trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

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I can't choose my favorite Dr. Demarte moment (too many) but one of the highlights for me was the exchange between her and Juan about "The Secret" and whether or not it was a college course at Michigan, or UMass or whether it was just a massively hyped phenomenon that some people used and sometimes misused to justify their behavior and words. <--- my summary, not verbatim

I loved it. YES!! "The Secret" is such bull as part of this defense and it was fantastic to have an expert debunk that after ALV and the team tried to give it credence like it was an established credible theory that should be considered in a murder trial.

I loved when Dr.D said Jodi told her she saw "a little" blood her fingers and thought I must of killed him...not covered in blood just a little on her fingers..
Epic fail when it comes to her convenient memory loss, but perhaps a small kernel of truth amid all the lies...We know she cleaned up before she left the house. No blood anywhere in the house except the master suite/bathroom. She may well have spotted a small amount of blood on her fingers before she got to to the Hoover Dam checkpoint. Could have been residual or happened when she ditched the gun, knife, clothes, etc.
So completely unprofessional. I cannot imagine how she thinks acting that way makes her or her client appear in a better light, when the whole jury is sitting there listening two consummate professionals - Martinez and DeMarte.

Considering no one in court laughed at her brain meltdown last week after the jury questions. That was just sad to watch.
And it takes a LOT of anger to kick down a door and smash windows. I've never in my life smashed a window and I've been angry.

This totally shatters all the testimony by the expert witnesses describing Jodi as a "shaky meek individual" that couldn't handle when men raise their voices at her.

Ditto and I do have slight a temper.

I did however hit by car in anger after I bumped my head on the roof as I tried to enter. :furious: :banghead:
This testimony is SUCH an incredible contrast to the defense experts. They seemed to be trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, and it just felt so uncomfortable and wrong. Dr. Demarte took the square peg and found the square hole (BPD) and it fits in perfectly, so it feels right and finally makes sense. I am hoping the jury is feeling the same sense of relief that we are!

i don't think jw will be able to shake dd. jw's questioning will be interesting to watch. :moo:
When Juan asked Dr. De if there were any reason why someone wouldn't write answers in a legal pad and then transfer them to the bubble sheet and she said it would have to be an extreme circumstance, I was hoping she would say, "maybe if someone were a double amputee and had no arms to write with, that would be an appropriate method," just to show how ridiculous it is.

I swear to Gid that's what I was thinking... No arms!

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Most people cannot remember what they had for breakfast a week ago. :floorlaugh: and then theres Jodi.
Doesn't situation depression tend to go away when the cause ends? But PTSD can last longer after the event. I would have thought the two were different, but I don't really know.

Yes and yes.
Let me give you a true example.
When I was a young child a very traumatic even occurred.
I always knew it happened, but with time I was able to push it down when it came into my mind. (not healthy but that's what I did as I did not have access to help -or even know I needed help as a child).
I grew up, married, had children.
When my daughter reached the age in which I was traumatized, I started experiencing nightmares, extreme reactivity, extreme fear, dropped out of my social life, and I was in no way able to control or push down the thoughts of the traumatic event.
I ended up getting help (because I seriously thought I was losing my mind). I was diagnosed with PTSD.
Since I had not had an opportunity to receive any type of help dealing with or processing the traumatic event as a child I had been "shoving it down". The triggering event to the PTSD becoming uncontrollable was my daughter reaching that age. My fear that it would happen to her, made my own trauma come roaring to the surface.
With time and counseling (2yrs) I was finally able to process and move beyond the traumatic event.
In fact, I realized that a lot of things I did in my daily life prior to counseling, most that could be seen as "quirks", were in reality very much connected to the trauma.
I can't really give a lot of examples without letting out more than I am comfortable with about the trauma, but many could seem to a "quirks" but actually were because of a sense of being unsafe. One small example, no matter where I was I always had to sleep on the side of the bed farthest from the door. I never realized it was always the farthest from the door, just thought I was "quirky" that I had a definite side of the bed but it flip flopped depending on where I was.

Depression is often situation and will clear up after whatever issue (divorce, job issue, illness, etc) is resolved. Unless it is a clinical depression, which is an actual brain chemical imbalance which will not go away on it's own and needs to be managed with medication.

Hope that helps.
I hope we get a soundbite from the Dr. about stalking and where that fits in...
Do we know who any of the other rebuttal witnesses are. Its almost like they can't get any better.

After all these weeks of listening to pure and utter crap about TA and their sex life, I almost feel washed clean of the nonsense.

She made RS and ALV look like kindegartners today.


I think there are two witnesses prepared to prove she lied about the 3rd gas can. There is an executive of WAlMart, whom I assume will bring records showing there was no gas can returned in Salinas that day. And there is an employee of the Tesaro gas station, whom I believe will testify that all of those receipts were for gas purchases. BAM BAM, she LIED to this jury about that 3rd can.
Notice the defense didn't argue if admitted then need to show it all as they have done in the past, my guess if we saw the entire email it would hurt them even more ( if that's possible ) IMO of course

Man I would love to see the rest of that email! It looks to me as if she relates some incident of her going off on Daryl in that 3rd paragraph but it was cut off. If anybody got a better screengrab please post it.

The problem is, doesn't it seem like the paragraph ABOVE the one Dr. Demarte read is addressing a bout of anger that Travis had? Still, over all, I think the "destruction of property" that JA describes from her past way outweighs anything else the defense can try to dump on Travis.
I zoned in on " I called Darryl (but only because...)" Like she had to give herself an excuse..."but only because".

Lolz, I focussed on that too!! In the longer example she says something like 'Daryl asked her what her situation was .. and she said the same which made her cry' .. yeah, right, she's just trying to brag to whoever got this email that Daryl is still in love with her and wants her back.

Man, it's tiresome watching Jodi chase men away with her crazy behaviour then try and paint it to the rest of the world that they are crazy in love with her, not the other way around.

Makes you want to scream and shake her.
things are just so much easier when someone is telling the truth. JW won't rattle her, is my prediction. she doesn't need to twist and turn things. it just is what it is. I LOVE HER!!

How Right You Are! The truth Never changes, therefore you never have to fear being caught in a LIE
It's easy to get good expert witnesses when all they have to do is conduct a professional evaluation and tell the truth. When you are in the position of having to find "experts" who will testify to utter absurdities, it gets to be slim pickens.
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