trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

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I love this witness, she answered the questions as if she were having a nice glass of wine with them. I think the bear/ tiger question was brilliant amongst others. This is very telling of the juror who asked. Clearly a Tigard attack would be different than a bear and your experience would be significantly different. A bear malls, a tiger goes for the throat in the event you survived you trauma would be or PTSD would vary as to your triggers etc. just my opinion
IMO, asking for clarification (which is what the questions were, imo) isn't the same as being pro defense. I'm very pro JM, but I could see myself asking any one of those questions if I were on the jury.

To me, none of the questions are pro-defense or even pro-prosecution when it comes down to it; it's just a jury faced with the gravity of having someone's fate in their hands and doing their due diligence.

So far, this jury has struck me as very intelligent and attentive.


Then I read your thoughts and think maybe I am crazy :crazy:
I missed it, but the bear/tiger question sounds absurd. That's not at all analogous to Arias' lying on the PTSD test, and it worries me as to the jurors logic and reasoning abilities?
Jodi met and exchanged numbers with a man on the plane after Travis' memorial?????
She heads over to Ryans house, jumps in his bed, oh I forgot, she said its called a love sac, and then has dinner with TRAVIS' friends. Just hours after killing him.
I totally interpreted differently. But I'm goofy like that. :seeya:
Thanks for showing me a different way of thinking!!!! :)

When Samuels gave the test, the discrepancy was between the ninja story being the traumatic event, vs. the Domestic Violence of Travis. So I am assuming that the juror was referring to those two things as the bear and the tiger.

And that question worries me a bit because it seems as though they are saying it does not matter if she lied about the source of the trauma, fact remains there was a trauma and so she would likely have PTSD.
It was interesting listening to a TH today. She said it's important to have the jury know the difference between PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder.

Defendants with PTSD can be rehabilitated, but those with BPD can not be rehabilitated. They fall in the same line as Serial killers. That's why JW and the defense are fighting so hard against the Borderline Personality Disorder.

According to the TH's a jury is more inclined to go for a stiffer sentence when a defendent cant be rehabilitated.
I love this witness, she answered the questions as if she were having a nice glass of wine with them. I think the bear/ tiger question was brilliant amongst others. This is very telling of the juror who asked. Clearly a Tigard attack would be different than a bear and your experience would be significantly different. A bear malls, a tiger goes for the throat in the event you survived you trauma would be or PTSD would vary as to your triggers etc. just my opinion

And with a bear attack you're supposed to curl up into a ball and play dead. With the're damned if you run, you're damned if you play dead!
Travis had several friends staying over, plus he had roommates. But, to me, the interesting part is that there was NO ROOM IN TRAVIS' BED!

Hi, he had 30 people staying over night. He didnt want her there, told her to leave. She stayed~under the tree! :floorlaugh: :seeya:
I am shocked that not one juror questioned her opinion (clinical of course ;)) that JA has BPD. They totally trust her!

ITA - The lack of questions is a really good indicator that the jurors have a lot of confidence is DD's testimony and testing methods. She did a fantastic job - solid as a rock and unshakeable.
I love this witness, she answered the questions as if she were having a nice glass of wine with them. I think the bear/ tiger question was brilliant amongst others. This is very telling of the juror who asked. Clearly a Tigard attack would be different than a bear and your experience would be significantly different. A bear malls, a tiger goes for the throat in the event you survived you trauma would be or PTSD would vary as to your triggers etc. just my opinion

That is the very question that gives me concern. I kept thinking...what? Fear is fear. I don't care if it's a snake you are a afraid's a real fear.
If the question had been regarding Jodi's made up fear of the ninjas, verses fear of Travis attacking her, that would have been fine. But I felt somebody was being snarky with this question.
That was interesting what she said about Jodi cracking onto a guy on the plane back from the memorial .. showed that she had completely devalued Travis at that point. So basically she hated him afterwards, perhaps still does.

She gives me the impression that she believes that she now controls Travis completely. SHE decided when he would die. SHE decided he would not go to Cancun with another woman. SHE decided Travis wouldn't have the opportunity to expose her for the nasty, promiscuous, lying, manipulative loser she was.

I think she was gloating and smirking at the Memorial Service because SHE decided that Travis just would not exist in all the lives of his friends she was so murderously jealous of.

But, she's wrong. She controls NOTHING. You can't enslave someone's soul. She is pure darkness--and guess what, Jodi? The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. Beyotch!
Then I read your thoughts and think maybe I am crazy :crazy:
IMO there's a bit of reading too much into the questions. We hear them, but we don't know the why. Sure, someone on the jury might be buying the defense's theory, or they might not. Ultimately we won't know until verdict day, so I take the questions at face value and try not to read anything into them.

I don't always succeed.

but I do give myself a kick when I'm trying to read the jury's mind.
A bear malls, a tiger goes for the throat

And in Alabama the tusks are looser, but that's entirely ir-elephant to what I was talking about.

I didn't say BPD isn't a big deal. I said BPD is not a big deal when it comes down to the driving force that caused her to kill Travis.

Again, I must disagree. My GD's therapist said BPD can break down into 2 groups - those that harm themselves and those that harm others.

Certainly not all BPDs will do harm, but the odds are in favor they will, if not appropriately treated.
That whole PTSD was to explain the 'fog' and I think they should have made it clear that 'HAVING' PTSD symptoms and having AMNESIA symptoms are different.... JM really needs to explain that fog is all a distraction for his slit throat!!!
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