trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #143

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He said, that he saw a dog, a German Shepherd, but the Defense may have seen a Mexican Chihuahua.

I took this to mean that Nurmi might consider Martinez a chihuaua, but he is a German Shepherd.
That makes a couple of times Juan has implied Nurmi has a problem with Mexicans (or any Latinos and/or their decendants living here).
Hmmm? :coffeews:
Wow. Thanks to sequek and Sleuth I am just never gonna look at margins the same way again - especially not margins in binders. ;)
Let's think things through here, Nurmi.

You are asserting that this DV expert, who has 35 years experience, working closely with violent batterers, even leading them in groups where she calls them out on their abusive behavior, and tells them to take Time Outs, this Domestic Violent expert, was intimidated by Juan?

:thud: I know. A real shocker.
Doesn't a gun flash when the bullet is expelled? Maybe she took a photo at the exact time the gun was discharged causing two flashes. The flashes would match the position of the gun verses the camera This would prove it was not self defense.

I was thinking that too!
Thank you. So now we should be hearing from the defenses next witness if they dont have one then on to the rebuttal correct?

I believe so. There was a defense witness added not long ago, and expert witness I think but I can't remember what their expertise is. So that will take another week or two at the rate they go.

Anxiously awaiting the rebuttal!!!!
It's be great if they allowed that picture in and let the Juror's draw their own impressions as to what it depicts.

Arias holding a camera in one hand and a knife in the other.

Arias holding a camera in one hand and a gun in the other.

Arias with horns on her head, and a forked tail twirling behind her, clutching a camera in one hand, a gun in the other, and with a knife poking out of the front of her hoodie pocket.

And of course...Various breeds of dogs - some holding sticks in their mouths.
Yep....I live here in Kaufman, Co. Never, ever believed it was a cartel or brotherhood.

My college roomie was from Kaufman! I used to visit there quite a bit. She's still in the area, too! (20-something years later)
IMHO, I hope he DIDN'T make up the drawing of the legs, because that proves that JA lied when she testified that she was squatting/kneeling down in front of Travis taking those final pics - because the legs outline would show that she is STANDING.

And also IMHO, I think that the outline actually shows that JA was holding the camera against her body with her right hand, probably trying to blind Travis with the flash in his eyes, but her right arm is raised too high (according to the outline) to be holding the camera. My guess is the knife is in her left hand, and is raised to strike.

Can someone tell me how Jodi was able to emit light?
I'm going to assume that involved your bottom margin.

Oh my goodness....if I type what I really want to type I will have to go to band camp....
I really want to know why Alyce is in a sealed court proceeding, and given Judge's remarks, and Juans, about what went on in an in -chambers session last week, I think Alyce may be in some serious trouble with the court. The judge indicated in her remarks "this is a priority" when Alyce was trying to dodge being back in court on Mon and Tues. I think the manifest, recent journals taken from the jail, Alyce touching Jodi-why did Juan ask that -, are all related. Then the comment from the judge herself as to the effect of "she should be concerned". Something big is brewing.

I think so too .. Like impeachment maybe??

Re-watched the vid from the trial on Friday and JM says something to JSS about can he ask the question they talked about (I think from Chambers). Then another time when he was questioning ALV he said he was asking a question to impeach her too. So we know that is pointing somewhere.

I hope so
I cannot see (no pun intended) the judge letting this in.
I believe so. There was a defense witness added not long ago, and expert witness I think but I can't remember what their expertise is. So that will take another week or two at the rate they go.

Anxiously awaiting the rebuttal!!!!

Can you believe it's finally in reach! We've been saying, "I can't wait for rebuttal for 2 months!"
That makes a couple of times Juan has implied Nurmi has a problem with Mexicans (or any Latinos and/or their decendants living here).
Hmmm? :coffeews:
I thought it was a jab at Jodi's silly testimony about shaking like a Chihuahua.
Wouldn't you agree, sleuthers, that the outline shown, by this expert, as you see it today, and what the witness testified to as his outline, sorta resembles a linebacker pose?
I still don't understand why they could not have had these hearings next Monday. There is no trial, because of a juror. Why waste the jury's time today, instead of waiting a week when they won't be there. Makes no sense to me.

Because by next Monday Juan will be in the middle of his rebuttal. I wonder WHY the 2 sides can't stay late or come in early. I guess things aren't done that way in AZ. I might suggest some "time management" skills are in order.
It's highly unlikely that Jodi was holding a gun or knife while that photograph was taken. It's silly. At some point in between those photos she pulled out a gun, likely after putting away the camera.

I don't think it is silly AT ALL! It is right in line with Jodi's sick mind. Look at the crap she likes to photograph. She WANTED Travis to know what's coming and she wanted to "capture" the look on his face.
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