trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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You're supposed to be taking it easy, Katie. I'm going to tell Orville if you don't cease and desist.
I will risk trying to write something semi-intelligent from my phone to note the "beautiful photographer" makes for a better narrative than "drifter waitress".

To be fair, I also get annoyed at the narrative of Travis Alexander being a"motivational speaker". Oh, really? And motivating people to do what? To join and work for a multi-level marketing scheme selling legal services like Amway and time shares, where even a top dog like Gus Searcy didn't have a lawyer.

Like telemarketing boiler rooms outfits like that gravitate to Arizona because of less stringent regulation.

Call Jodi Arias what she was, but also recognize Travis was a cheerleader making his money selling people on selling. Selling dreams of success that's 99% BS.

Its almost a class thing, where tragedy is only tragic when the right sort of people, who meet the aspirations of white collar media types, are involved.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

You're making very good points here.
Sorry if this is already posted. I wonder what's up?

WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 4m @Momma_to_6 There is a hearing today at 10:00am. I am in communication with Dennis. As far as I know it's a closed hearing though.

Is this the issue about the jail finding Jodi with journals in her cell on April 1?
I really do think that term applies to a lot of women. The ones that attempt to use their sexuality to manipulate people or situations - instead of using their brains or ability.

I bet Jodi never expected what she found in the LDS singles ward in Mesa - loads of younger, prettier, more accomplished, more wholesome females vying for the attention of the single men. She told JM that she couldn't attend her ward's FHM on Monday night, because she worked. Nuh uh. She couldn't attend because she was in her car tracking Travis to and from his FHM, plus she couldn't tolerate the competition at her own.
I read somewhere yesterday that it's a status hearing. Judge probably wants to know when this fiasco is going to wind up.
Yes, I now think it was intentional too. At first I was assuming it got picked up accidentally, but after thinking about what was in the washer I saw it differently. She had cut her hand and was likely throwing things in the washer that might have contained her DNA from that day. His underwear and socks, probably left on the bathroom floor when he undressed for his shower. He had already washed the bedding (IMO after he thought she had left) so she didn't have to worry about those. But the camera... A camera has lots of tiny grooves and gears that could make it impossible to wipe clean - in addition, this one was new and there would be no reason for any traces of JA to be on it. She was quick to remind Flores in interrogation that her fingerprints and hair would have been there naturally because she had lived and visited there previously - she had already planned that explanation. Fingerprints on furniture could be wiped off. But a new camera, especially one that might contain some of her DNA wouldn't work - she bled on it when deleting the pics, IMO, and knew it had to be washed. She hadn't intended on it looking like a burglary gone bad, so hadn't made any plans for taking items with her that would have to be destroyed or hidden. So she tossed it in the washer to get rid of her DNA, thinking she had deleted the pics. The recovered pics, the bloody hand print and her blood on the camera were details that had not been planned out in advance.

Absolutely. I believe the same thing so vehemently that I put it in my signature. It seems so very obvious, to me.
Sorry if this has bn answered already.

It's "crazy" in Hebrew.

Not Hebrew but Yiddish (not that it really matters).

My Yiddish is extremely sketchy, but I personally would not use mashugana to describe Jodi. She goes way beyond that. However, what goes on in that courtroom is definitely mishegas.
Thank you, thank you. I listened over and over and just didn't get it. Some great posters on WS gave me help, but I still didn't feel like I understood enough. I missed "the restructured clinical scale" part. I'm certain JW's grating voice and hostile, disorganized, mostly meaningless questions, didn't help my concentration. Thanks![/QUOTE

Every day JW has her 'Finest Moment" :floorlaugh: Today was when she put Dr. Samuels piece of yellow legal paper back up on the over head to question Dr. D. and reminded everyone that instead of giving Jodi an answer sheet to fill in her answers, he gave her a piece of paper and then took her answers and transferred them to an answer form. Thanks for reminding me JW, everytime I think about that it cracks me up.

