trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #142

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Now we have a mistrial continuum created by Nurmi
So, the theory is there should BE a mistrial if there is something that does not rise to that level, but it COULD have had the circumstances been different? :facepalm:
Desperate times call for desperate measures:

What shape do you see?

JM sees a dog...:lol:

Now KN wants to bring the jury to the expert's lab!!! :floorlaugh:

It was a rogue Organian from that classic Star Trek episode!

Organian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Judge Sherry - Mr. Nurmi, Juan is a rock star, you sir are not. Are you crying? There is NO crying in the courtroom!
Quoting myself, but I wanted to point out that it looks like the right hand is going back behind her to pull a knife out of her waistband, and the left hand is taking the picture. And that......Nurmi...... is what I see! Travis isn't threatening her at all, so bring that into evidence, and let the jurors decide it.

I just see tea leaves!
OMG I can't take much more of this trial..having heart palpitations !!
Poor TA family having to sit behind the killer..I would probably stab her in the neck with my pen...
Good for JM. He is pointing out how the defense is wasting the taxpayers money.
Did Nurmi REALLY think he was going to win?

If he did, he is more of an idiot than I already thought.
And this nonsense is going to take yet another day. Is ALV still on the clock since she had to stay over ?
So...AVL went into chambers and accused JM of being mean to her. Boo-Effing-Hoo. I need a migraine tablet.
This was a TOTAL waste of time and money and the jury's time. This was a PERSONAL ATTACK of Juan Martinez by NURMI & Co.

Despicable. Witness intimidation? Absurd. That their expert witnesses can't stand up under cross examination is NOT the State's fault!

Desperation stinks!

Nurmi acts as though he's personally jealous/ professionally jealous of Martinez. With good reason, I say--but totally irrelevant to this case.
:denied:mistrial :denied:
nurmi :denied:
Denied - Again.

Glad to see not much has changed since my time out!
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