dark) just lied about the evidence and what the ME said.:furious: Good grief if they are going to do this silly show they need to get the facts straight instead of making them up to help their side of the case. It infuriates me.


That is one of the reasons I have given up on HLN. That and the constant bombardment of commercials for catheters (?!!?) and other medical issues and lawsuit commercials against the makers of the previous medical suppliers. Three minutes of inaccurate and outrageous content interrupted by seven minutes of commercials. UGH!

I've learned to get my content from AZCentral and WebSleuths (if I can just control my frustration enough to avoid getting banned!). :)
With the Helio that good old Gus provided her.


I may be waaay off here but do we know for sure the recorded phone call is authentic and not contrived??? I don't know how it could be done, but anyone have ideas?? :what:
She was resticted by the defense team. She was told what she could view and who she could talk to and yes the defense team was afraid of what she might find out from having face to face talks with anyone other than Jodi. She is a hired gun and thats what they do.

She reviewed transcripts of interviews with other witnesses. If she did separate interviews with them would they be expected to say something different than what they said the first time to LE or the prosecutor? And if they did, would that be more or less credible? I have no issue with her relying on sworn statements or statements to LE. That would be typical and expected.
That photo creeps me right out! You're right, even Wilmott looks like she has the eebie jeebies from her. A picture is worth a thousand words..or just one - crazy!

Isn't she acting weirder and weirder? Telling wilmott to object and actually voicing herself. Her behaviour. Is escalating. I hope the bailiff has the remote to her thing strapped to her. I have a feeling she may act out! When the verdict is read. Ya think?
HLN "After Dark" is recreating the "killing scene" with the "bold accusation" tonight being Jodi's killing story is impossible. I cannot comprehend how, in 62 seconds, everything she alleges happened could have occurred. If this were truly self-defense, and he came at her suddenly and without her anticipating it, she wouldn't even begin to think clearly to grab the gun (assuming for this argument it was on that shelf) or get the knife.

However, in 62 seconds a lot could be accomplished if she already had the weapons with her and it was only a matter of killing him, planned ahead of time in her mind how she would do it.


I have to say, I love Joey Jackson. They always make him argue for the defense of JOdi. And he does a good job. But at the end of every show, as they are summing things up, he always gets in a zinger about the reality of her being GUILTY. I am sure he wants us to remember what he really thinks.
I agree Princess ^ Jodi looked the worst today than any other day. Imagine what the next say 10 years will do to her appearance especially living on DR.

She's starting to resemble a praying mantis and has many of it's attributes. Predatory behavior and ambushing, biting off the head of the male when mating.
That photo creeps me right out! You're right, even Wilmott looks like she has the eebie jeebies from her. A picture is worth a thousand words..or just one - crazy!

Isn't she acting weirder and weirder? Telling wilmott to object and actually voicing herself. Her behaviour. Is escalating. I hope the bailiff has the remote to her thing strapped to her. I have a feeling she may act out! When the verdict is read. Ya think?
He didn't murder that girlfriend though .. he may have killed before her. There is a theory around that he killed women that reminded him of her because his victims had their hair parted down the middle as she did. Ted himself said it was the 70s .. all girls had their hair parted down the middle. Anyway, I think Jodi murdered Travis for entirely different reasons than Ted killed, I don't believe she got her sexual thrills from murder, I think she was in a narcissistic rage AT Travis because HE rejected her.

IMO their psychopathy is identical. Both are full of hidden rage. Both are master manipulators and liars. Both are narcissists.

TB's girlfriend disappeared after she rejected him. Nobody knows if he tried to find her to kill her or not. That is a distinct possibility. In those days there was no internet, no cell phones, no IMs, email. All he had was his used VW in which he drove all of the U.S. It obviously would not have been as easy for him to locate that ex-girlfriend then as it would be now.

Both TB and JA want to "own" their victims.

Whether JA got her sexual thrills from butchering Travis or not is irrelevant. Her deep rooted rage was satiated, as was TB's after each of his murders.
OMG, anyone just hear what "judge" Seidlin said about Juan? That he's taking way too long on cross, and it's just becoming a Juan Martinez commercial? Is he serious? This is the Anna Nicole Smith crying judge right? LMFAO....I hate HLN too. :floorlaugh:
Can JA appeal on grounds of insanity, or will her conviction/sentence be a done deal?

No way..insanity = not aware that what you did was wrong. She would never be able to prove that she did not know what she did was wrong at the because she cleaned up the crime scene and disposed of it. Consciousness of guilt!
HLN "After Dark" is recreating the "killing scene" with the "bold accusation" tonight being Jodi's killing story is impossible. I cannot comprehend how, in 62 seconds, everything she alleges happened could have occurred. If this were truly self-defense, and he came at her suddenly and without her anticipating it, she wouldn't even begin to think clearly to grab the gun (assuming for this argument it was on that shelf) or get the knife.

However, in 62 seconds a lot could be accomplished if she already had the weapons with her and it was only a matter of killing him, planned ahead of time in her mind how she would do it.


The defense's so called recreation in 42 seconds was a JOKE. They left out major time consuming things, like him yelling at her about the camera, the body slam, closing the door and then opening the door of the closet.

And did you notice how SLOWLY the man followed behind her 'in chase.' Travis was supposedly in a murderous rage, so why did the recreation show him in slow motion?
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