And she seemed to suggest there were two separate handwritings. To me, that seems even sloppier or suspect! I can't imagine why she thought that was a good thing to point out.
I think the seal is just an old picture.. WAT has the bar codes.. No seal..

I guess you are right..
Yes, I now think it was intentional too. At first I was assuming it got picked up accidentally, but after thinking about what was in the washer I saw it differently. She had cut her hand and was likely throwing things in the washer that might have contained her DNA from that day. His underwear and socks, probably left on the bathroom floor when he undressed for his shower. He had already washed the bedding (IMO after he thought she had left) so she didn't have to worry about those. But the camera... A camera has lots of tiny grooves and gears that could make it impossible to wipe clean - in addition, this one was new and there would be no reason for any traces of JA to be on it. She was quick to remind Flores in interrogation that her fingerprints and hair would have been there naturally because she had lived and visited there previously - she had already planned that explanation. Fingerprints on furniture could be wiped off. But a new camera, especially one that might contain some of her DNA wouldn't work - she bled on it when deleting the pics, IMO, and knew it had to be washed. She hadn't intended on it looking like a burglary gone bad, so hadn't made any plans for taking items with her that would have to be destroyed or hidden. So she tossed it in the washer to get rid of her DNA, thinking she had deleted the pics. The recovered pics, the bloody hand print and her blood on the camera were details that had not been planned out in advance.

I agree with you. Why do you think she didn't take it with her? Possibly because a missing camera would point to her, the amazing photographer 'friend' of Travis?
Oh, you'll find you have a lot of company here with that theory. I have never believed there was any real "relationship" between them. TA was sexually attracted to her, she made herself available to him, but so far as we know he never even intimated that there was a serious relationship between the two of them. This was entirely Einstein's construction. I think she was considering weaving it her unified theory.

I think they had a something real at the beginning. In a TV interview, the Hughes' said that TA was totally enamored with her when they first met - TA told them JA was the one.

What happened next is anyone's guess, but I think most of us have had enough experience with failed relationships to imagine.

I imagine the bloom came off the rose. JA started acting psycho (possessive/controlling). TA started pulling away. JA pretended like she was cool with breaking up - perhaps even initiating it with the idea that he would come running back. The more indifferent TA became, the more JA stalked - the frantic-ness and seething escalated.
It is irrational. That is the point. Not all larger and stronger men will hurt smaller people. But the events were traumatic enough that I associate larger males with having the ability to harm smaller people in a terrible way. It is a part I have not worked through and may never. Its hard to relate and work through because the trauma(s) that cause the triggers are still vivid. For example, one of the abusive events, caused trauma not only in myself but siblings. It was a terrible event. I remember during it thinking if this is how I am going to die, please do not let my brothers and sisters see it, please don't let them be separated. I did not think about what was happening, I was thinking of my siblings, not myself. They saw what was happening, the blood and the humilitaion. It is more than just being hit. I stayed in a hospital for 6 days afterwards. Not once did I admit that my stepfather did that to me. I was so concerned with my siblings being in a place I could not protect them. Even though everyone knew what had happened. You do not get a broken arm, broken ribs, bruises on your neck and a gash on your head that gets 7 stitches by falling down the stairs because you are a clutz.

I have a long way to go, but I have certainly learned that not everyone is like my parents. It takes a long time to put things in place.


I totally agree. The reactions that arise from past trauma are "irrational". It can't be helped. It is a visceral, body reaction. I knew mine were "irrational" AFTER they happened and I had time to think about it, but in that moment I was unable to think "reasonably".
My counselor termed them "body memories" (probably just a term she used to help me understand it). The body reacts to the trigger (sound, smell, person, etc) before your brain even has a chance to realize what the body is reacting to.
Through two years of therapy I was able to work through a lot of what happened and some triggers are gone. But I know if I were to run into a very direct reminder (the person, the place it happened, etc) it would be a definite trigger even after all this time and help I received.
On the top of the WildAboutTrial livestream page it says court continues 4/23.

I could've sworn they were doing today though. I know they aren't going to be in session 4/22 because of the juror who had a previous engagement, but I was certain today we were in session. :(
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