trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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Wow - Thanks so much KCL !!! Do we have a line-up of Juan Martinez's rebut witnesses? Thanks again...
To: Liebchenmutti

What is your favorite "Juan-ism?"

Please share your favorite Juan line! I'm making a word/phrase cloud cross-stitch & need your help!

Hope I am not too late, these threads move fast!
More Juanisms:
"She lived in a shack, right?"
"Do you want to spar with me?"
"Snow White has no power, right?"
wouldn't be complete without
"You don't have any memory problems, do you?"[/QUOTEcan]

Can you imagine Juan reading a child's storybook aloud.

"So she lived in a shack, correct?"

"He wasn't saying, 'Let's get down, baby', or anything, right?"
For (((Boston))) tonight.


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I don't know but it will nail biting and darn right stressful. I'll probably be eating endless amounts of Lays potato chips till the verdict is reached.

I've been eating ruby red grapefruits like crazy! They're exceptionally good this year. Ate 5 today....:/
Re: The Camera--2 points

1) Many have posted questions/opinions about WHY THE CAMERA WAS IN THE WASHER--

--(I don't know if the camera actually still worked afterward OR if they were just able to retrieve the pics/data)

--BUT MOO: Jodi had to wash all of HER BLOOD out of it (along w/fingerprints) She thought all the pics were gone.

2) In what kind of scenario would the camera bag be left outside the bedroom doors? (next to the lovesack like someone sat there to get the camera out & ready)

--Imaginary scene: "Hey let's take some Calvin Klein style photos in the shower! But before we go into the privacy of the master suite, let's sit at the top of the stairs and get the cam ready. We will leave the strap, remote, extra memory cards, additional lenses, or flash attachments, and bag out here in the common area! Then we can go into the bedroom & shower to take these private photos!"

--MOO: He was in the shower (she could hear the water thru the wall behind the lovesack.) SHE crept up the stairs with the camera bag and sat down to get it out and ready.
--ALSO: The nudity pics were taken early in the day in his bedroom, so WHY would the camera (and BAG) be in any other place.

--Seems obvious that the bag outside the bedroom is HINKY!!! To me, it makes me think he was NOT lured into those pics--he was UNAWARE!!

Again JMHO--ANYBODY else have any suggestions for me to resolve these questions in my mind? TIA
KatieCool, did we meet the 5 k goal?
This makes more sense than the other picture, for sure, because my first question was--Didn't Jodi say she was squatting? I can't see how he could see her whole body like that with the camera at the height. But if Jodi was that close, as she'd indicated, then your interpretation makes sense. Except--where you have a thumb--that's a weapon, because she's taking the picture with the other hand, her right hand.

I can't believe the expert with his fancy equipment can't see a face there.

It's like the face on mars....IMO
If she was holding a weapon in one hand and the camera in the other it would have to be the gun. If she was simply holding a knife on TA I don't think he would have just sat there and let her take the photo. He would immediately start trying to defend himself. A gun, on the other hand, is a different kind of threat. It might cause someone to become frozen with fear. ...snip...

That's been my guess all along, that she held him at gunpoint. But he may have been posing not out of fear but to give Jodi what she wanted so she would leave.

In any event, even if the enhanced photo shows that she did not have a weapon at that time, it hardly makes a case for self defense. It is a pathetic last-ditch effort from the DT to try and have SOMETHING go their way. JM has demolished everything else.
Margins blown.
PLEASE "preview" before you post it here. UGh
That reminds me of anagrammy's scenario. Where is anagrammy? I miss her.

I'm here. I've been pouting because I got a TO, but guess what? Real life came rushing back like a tsunami. All the things I put off, like dirty dishes, vacuuming, they are started crying out for attention.....So I've been lurking but I am very interested that the new evidence dribbling in is supporting some of the alternative theories, like the Torture First theory.

I believe the shower pics were taken so Arias could photograph him dying because she is a sadistic sociopath. They enjoy suffering so much they want to prolong the pleasure. This is why torturers make tapes of their victim's screams, so they can relive the moment.

He thinks she's gone and he sits down, perhaps starting to feel weak. He's exhausted and has been trying to get rid of this crazy woman all night. In the shower, he is asking God to help him, to forgive him. Remember the ME said there would be some time before the stab to the vena cava would kill him. You can see blood by the drain in the sitting photo, so he actively bleeding and has been bleeding the whole time in the shower. He has been crying also, you can see the snot from his left nostril streaming down his face. She leaves finally and he slumps to the floor of the shower, crying, hugging his legs, trying to summon the strength to get out.

And the monster comes back. Smiling, he can see her through the door, which is closed. He is wary, thinks he sees a knife. She takes the photo then opens the door and attacks him on the head again and again.

She has the knife in the right hand (different from my previous thought). He lunges at her in horrific pain, realizing for the first time that she is trying to kill him because she says, "F*cking kill you, *****!" He lunges at her like a linebacker and she continues to stab, stab, stab, inflicting the series of shallow stabs lined up along the right side of his back, which you can see in the autopsy photos. She can't swing her arm far because he's got her by the waist.

And you know the rest.

KatieCool, did we meet the 5 k goal?

Oh yes we did! And way beyond! I don't know an exact figure and didn't ask as it's personal to the family. I just know we met the goal, easily. did you know we had one $3500 donor? WOW
Death Row in AZ..... she won't be next years Prison Idol. :rocker:

All male and female inmates on Death Row are classified as maximum custody. All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress. Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week. All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week. Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances, two books and writing materials, which can be purchased from the inmate commissary. Health care is provided at the Health Unit; medication is passed out at the cell front. Clergy contacts are provided at the cell.

Thank you so much - BBM - She deserves no contact IMO. Now, how does this compare to if she is sentenced to Life ?
Eye pic guy's interpretation of the her hair is not correct. imo

Wasn't her hair in braids? I also believe she had sort of hoodie on as part of her "ninja" outfit after she snuck in.

THAT pic is the one I believe Travis realized she was actually standing in front of him.


Oh yes we did! And way beyond! I don't know an exact figure and didn't ask as it's personal to the family. I just know we met the goal, easily. did you know we had one $3500 donor? WOW

Oh wow amazing! That's great! (((((((Websleuthers))))))). What fine people we have here.
KCL, thanks for the explanation. Answered many of my questions.

IMO, ALV's trip to the ER was an attempt to get off the witness stand. I don't think the DT wants her blathering anymore either.
Nothing has been confirmed re: ALV. We shall see what tomorrow brings. I transcribed Friday's video and put up the link.

What do you think are the 2 separate issues??

1) whether the jury has more questions for her
2) if the judge wants to see her in chambers
The poster wanted to know if they were the same thing. Clearly they are not. And I don't have a clue now if ALV was there today? So many long time members today swore she was. Guess we're going to have to wait till tomorrow. God make this end soon!
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